Clarissa T James

Psychological & Brain Sciences Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
"Clarissa James"
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Alexandre Bonnin research assistant 2015-2017 USC
Natasha Lepore research assistant 2016-2017 Children's Hospital of Los Angeles (Physics Tree)
Jessica Taubert research assistant 2017-2019 NIMH NIH
Leslie Ungerleider research assistant 2017-2019 NIMH NIH
Desiree A. White grad student Washington University
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Taubert J, Wardle SG, Kumar S, et al. (2019) How does the macaque brain characterize face pareidolia? Journal of Vision. 19: 260
Silson EH, Kumar S, Jung B, et al. (2019) Comparing population receptive fields in human and macaque visual cortex Journal of Vision. 19: 123a
Taubert J, Wardle S, Flessert M, et al. (2018) Amygdala damage eliminates monkeys' viewing preference for real and illusory faces. Journal of Vision. 18: 1232
James C, Lepore F, Collignon O, et al. (2017) Central sulcus depth and sulcal profile differences between congenitally blind and sighted individuals. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2017: 3008-3011
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