Mary L. Malik, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Mary Malik"
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Rytas Vilgalys grad student 1996 Duke (Evolution Tree)
Larry E. Beutler grad student 2003 UC Santa Barbara
 (What predicts change in psychotherapy? The influence of impairment, diagnosis, coping style, and resistance on individual rates of change.)
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Corbella S, Beutler LE, Fernández-Alvarez H, et al. (2003) Measuring coping style and resistance among Spanish and Argentine samples: development of the Systematic Treatment Selection Self-Report in Spanish. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 59: 921-32
Beutler LE, Moleiro C, Malik M, et al. (2003) A comparison of the Dodo, EST, and ATI factors among comorbid stimulant-dependent, depressed patients Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 10: 69-85
Beutler LE, Brookman L, Harwood TM, et al. (2001) Functional impairment and coping style. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 38: 437-442
Connor KM, Davidson JR, Potts NL, et al. (1998) Discontinuation of clonazepam in the treatment of social phobia. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 18: 373-8
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