Veronica Hefner, Ph.D.

2011 Communication University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Cinema, Mass Communications
"Veronica Hefner"
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Barbara J Wilson grad student 2011 UIUC
 (From love at first sight to soul mate: Romantic ideals in popular films and their association with young people's beliefs about relationships.)
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Hefner V. (2019) Does love conquer all? An experiment testing the association between types of romantic comedy content and reports of romantic beliefs and life satisfaction. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 8: 376-384
Hefner V, Firchau R, Norton K, et al. (2017) Happily Ever After? A Content Analysis of Romantic Ideals in Disney Princess Films Communication Studies. 68: 511-532
Hefner V. (2016) Tuning into fantasy: Motivations to view wedding television and associated romantic beliefs Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 5: 307-323
Hefner V, Galaviz T, Morse V, et al. (2015) Refusing to Tolerate Intolerance: An Experiment Testing the Link Between Exposure to Gay-Related Content and Resulting Attitudes and Behaviors Sexuality and Culture. 19: 864-881
Hefner V, Woodward K, Figge L, et al. (2014) The Influence of Television and Film Viewing on Midlife Women's Body Image, Disordered Eating, and Food Choice Media Psychology. 17: 185-207
Bevan JL, Hefner V, Love A. (2014) An Exploration of Topics, Conflict Styles, and Rumination in Romantic Nonserial and Serial Arguments The Southern Communication Journal. 79: 347-360
Hefner V, Kahn J. (2014) An experiment investigating the links among online dating profile attractiveness, ideal endorsement, and romantic media Computers in Human Behavior. 37: 9-17
Hefner V, Wilson BJ. (2013) From Love at First Sight to Soul Mate: The Influence of Romantic Ideals in Popular Films on Young People's Beliefs about Relationships Communication Monographs. 80: 150-175
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