Washington University, Saint Louis

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Namiko Abenerve regeneration Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2010 Valeria Cavalli (grad student)
Richard A. AbramsVisual attention
Benjamin T. Aclandneurophysiology Neuroscience2015 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Babatunde AdeyemoNeuroscience, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry
Pankaj AgarwalComputational Biology; BioMedical Informatics; Drug Discovery; Drug Repositioning Institute for Biomedical Computing19931996 David J. States (post-doc)
Pooja K. AgarwalCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2011 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Shinhae AhnAction and Visual Cognition
Minrong Aineural circuit governing behaviors20072008 Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc)
Mohammed AkaabouneNeuromuscular synapse Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Rebecca L. AkcakayaPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Psychology2012 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Paul T. AkinsNeurocritical Care, cerebrovascular disease19911991 Edwin McCleskey (grad student)
Gustav Akk
Ream Al-HasaniOpioids, Addiction, Stress, Monoamines2011 Michael R. Bruchas (post-doc)
C. Robert Almli
Benedict Joseph Alter Biology 2012 Robert W. Gereau (grad student)
David G. Amaral W Maxwell Cowan (post-doc)
Marni S. Amsellem2005 Michael Baum (grad student)
Sungwon Ancircadian biology, vision, olfaction Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 Erik D. Herzog (grad student)
Beau M. AncesneuroHIV, Alzheimer's disease, Paraneoplastic disorders, Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease
Benjamin A. Anderson Psychology2011 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
Nathan L. Anderson Psychological & Brain Sciences20152021 Kathleen B. McDermott (grad student)
Nicholas R. Anderson Biomedical Engineering2009 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Charles B. AndersonTransplants, Donor-specific blood
Dora AngelakiAnatomy and Neurobiology
Jo Ann V. Antenor-Dorseyhyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes, dopamine, Parkinson's Disease, axonal degeneration, axonal transport Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
Alan AnticevicEmotion, Working Memory Psychology20062011 David C. Van Essen (collaborator), Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Emmanuel Antwi-Adjei
Aki AnzaiVisual cortex David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Gabriel C. AraujoBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2011 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Kevin A. Archie Ralf Wessel (post-doc)
Michael ArielVisual System, Cerebellum, Retina, Vestibular, Anoxia19761980 Nigel W. Daw (grad student)
Katie ArnoldLearning and Memory
Hannah A. ArnsonChemical senses Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2013 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Vandana P. AspenClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Denise E. Wilfley (grad student)
Serguei Astafiev Neurology19992006 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Elizabeth G. AtkinsonComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Evolution, Ecology & Population Biology)2013 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Sara J. Atonvisual system, sleep, memory, synaptic plasticity, hippocampus2006 Erik D. Herzog (grad student)
Wendy F. AuslanderClinical Psychology, Black Studies, Women's Studies
Berevan Baban Larry Salkoff (research assistant)
Aysin B. BabaoglanGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2008 James B. Skeath (grad student)
Deanna BachCognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Nancy L. BaenzigerNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Martha W. Bagnall
Ryan Bailey Physical Therapy20112015 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Justin T. Bakeroculomotor system, neuroimaging19992005 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Howard D. Bakervisual perception John Paul Nafe (grad student)
Alan Baldinger Psychology1980 Martha Storandt (grad student)
McKenzie R. BallouCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Gerontology2009 Mitchell Sommers (grad student)
Robert H. BalohAxonal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, Myelination, Schwann cell metabolism2001 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
David A. BalotaCognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory
Steve BalsisPersonality 2008 Thomas Oltmanns (grad student)
Maria F BandresNeurorehabilitation, neuroprosthetics, electrophysiology Physical Therapy2018 Jacob G. McPherson (grad student)
Priya BanerjeeCognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2013 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Ashley S. BangertCognitive aging, Temporal perception, Skill Learning, Motor Coordination2008 David A. Balota (post-doc)
Gary Banker W Maxwell Cowan (post-doc)
David AA BarangerNeuroimaging, stress, addiction, sleep, genetics, development Joseph H. Callicott (research assistant), Ryan H. Bogdan (grad student), Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Dennis L. BarbourSystems
