Sherry L. Willis, Ph.D.

"Sherry Willis"
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Jere Brophy grad student 1969-1972 UT Austin


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Michael Marsiske grad student 1987-1992 Penn State
Jane S. Saczynski grad student 2001 Penn State
Julie B. Boron grad student 2005 Penn State
Rebecca Sue Allen post-doc 1994-1996 Penn State (Gerontology Family Tree)


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K. Warner Schaie collaborator
Paul Baltes collaborator 1972-1981 Penn State
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Dean LT, Chung SE, Gross AL, et al. (2024) Does Consumer Credit Precede or Follow Health Among Older Adults? An Investigation in the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) Trial. Innovation in Aging. 8: igae016
Rebok GW, Clay OJ, Thorpe RJ, et al. (2023) The ACTIVE Study: Association of Race and Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) with Long-Term Outcomes and Cognitive Training Effects. Journal of Aging and Health. 35: 3S-10S
Dean LT, Chung SE, Gross AL, et al. (2023) Does Consumer Credit Precede or Follow Changes in Cognitive Impairment Among Older Adults? An Investigation in the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) Trial. Journal of Aging and Health. 35: 84S-94S
Rebok GW, Gellert A, Coe NB, et al. (2023) Effects of Cognitive Training on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: The Moderating Role of Social Determinants of Health. Journal of Aging and Health. 35: 40S-50S
Brandt ND, Drewelies J, Willis SL, et al. (2022) Beyond Big Five Trait Domains: Stability and Change in Personality Facets across Midlife and Old Age. Journal of Personality
Clay OJ, Ball KK, Wheeler KM, et al. (2022) Evaluating Social Determinants of Health Domains and Their Predictive Validity Within Black/African American and White Older Adults From the Active Trial. Journal of Aging and Health. 8982643221111205
Steinberg N, Parisi JM, Feger DM, et al. (2022) Rural-Urban Differences in Cognition: Findings From the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly Trial. Journal of Aging and Health. 8982643221102718
Rebok GW, Huang A, Smail E, et al. (2022) Long-Term Effects of Cognitive Training on All-Cause Mortality in US Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Health. 8982643221097681
Brandt ND, Drewelies J, Willis SL, et al. (2022) Acting Like a Baby Boomer? Birth-Cohort Differences in Adults' Personality Trajectories During the Last Half a Century. Psychological Science. 9567976211037971
Feger DM, Willis SL, Deal J, et al. (2021) Disparities in First Instrumental Activity of Daily Living Difficulty between Black and White Older Adults: Findings from the Advanced Cognitive Training in Independent and Vital Elderly Study. Journal of Aging and Health. 8982643211023005
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