David Martin Regan

Psychology York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
"David Regan"
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Giaschi D, Chapman C, Meier K, et al. (2015) The effect of occlusion therapy on motion perception deficits in amblyopia. Vision Research
Regan D. (2012) Vision and cricket Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 32: 257-270
Gray R, Regan DM. (2010) Unconfounding the time to passage, direction of motion and rotation rate of an approaching object: Different early visual processing in expert baseball players and nonplayers Journal of Vision. 6: 633-633
Gray R, Castaneda B, Sieffert R, et al. (2010) Comparing the relative accuracy of perception and action in ball catching Journal of Vision. 5: 336-336
Regan D, Gray R. (2009) Lee's tau operator. Perception. 38: 855-7; discussion 85
Regan D, Gray R. (2009) Binocular processing of motion: some unresolved questions. Spatial Vision. 22: 1-43
Regan D. (2009) Some early uses of evoked brain responses in investigations of human visual function Vision Research. 49: 882-897
Gray R, Regan D. (2007) Glare susceptibility test results correlate with temporal safety margin when executing turns across approaching vehicles in simulated low-sun conditions. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics : the Journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists). 27: 440-50
Regan D, Regan MP, Harnanansingh D. (2006) Convergence of boundary and body information in the visual processing of aspect ratio Vision Research. 46: 3451-3461
Gray R, Regan DM. (2006) Unconfounding the direction of motion in depth, time to passage and rotation rate of an approaching object. Vision Research. 46: 2388-402
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