Oakyoon Cha

2014-2017 Graduate Program in Cognitive Science Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea 
 2018-2020 Department of Psychology Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
 2021-2025 Department of Psychology Sungshin Women's University, Seoul, South Korea 
 2025- Department of Psychology Sogang University, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea 
"Oakyoon Cha"
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Chang TY, Cha O, Gauthier I. (2024) A general ability for judging simple and complex ensembles. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 153: 1517-1536
Cha O, Blake R. (2023) Procedure for extracting temporal structure embedded within psychophysical data. Behavior Research Methods
Chang TY, Cha O, McGugin R, et al. (2023) How general is ensemble perception? Psychological Research
Kacin M, Cha O, Gauthier I. (2022) The Relation between Ensemble Coding of Length and Orientation Does Not Depend on Spatial Attention. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 7
Cha O, Blake R, Gauthier I. (2021) Contribution of a common ability in average and variability judgments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Kacin M, Gauthier I, Cha O. (2021) Ensemble coding of average length and average orientation are correlated. Vision Research. 187: 94-101
Cha O, Blake R, Gauthier I. (2020) The role of category- and exemplar-specific experience in ensemble processing of objects. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Cha O, Son G, Chong SC, et al. (2019) Novel procedure for generating continuous flash suppression: Seurat meets Mondrian. Journal of Vision. 19: 1
Cha O, Blake R. (2019) Evidence for neural rhythms embedded within binocular rivalry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Cha O, Blake R, Gauthier I. (2019) Stimulus-specific learning facilitates ensemble processing of cars Journal of Vision. 19: 32
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