Barbara Zenger-Landolt
Affiliations: | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Visual attentionGoogle:
"Barbara Zenger-Landolt"Mean distance: 12.56 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDov Sagi | grad student | Weizmann Institute | |
Manfred Fahle | post-doc | Universität Tübingen | |
David J. Heeger | post-doc | Stanford | |
Christof Koch | post-doc | Caltech | |
Jochen Braun | post-doc | 1997-1999 | Caltech |
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Zenger-Landolt B, Heeger DJ. (2003) Response suppression in v1 agrees with psychophysics of surround masking. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 23: 6884-93 |
Nadell DE, Zenger-Landolt B, Heeger DJ. (2003) Linking visual masking effects with fMRI responses in early visual areas Journal of Vision. 3: 358a |
Zenger-Landolt B, Heeger DJ. (2002) Surround suppression in human V1 explains psychophysical lateral masking Journal of Vision. 2: 128a |
Zenger-Landolt B, Koch C. (2001) Flanker effects in peripheral contrast discrimination--psychophysics and modeling. Vision Research. 41: 3663-75 |
Zenger-Landolt B, Fahle M. (2001) Discriminating contrast discontinuities: asymmetries, dipper functions, and perceptual learning. Vision Research. 41: 3009-21 |
Zenger-Landolt B, Koch C. (2001) Attention reduces flanker suppression Journal of Vision. 1: 342a |