Barbara J Wilson

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
"Barbara Wilson"
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Joanne Cantor grad student


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Andrew J. Weaver grad student UIUC
Nicole Martins grad student 2008 UIUC
Veronica Hefner grad student 2011 UIUC
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Anderson CA, Bushman BJ, Bartholow BD, et al. (2017) Screen Violence and Youth Behavior. Pediatrics. 140: S142-S147
Hefner V, Wilson BJ. (2013) From Love at First Sight to Soul Mate: The Influence of Romantic Ideals in Popular Films on Young People's Beliefs about Relationships Communication Monographs. 80: 150-175
Martins N, Wilson BJ. (2012) Social aggression on television and its relationship to children's aggression in the classroom Human Communication Research. 38: 48-71
Martins N, Wilson BJ. (2012) Mean on the Screen: Social Aggression in Programs Popular With Children Journal of Communication. 62: 991-1009
Martins N, Wilson BJ. (2011) Parental Communication About Kidnapping Stories in the US News Journal of Children and Media. 5: 132-146
Weaver AJ, Jensen JD, Martins N, et al. (2011) Liking violence and action: An examination of gender differences in children's processing of animated content Media Psychology. 14: 49-70
Martins N, Wilson BJ. (2011) Genre differences in the portrayal of social aggression in programs popular with children Communication Research Reports. 28: 130-140
Weaver AJ, Wilson BJ. (2009) The role of graphic and sanitized violence in the enjoyment of television dramas Human Communication Research. 35: 442-463
Wilson BJ. (2008) Media and children's aggression, fear, and altruism. The Future of Children / Center For the Future of Children, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. 18: 87-118
Wilson BJ, Martins N, Marske AL. (2005) Children's and parents' fright reactions to kidnapping stories in the news Communication Monographs. 72: 46-70
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