Deanna M. BarchPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Todd S. Braver (collaborator)
Sami J. Barmada2006 David A. Harris (grad student)
Kelly Anne Barnescognitive development, autism20082010 Bradley L. Schlaggar (post-doc)
Terra D. BarnesLearning, Memory and Motor2010 Timothy E. Holy (post-doc)
Jessica Barth20182022 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Jacob M. BasakAlzheimer's, amyloid Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2014 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Bianca BastenCognitive Psychology Psychology2009 Pascal Boyer (grad student)
Amy Bauernfeind
John Baugh
Sherry A. BeaudreauClinical Psychology2005 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Karla E. BecerrilPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
William Bechtel
Taylor Beckhuman episodic memory, dreaming, science writing20102011 Jeffrey M. Zacks (research assistant)
Justin A. Beebehuman neurphysiology, motor learning2008 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Anne Bekoff Viktor Hamburger (grad student)
Tomas C. BellamyGlia, Cerebellum, nitric oxide, glutamate, calcium James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Gregg A. BelleClinical Psychology, Black Studies, Women's Studies2001 Wendy F. Auslander (grad student)
Saul Bello-RojasVestibular System, Spinal Circuitry Neuroscience2018 Martha W. Bagnall (grad student)
Bruno A. BenitezAlzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, NCLs
Rachel E. BennettAlzheimer's disease, TBI, tau pathology, cerebrovasculature Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2014 David L. Brody (grad student)
William J. BentleyResting State Brain Activity, Functional Neuroimaging, Neurophysiology, Marcus E. Raichle (grad student), Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Ron J. Benveniste2000 Paul H. Taghert (grad student)
Tammie Benzinger
Paul Bergmolecular biology of disease19531954 Arthur Kornberg (post-doc)
Bruce A. BerkowitzNeuroscience Biology, Aging Chemistry19821987 Joseph J.H. Ackerman (grad student)
Nancy EJ Bermanvisual neurophysiology Edward G. Jones (post-doc)
Julio M. Bernardineuroscience, addiction, optogenetics
Alison I. Bernsteinparkinson's disease, vmat2, epigenetics, pesticides, developmental toxicity20032009 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
Michael Lyn Bernsteinreconstructive surgery2003 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
Adam W. BeroAlzheimer's, amyloid Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Zach D Berriman-Rozenelectrophysiology Biology2022 Keith B. Hengen (research assistant)
Matthew A. Bezdek Jeffrey M. Zacks (grad student)
Serena BezdjianBehavior Genetics, Childhood Psychopathology
Martha R.C. Bhattacharyaneuroscience
Dionnet L. BhattiMotivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators Anesthesiology20152017 Michael R. Bruchas (research assistant)
Robert C. BilgerPsychoacoustics Ira J. Hirsh (post-doc)
Thomas D. Birdhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=85
Anthony J. BisharaStatistical Cognition, Applied Statistics, Judgment, Decision making, Memory2005 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
Derron Lee Bishop2001 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
Pawan BistaVisual system
Kevin John BlackfMRI, PET, neuropharmacology, Tourette syndrome, neuropsychiatry, Parkinson disease19941996 Joel S. Perlmutter (post-doc)
Kenneth Blackfan John Howland (grad student)
Amanda L. BlasiusImmunology2006 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Emily Bloesch2013 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Adam J. BloomDrosophila NMJ2006 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
joseph Bloomneurodevelopment/ substance abuse Aaron DiAntonio (grad student), Alison M. Goate (post-doc)
Aaron Bonner-JacksonPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Psychology2009 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Aline Boos2005 Kristen L. Kroll (grad student)
Frank W. Booth John O. Holloszy (post-doc)
William F. BorschelNMDA receptor; kinases2013 Colin G. Nichols (post-doc)
David A. BortonNeuroengineering20052006 Lawrence H. Snyder (research assistant), Joshua W. Brown (research assistant), Steve Mennerick (research assistant), Daniel W. Moran (research assistant)
Megan E BoschNeuroscience Neurology2019 David M. Holtzman (post-doc)
Kelly N. Botteron
Jack Botwinick
Robert Bourke
Pascal BoyerCognitive Psychology
Maureen P. BoyleEndocrinology and Stress2005 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
EJ Bracedrosophila NMJ2006 Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc)
Shefali B. BrahmbhattPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Psychology2009 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Amie C. BramanSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2002 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Erica M. Brandling-BennettClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2006 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Sebastian F. Brandt2007 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Todd S. BraverfMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling
Jennifer E. BreneiserMemory, lifespan development2007 Mark A. McDaniel (grad student)
