Craig Nagoshi

Psycholgy UT at Arlington 
"Craig Nagoshi"
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Nagoshi C, Kumor KM, Muntaner C. (1992) Test-retest stability of cardiovascular and subjective responses to intravenous cocaine in humans. British Journal of Addiction. 87: 591-9
Cascella NG, Pearlson G, Wong DF, et al. (1991) Effects of substance abuse on ventricular and sulcal measures assessed by computerised tomography. The British Journal of Psychiatry : the Journal of Mental Science. 159: 217-21
Muntaner C, Kumor KM, Nagoshi C, et al. (1991) Effects of nifedipine pretreatment on subjective and cardiovascular responses to intravenous cocaine in humans. Psychopharmacology. 105: 37-41
Muntaner C, Walter D, Nagoshi C, et al. (1990) Self-report vs. laboratory measures of aggression as predictors of substance abuse. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 25: 1-11
Muntaner C, Nagoshi C, Jaffe JH, et al. (1989) Correlates of self-reported early childhood aggression in subjects volunteering for drug studies. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 15: 383-402
Muntaner C, Cascella NG, Kumor KM, et al. (1989) Placebo responses to cocaine administration in humans: effects of prior administrations and verbal instructions. Psychopharmacology. 99: 282-6
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