Chao Sun

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Visual system
"Chao Sun"
Mean distance: 13.33 (cluster 17)


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Tiande Shou grad student 1999-2004 UC Davis
John P. Adelman post-doc UC Davis
Leo M. Chalupa post-doc 2005-2009 UC Davis
Barbara Chapman research scientist 2009- UC Davis
W Martin Usrey research scientist 2009- UC Davis


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Daniel Llewellyn Rathbun collaborator 2007- UC Davis
 (multielectrode retinal electrophysiology)
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Davis ZW, Sun C, Derieg B, et al. (2015) Epibatidine blocks eye-specific segregation in ferret dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus during stage III retinal waves. Plos One. 10: e0118783
Yu AK, Song L, Murray KD, et al. (2015) Mitochondrial complex I deficiency leads to inflammation and retinal ganglion cell death in the Ndufs4 mouse. Human Molecular Genetics. 24: 2848-60
Speer CM, Sun C, Liets LC, et al. (2014) Eye-specific retinogeniculate segregation proceeds normally following disruption of patterned spontaneous retinal activity. Neural Development. 9: 25
Moore BD, Kiley CW, Sun C, et al. (2011) Rapid plasticity of visual responses in the adult lateral geniculate nucleus. Neuron. 71: 812-9
Speer CM, Sun C, Chapman B. (2011) Activity-dependent disruption of intersublaminar spaces and ABAKAN expression does not impact functional on and off organization in the ferret retinogeniculate system. Neural Development. 6: 7
Sun C, Speer CM, Wang GY, et al. (2008) Epibatidine application in vitro blocks retinal waves without silencing all retinal ganglion cell action potentials in developing retina of the mouse and ferret. Journal of Neurophysiology. 100: 3253-63
Sun C, Warland DK, Ballesteros JM, et al. (2008) Retinal waves in mice lacking the beta2 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 13638-43
Liang Z, Shen W, Sun C, et al. (2008) Comparative study on the offset responses of simple cells and complex cells in the primary visual cortex of the cat. Neuroscience. 156: 365-73
Yu H, Chen X, Sun C, et al. (2008) Global evaluation of contributions of GABA A, AMPA and NMDA receptors to orientation maps in cat's visual cortex. Neuroimage. 40: 776-87
Huang L, Shou T, Chen X, et al. (2006) Slab-like functional architecture of higher order cortical area 21a showing oblique effect of orientation preference in the cat. Neuroimage. 32: 1365-74
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