Gretchen Brenes Psychology1998 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Randall Brenneman Medicine20042005 Stuart Maudsley (grad student)
Judson A. BrewerEndocrinology and Stress2004 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Paul Bridgmancell biology, motility,
David L. Brody
Justin R. BrooksMotor control Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Jacquelyn A. Browncell biology, motility, 2008 Paul Bridgman (grad student)
Laura Brown2003 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Pat Brown Psychology2009 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Bobbie Brown Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Joshua W. BrownfMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling, imaging genomics Todd S. Braver (post-doc)
Jennifer Brown Jungsu Kim (research scientist)
Michael R. BruchasNeuropeptides, Monoamines, GPCRs, Behavior, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety
Anne L. Brunkanhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=722004 Alison M. Goate (grad student)
Sam Brunwasser Biology Keith B. Hengen (grad student)
Ayanna S. Bryan Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
William James BuchserNeuroscience, Biotechnology, Cancer20122013 Jeffrey Milbrandt (post-doc)
Randy BuckerNeuroscience Biology, Radiology, Cognitive Psychology
Randy L. BucknerHuman memory Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Gonzalo BudelliNeuroscience Biology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences) Neuroscience20122013 Lawrence B. Salkoff (grad student), Larry Salkoff (grad student)
John Brian Bulevich2007 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
David T. BundyLocal Field Potentials, Brain Computer Interface, Electrocorticography
Andres BuonannoErbb4 receptors, hippocampus19851988 John Merlie (grad student)
Jennifer A. BurbridgePsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition2004 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Gregory C. Burgess2005 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
E Darcy Burgundobject recognition, fMRI20002003 Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Harold BurtonBrain imaging of adaptive plasticity
Bettina BustosCognitive control20192021 Wouter Kool (research assistant)
Andrew Cox Butler Psychology2009 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
John Anthony ButmanNeuroimaging19871993 Nobuo Suga (grad student)
Nigel J. Cairnshttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=97
Bettye M. Caldwellearly child development, integrating health and school readiness programs for low-income preschoolers, affordable quality daycare, the relationship between early childhood experience and brain development, and the link between children's health and care-1951 Frances Keesler Graham (grad student)
Rebecca A. Callahan20162019 Martha W. Bagnall (post-doc)
Aimee A. CallenderMemory, lifespan development2008 Mark A. McDaniel (grad student)
Jeffrey L. CaltonSpatial Orientation20012003 Lawrence H. Snyder (post-doc)
Amanda CalvertAnimal Learning and Behavior Leonard Green (grad student)
M. Catalina Camachoaffect, cognitive development, depression, anxiety Psychological and Brain Sciences20192022 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Meghan C. Campbell Psychiatry Tamara Hershey (post-doc)
Yu-qing Cao
S Thomas Carmichael Joseph L. Price (post-doc)
Brian Carpenter Psychology and Brain Sciences Milton Strauss (grad student)
Alexandre Carter20072010 Maurizio Corbetta (post-doc)
Joseph M. CastellanoAging, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease20062011 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Daniel C. Castro Anesthesiology2016 Michael R. Bruchas (post-doc)
Matthew S. Caudill Physics2011 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Valeria Cavallinerve regeneration2010 Vitaly Klyachko (post-doc)
Alan CeaserSchizophrenia, working memory, executive functioning2008 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Puneeth N. ChakravarthulaVisual Neuroscience, Memory, Learning2022 Shuo Wang (post-doc)
Jason C.K. ChanMemory20012007 Kathleen B. McDermott (grad student)
Sherwin S. ChanRadiology20022006 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Chun Y. Changsynaptic transmission Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology)2010 Steve Mennerick (grad student)
Steve W C Changsocial interaction, decision-making, coordinate transformation20032009 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student), Richard A. Abrams (research assistant), Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Tina Chang
Wohn Chul Chang
Laura L. ChapmanClinical Psychology2001 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Alison ChasteenSocial Psychology1997 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Edith ChenClinical Psychology
Yao Chen
Hao Chen Psychological & Brain Sciences Mitchell Sommers (grad student)
Xiaodong ChenVisual system Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Hui-Teng ChengNotch2006 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Wayland W. Chengion channels Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2012 Colin G. Nichols (grad student)
Kendra Cherry-Allen20122016 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
