Michael Koban, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Biology | Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, United States |
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Sign in to add traineeRolicia F. Martin | research assistant | 2005-2009 | Morgan State University |
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Moraes DA, Machado RB, Koban M, et al. (2022) The Pituitary-Adrenal Response to Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Is Similar to a Psychological Stressor, Whereas the Hypothalamic Response Is Unique. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 13: 885909 |
Hoffman GE, Koban M. (2016) Hypothalamic L-Histidine Decarboxylase Is Up-Regulated During Chronic REM Sleep Deprivation of Rats. Plos One. 11: e0152252 |
Koban M, Sita LV, Le WW, et al. (2008) Sleep deprivation of rats: the hyperphagic response is real. Sleep. 31: 927-33 |
Koban M, Stewart CV. (2006) Effects of age on recovery of body weight following REM sleep deprivation of rats. Physiology & Behavior. 87: 1-6 |
Koban M, Le WW, Hoffman GE. (2006) Changes in hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone, neuropeptide Y, and proopiomelanocortin gene expression during chronic rapid eye movement sleep deprivation of rats. Endocrinology. 147: 421-31 |
Koban M, Swinson KL. (2005) Chronic REM-sleep deprivation of rats elevates metabolic rate and increases UCP1 gene expression in brown adipose tissue. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 289: E68-74 |