Madison Pesowski
Affiliations: | 2013- | Psychology | University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada |
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Nancekivell SE, Pesowski ML. (2023) Ownership as an extension of self: An alternative to a minimalist model. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 46: e345 |
Pesowski ML, Powell LJ, Cikara M, et al. (2022) Interpersonal utility and children's social inferences from shared preferences. Cognition. 232: 105344 |
Pesowski ML, Kanngiesser P, Friedman O. (2019) Give and take: Ownership affects how 2- and 3-year-olds allocate resources. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology |
Pesowski ML, Friedman O. (2019) Children value objects with distinctive histories. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Pesowski ML, Friedman O. (2018) Using versus liking: Young children use ownership to predict actions but not to infer preferences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 169: 19-29 |
Pesowski ML, Denison S, Friedman O. (2016) Young children infer preferences from a single action, but not if it is constrained. Cognition. 155: 168-175 |
Pesowski ML, Friedman O. (2016) Preschoolers use emotional reactions to infer relations: The case of ownership Cognitive Development. 40: 60-67 |
McEwan S, Pesowski ML, Friedman O. (2015) Identical but not interchangeable: Preschoolers view owned objects as non-fungible. Cognition. 146: 16-21 |
Pesowski ML, Friedman O. (2015) Preschoolers and toddlers use ownership to predict basic emotions. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 15: 104-8 |