James M. CheverudComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia
Kimberly S. Chiewcognitive neuroscience Psychology20072013 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Iris M. ChinNeurogenomics Biology20152020 Yehuda Ben-Shahar (research assistant)
Yongcheol ChoAxon regeneration
Jung-Hwan Choi Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology)2009 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Heejae ChoiDecision-making, orbitofrontal cortex, systems neuroscience Neuroscience2024 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (grad student)
Syed A. ChowdhuryNeuroscience, Sensory syetems Dora Angelaki (post-doc), Greg DeAngelis (post-doc), Nobuo Suga (post-doc)
Shawn E. ChristAttention and eye movements2004 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Heather M. Christensen2008 David A. Harris (grad student)
Chloe Chung Jungsu Kim (research scientist)
Jessica A. Church-LangfMRI, reading, development2008 Bradley L. Schlaggar (grad student)
John R. CirritoAlzheimer's, amyloid2004 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Jennifer H. CoaneCognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory2008 David A. Balota (grad student)
Percy W. Cobb
Avis H. CohenMotor control, neuromorphic engineering19791980 Carl M. Rovainen (post-doc)
Michael W. ColeCognitive control, fMRI, MEG, rapid instructed task learning (RITL), memory20092013 Todd S. Braver (post-doc)
Catherine CollinsDrosophila NMJ Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc)
William Collins
Marco Colonna
Katherine E. Conen2013 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (grad student)
C Edward Connorvisual system David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Alana C. ContiEndocrinology and Stress Louis J. Muglia (post-doc)
Sineadh M Conway Anesthesiology2019 Ream Al-Hasani (post-doc)
Jordana CooperbergGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Public Health Psychology2013 Denise E. Wilfley (grad student)
Philip F. Copenhavercell migration
Maurizio Corbettaattention, stroke, fMRI19881992 Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Joseph C. Corbophotoreceptor transcriptional networks
Carl F. Corimetabolism
Gerty T. Cori Carl F. Cori (collaborator)
Justin C. CoxMemory & Decision Making Psychology20082014 Ian Dobbins (grad student)
Rebecca J. Craig-SchapiroAlzheimer's, amyloid Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Carl F. CraverPhilosophy of Neuroscience
Devon C. Crawfordsynaptic transmission Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Steve Mennerick (grad student)
Lara Wiley Crock Biology 2013 Robert W. Gereau (grad student)
William J. Crosslanddevelopmental neuroantomy W Maxwell Cowan (post-doc)
Sarah L. CuddihyBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology2005 Laura L. Dugan (grad student)
Jianmin CuiK channels Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Catherine-Ann Cukrasion channels2003 Colin G. Nichols (grad student)
Adam Culbreth20102012 Deanna M. Barch (grad student), William Paul Hetrick (research assistant)
David T. Curielvector development, gene therapy vaccine and virotherapy interventions.
Scott N. CurrieNeurophysiology & Behavior Paul S.G. Stein (post-doc)
Rinaldo D'SouzaVisual cortical circuits Neuroscience2012 Andreas Burkhalter (post-doc), Harrison W. Gabel (research scientist)
Ralph Dacey
Yaoyi Dai Neuroscience20182020 Guoyan Zhao (research assistant)
Amy L. DaitchVIsual attention, ECoG, neural oscillations Biomedical Engineering2014 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Andy G. S. DanielCancer Neuroscience, Neurotechnology Biomedical Engineering20162021 Eric C. Leuthardt (grad student)
Richard W. DanielsDrosophila synapse20032008 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Prithwiraj Das
Aritra DasVisual System, Visual Attention, Visual Perception, Neurophysiology Neuroscience2024 Tom P. Franken (post-doc)
Steve DavidsonPain neurobiology20092003 Robert W. Gereau (post-doc), Anthony L. Vaccarino (research assistant)
Ruth Davies Psychology1988 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Christopher C. DavoliAttention and eye movements Psychology2010 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Duneesha S. De AlwisDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2011 Sandra Hale (grad student)
Stacey Dejong Physical Therapy20072011 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
John Smith Del RosarioNeuroscience, Ion Channels, Neuroplasticity Anesthesiology2021 Robert W. Gereau (post-doc)
Angelique I. DelarazanEpisodic Memory Psychological & Brain Sciences2020 Zachariah M. Reagh (grad student)
Zainab DelawallaPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Psychology2010 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Babette K. Dellen Ralf Wessel (grad student)
James A. Demasretina, development2004 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Shadmehr DemehriNotch Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2010 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Catherine H. Demers Ryan H. Bogdan (grad student), Anthony P. Auger (research assistant), Elliot A. Stein (research assistant)
Edward W. Dempseyreproductive physiology, neurophysiology, histochemistry, electron miscroscopy, neurophysiology of the brain.
