Zhiheng Zhou

2014-2018 Psychology University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
"Zhiheng Zhou"
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Won BY, Forloines M, Zhou Z, et al. (2020) Changes in visual cortical processing attenuate singleton distraction during visual search. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 132: 309-321
Zhou Z, Vilis T, Strother L. (2019) Functionally Separable Font-invariant and Font-sensitive Neural Populations in Occipitotemporal Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-12
Zhou Z, Whitney C, Strother L. (2019) Embedded word priming elicits enhanced fMRI responses in the visual word form area. Plos One. 14: e0208318
Zhou Z, Strother L. (2019) Comparison of population receptive field properties in occipitotemporal cortex for words and non-word control stimuli Journal of Vision. 19: 80
Zhou Z, Strother L. (2019) Inter-hemispheric comparison of population receptive fields for visual cortical responses to words Journal of Vision. 19
Zhou Z, Strother L. (2018) fMRI gender classification of faces, bodies, and common names in the left occipitotemporal cortex Journal of Vision. 18: 1078-1078
Strother L, Zhou Z, Coros AK, et al. (2017) An fMRI study of visual hemifield integration and cerebral lateralization. Neuropsychologia
Zhou Z, Strother L. (2017) Distinct effects of contour smoothness and observer bias on visual persistence. Journal of Vision. 17: 8
Zhou Z, Whitney C, Strother L. (2017) Hemifield-dependent fMRI repetition enhancement for word pairs with concomitantly repeated and added letters Journal of Vision. 17: 1042-1042
Harrison M, Zhou Z, Strother L. (2017) An fMRI half-field repetition suppression study of chimeric faces Journal of Vision. 17: 1030-1030
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