James Russell Wilson

University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Behavioral Genetics; Hormones
"James Wilson"
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Rodriguez LA, Wilson JR, Nagoshi CT. (1993) Does psychomotor sensitivity to alcohol predict subsequent alcohol use? Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 17: 155-61
Rhea SA, Nagoshi CT, Wilson JR. (1993) Reliability of sibling reports on parental drinking behaviors. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 54: 80-4
Wilson JR, Erwin VG, Deitrich RA. (1993) Foreword to special issue on genetics and alcoholism Behavior Genetics. 23: 117-117
Berta J, Wilson JR. (1992) Seven generations of genetic selection for ethanol dependence in mice. Behavior Genetics. 22: 345-59
Gabrielli WF, Nagoshi CT, Rhea SA, et al. (1991) Anticipated and subjective sensitivities to alcohol. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 52: 205-14
Nagoshi CT, Wilson JR, Rodriguez LA. (1991) Impulsivity, sensation seeking, and behavioral and emotional responses to alcohol. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 15: 661-7
Nagoshi CT, Wilson JR. (1989) Long-term repeatability of human alcohol metabolism, sensitivity and acute tolerance. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 50: 162-9
Deckard BS, Wilson JR, Schlesinger K. (1989) Behavioral and reproductive differences in mice as a function of inbreeding. Behavior Genetics. 19: 433-45
DeFries JC, Wilson JR, Erwin VG, et al. (1989) LS X SS recombinant inbred strains of mice: initial characterization. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 13: 196-200
Wilson JR, Nagoshi CT. (1988) Adult children of alcoholics: cognitive and psychomotor characteristics. British Journal of Addiction. 83: 809-20
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