LeaAnne DeRigneSocial Work, Mental Health2006 Nancy R. Vosler (grad student)
Mohanish Deshmukhapoptosis Eugene M. Johnson (post-doc)
Kurt Andrew DeSotofalse memory, metacognition Psychology20092015 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Michael S. Diamond
Aaron DiAntonioDrosophila NMJ
Michael L. DiazCognitive Neuroscience2008 Ian Dobbins (post-doc)
Leah Dick Psychology1992 Martha Storandt (grad student)
J. David DickmanVestibular system David V. Smith (grad student)
Li Dinggenomics
Carol W. Dodge
Patrick O. Dolanmemory Psychology19951998 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
Jack Dolgincognitive control Psychological & Brain Sciences2020 Wouter Kool (grad student)
Jeffrey M. DonleaDrosophila NMJ Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences) Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2010 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student), Paul Joseph Shaw (grad student)
Anthony DonsanteMolecular genetics2006 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
John DorisPhilosophy, Ethics
Nico UF DosenbachfMRI, fcMRI, cognitive control20022006 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Michele Dourado Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Erin C. DowdPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2014 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Gerald Brian DownesZebrafish behavior19921999 Narasimhan Gautam (grad student)
Feng DuAttention and eye movements Psychology2010 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Joseph W. DubisCognitive Neuroscience20082013 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Carolyn L. DufaultAttention and eye movements Psychology2009 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Laura L. DuganBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology
Laura B. Duvall Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Paul H. Taghert (grad student)
Andrew E.
Gammon M. EarhartNeurophysiology of locomotion2000 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
Katherine S. EddensPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Speech Communication Social Work2012 Matthew W. Kreuter (grad student)
Adam T. Eggebrecht Physics2009 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Erika D. Eggersvisual neurophysiology20032009 Peter D. Lukasiewicz (post-doc)
Thomas H. EhrichComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia2004 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Sarah A. Eisenstein Psychiatry Tamara Hershey (post-doc)
Lameese Eldesouky Tammy L. English (grad student)
Christopher D. Eliasmith2000 William Bechtel (grad student)
Lisa J. EmeryExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology2005 Sandra Hale (grad student)
Tammy L. English
Jennifer M. Enright20102015 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
Joseph Erlanger George H. Bishop (collaborator)
David V. EssenNeuroscience Biology
Sara J. EstleAnimal Learning and Behavior2009 Leonard Green (grad student)
Audrey J. EttingerRetinal development, animal behavior, cichlids19931998 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Cynthia L. FadlerMemory, lifespan development Psychology2012 Mark A. McDaniel (grad student)
Damien A. FairfMRI, stroke, development, fcMRI2008 Bradley L. Schlaggar (grad student)
Michael Joseph Falvo Movement Science2010 Gammon M. Earhart (grad student)
Nuri Bradford FarberNMDA Receptors
Elizabeth S. Farnsworth2007 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Mark Faustcognitive neuroscience David A. Balota (post-doc)
Gloria L. FawcettComplex genetics, behavior19982005 Lawrence B. Salkoff (grad student), Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Eric FeczkoBrain imaging of adaptive plasticity Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2013 John R. Pruett (grad student)
Christine Feely Psychology1984 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Julia E. FeldExperimental Psychology Psychology2010 Mitchell Sommers (grad student)
Daniel Jay Fellemanvisual system primates extrastriate Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Kelly J. FellerMotor control2007 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Albert S. FengAuditory system James A. Simmons (post-doc)
Guoping Fengneuropsychiatric disorders, mouse genetics, synapse development, optogenetics Joshua R. Sanes (post-doc)
Katya C. Fernandez Psychology2014 Thomas L. Rodebaugh (grad student)
Juan Ferreira Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Christopher R. Fetschvision, perceptual decision making, multisensory integration20032009 Greg DeAngelis (grad student), Dora Angelaki (grad student)
Julie A. Fiez Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Matthew Figleyneurodegeneration Developmental Biology2015 Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc)
Michael S. FineMotor control2007 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Stanley FingerNeuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Michael Finleyhigh throughput screening, ion channels19931998 James Huettner (grad student)
Jason R. Finleymemory, metacognition, offloading2012 Henry L. Roediger, III (post-doc)
Bridgid FinnMemory, Metacognition2009 Henry L. Roediger, III (post-doc), Larry L. Jacoby (post-doc)
Edwin B. FisherClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Radiology
Mary K. Floeterclinical neurophysiology Edward G. Jones (grad student)
Teresa Flynn Psychology1986 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Danny K. Fong2003 Ann Marie Craig (grad student)
Anthony Fotenos Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Natalie Fowler Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Tyler Frank Ammar H. Hawasli (research assistant)
Stacey L. FreedenthalSocial Work, Clinical Psychology2005 Arlene R. Stiffman (grad student)
Kenneth E. FreedlandClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Pathology
G. Mark Freeman, Jrcircadian biology, neural networks Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20062013 Erik D. Herzog (grad student)
Jonathan B. Fritzauditory system, plasticity Nobuo Suga (grad student)
Glenn A. Fry19331935 George H. Bishop (post-doc), Percy W. Cobb (post-doc)
Hannah E Fryeopioids, memory and learning, AMPA receptors, plasticity Anesthesiology2016 Jose A. Moron-Concepcion (grad student)
Paul S. G. SteinNeuroscience Biology, Rehabilitation and Therapy
Vera Gabliani Psychology1993 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Jeanne M. Gabriele2008 Brian Carpenter (grad student)
Michael S. GaffreyClinical Neurosience, Developmental Affective Neuroscience, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience20112012 Deanna M. Barch (post-doc), Steven E. Petersen (collaborator)
Jean-Pierre Gagné Psychology Ira J. Hirsh (grad student)
Jack L. GallantSystems David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
David A. Gallohuman memory2002 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
James E. GalvinClinical and pathological correlates of neurodegenerative disease
Wen-Biao GanNeural plasticity Jeff W. Lichtman (post-doc)
Mihika Gangolli Neurology20172019 Terrance T. Kummer (grad student)
Missael Garcia
Sol GarfieldPsychotherapy Research19351942 Paul Witty (grad student), Adam Raymond Gilliland (grad student)
Maurice N. GattisSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, GLBT Studies Social Work2010 Wendy F. Auslander (grad student)
Sara E. GehrExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Gerontology2001 Mitchell Sommers (grad student)
Andrew A. GeorgeNeuroscience20032009 Harold H. Zakon (grad student), Matthew Grober (grad student)
Robert W. Gereau, IVNeuroscience Biology, Genetics
Robert Gesell1914 Joseph Erlanger (grad student)
Mayumi O. GianoliPersonality Psychology2010 Thomas Oltmanns (grad student)
Daniel A. GibsonDevelopment, axon guidance, branching, neurogenetics Developmental Biology Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc)
Jeffrey Gidday2009 Ananth K. Vellimana (collaborator)
John van Gilder
Adrian W. Gilmorelearning & memory, parietal cortex, brain networks, fMRI20102016 Kathleen B. McDermott (grad student)
Luis Glaserdevelopment, cell adhesion molecules, gradients of adhesion1956 David H. Brown (grad student)
Matthew Frederick GlasserDiffusion Tractography, Functional Connectivity, Cortical Parcellation20082017 David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Alison M. Goatehttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=72
Sidney Goldringneurological surgery, glia James L. O'Leary (post-doc)
Sidney Goldring
Andrea B. GoldschmidtClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Denise E. Wilfley (grad student)
Rowena G. GomezPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Tassia Mangetti Goncalves Neuroscience2019 Guoyan Zhao (post-doc)
Vivian Gonzalez-Perez Chris Lingle (grad student)
Donald E. Goodman-WilsonPhilosophy of Neuroscience Philosophy2011 Carl F. Craver (grad student)
Brian A GordonAging, working memory, exercise Psychological & Brain Sciences Psychological & Brain Sciences Radiology Neurology Neurology20152014 David A. Balota (post-doc), Jeffrey M. Zacks (post-doc), Tammie Benzinger (collaborator), John C. Morris (collaborator), Randall Bateman (collaborator)
Mollie Rebecca Gordon psychiatry Kevin John Black (post-doc)
Evan M. GordonFunctional connectivity, brain organization
David I. Gottliebstem cells W Maxwell Cowan (post-doc), Luis Glaser (post-doc)
Ethan GrafDrosophila NMJ20052010 Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc), Ann Marie Craig (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Grant Social Work1981 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Caterina Gratton2014 Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Maud GratuzeAlzheimer's disease - Tau pathology - glia - TREM2 - ApoE Neurology20182022 David M. Holtzman (post-doc)
Jeremy R. Gray Todd S. Braver (post-doc)
Paul A. GrayRespiratory System, Development, Transcripiton Factors
Andrea M. Greensensorimotor control, vestibular system, spatial orientation, motor learning, reaching, computational modeling20002005 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Leonard GreenLearning and Behavior
Deanna J. Greene Bradley L. Schlaggar (post-doc), Kevin John Black (post-doc)
Cody J GreerNeuroscience, Machine Learning, Microscopy Neuroscience20122018 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Megan A. GriffeyMolecular genetics2004 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
Jeremy R. GrovesNeurophysiology of locomotion2005 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
Xiaoling Gu
Yong GuMultisensory integration, Self-motion percpeption20022011 Greg DeAngelis (post-doc), Dora Angelaki (post-doc), Shurong Wang (grad student)
Rafaela Mano Guimaraes Immunology20212022 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Melinda GushwaSocial Work, Organizational, Industrial Psychology2009 Curtis McMillen (grad student)
David H. GutmannCell Biology, Oncology, Neuroscience Biology
Carl D. Hacker Bioengineering20112016 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Madeleine E. HackneyNeurophysiology of locomotion2009 Gammon M. Earhart (grad student)
Brandon K. HadlandNotch2006 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Eric J. Hadley-IvesSocial Work, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Arlene R. Stiffman (grad student)
Travis A. HageNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences) Neuroscience2012 Larry Salkoff (grad student), Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Ilia Halatchev Jeffrey Gordon (post-doc)
Sandra HaleDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology
Ira M. Hallhttps://medicine.yale.edu/profile/ira-hall/
Gabriel E. Hallerhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=72 Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Human & Statistical Genetics)2013 Alison M. Goate (grad student)
Viktor Hamburgerneuroembryology
Gary Hammen Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Kihwan Hanauditory fMRI, cochlear implants, neurotrauma Neurology20112013 David L. Brody (grad student)
Phillis Hanson
Asim HaqueVestibular system2006 J. David Dickman (grad student)
Dustin D. Hardwickhuman neurphysiology, motor learning Movement Science2010 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Kimberly J. Harms2004 Ann Marie Craig (grad student)
Richard E. HartmanNeurodegenerative diseases, behavior, learning20012005 David M. Holtzman (post-doc), C. Robert Almli (grad student), David Wozniak (grad student)
Daphne M. Hasbani2007 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
Ammar H. Hawasli C. Michael Crowder (research assistant), Dennis L. Barbour (post-doc)
Jacqueline A. HawkinsMolecular genetics Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Genetics & Genomics)2012 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
Biyu J. HeNeuroimaging Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 Marcus E. Raichle (grad student)
Denise P. HeadClinical Psychology, Aging
Detlef H. HeckCerebellum, Autism, Social behaivor, Innate behavior William Thomas Thach (post-doc)
Jay HegdéVisual cortex David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Peter Heilbrun
Shane A. HeineyCerebellum, motor learning, eyeblink Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20042010 Pablo M. Blazquez (grad student)
Dustin A. Heldman20022007 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Joan Heller Psychology1989 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Rebecca C. HendricksonOlfaction, Pattern recognition Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20032010 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Rachel D. HendrixAlzheimer's disease Neurology20182022 John R. Cirrito (post-doc)
Stewart HC Hendryneuroanatomy Edward G. Jones (grad student)
Laura Hennefieldcognitive development2009 Lori Markson (grad student)
James Herrington Chris Lingle (grad student)
Tamara Hersheydiabetes, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, dopamine, Parkinson's Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation1995 Kevin John Black (collaborator), Joel S. Perlmutter (post-doc)
Erik D. Herzogcircadian biology, vision, olfaction
Jon E. HessComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia2004 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Sandra Hessels2008 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
Jane Hettinger
John HeuserEM, Vesicular Trafficking
Dennis Higginsdevelopmental neurobiology Richard Paul Bunge (post-doc)
Matthew H. Higgsvisual neurophysiology2001 Peter D. Lukasiewicz (grad student)
Alexis S. Hill Biology Yehuda Ben-Shahar (post-doc)
David J. HinklePediatric Neurology
Ira J. HirshAudiology
Linda O'Brien Hochman Psychology1984 Martha Storandt (grad student)
August A. HoflingMolecular genetics2005 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
James A. HokansonUrology and Neural Engineering20052006 Daniel W. Moran (research assistant)
Terrence F. Holekamp20042008 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Caroline R. HollnagelClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Physiological Psychology2003 Martha Sorandt (grad student)
Margaret Hollydaymotoneuron development Viktor Hamburger (post-doc)
Charles Holmes20172023 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Dan HoltAnimal Learning and Behavior Leonard Green (grad student)
Daniel D. HoltLearning and Behavior Psychology2009 Leonard Green (grad student)
William A. Holtz2004 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
David M. HoltzmanAlzheimer's, amyloid
Timothy E. HolyChemical senses, optics and microscopy
Minna Hongmovement disorders, Parkinson disease, neuroimaging, dopamine, dystonia, PET2008 Joel S. Perlmutter (grad student)
Philip Y. HongSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare2003 Shirley Porterfield (grad student)
Barry A. HongClinical Psychology
Mahmood HoseiniVisual system Physics20122016 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Junxiao HouSystems Neuroscience
John Howland
Ruilong Hu20112013 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (research assistant)
Lei HuBK channels, HCN channels20012007 Jianmin Cui (grad student)
Rachel M. Huckfeldtvisual neurophysiology2009 Peter D. Lukasiewicz (grad student)
James Huettnerglutamate receptors, stem cells
Andrew Hughes20142017 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
Timothy E. HullarVestibular, physiology Lloyd B. Minor (post-doc)
Richard I. Humesynaptic mechanisms, neurotransmitter receptors Dale Purves (post-doc), Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
C Carlton Huntmuscle spindle
William Hunt
Keith A. HutchisonAttention and Memory David A. Balota (post-doc)
Laura C. Iaquinta-Westergard Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 David A. Harris (grad student)
Sarah Katie IhnenfMRI, development Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2015 Bradley L. Schlaggar (grad student)
Yoshiho IkeuchiAxon growth, protein synthesis, motor nerve
Seol Hee H. Im Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology)2010 Paul H. Taghert (grad student)
Nathan B Jacobscomputer vision, remote sensing, machine learning Computer Science20052010 Robert B. Pless (grad student)
Larry L. Jacoby
Antonio Jaeger Memory, Neuroscience, Memory Decision Making2008 Ian Dobbins (post-doc)
Clarissa T James Desiree A. White (grad student)
Arthur Jansen Arthur D. Loewy (grad student)
Joseph P. JarvisComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia2008 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Dinal Jayasekera Ammar H. Hawasli (grad student)
Tim Jegla Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Ahmad Jezzini"Insula, Gustatoy cortex, Emotion, Social interaction, Decision making, Neuroeconomics"20152019 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (post-doc)
Hao Jiang20182020 Terrance T. Kummer (post-doc)
David K. Johnson2003 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Jeff Jonescircadian output circuitry Biology2016 Erik D. Herzog (post-doc)
Jake C Joseph
Yo-El S. JuSleep, Alzheimer's disease, Synucleinopathies2012 David M. Holtzman (research scientist)
David A. JurgensNatural Language Processing, Computational Social Science
Aizad KamalTorpor, Stroke, Neuroanatomy, Brain Mapping
Ningdong (Cam) KangOlfaction Timothy E. Holy (post-doc)
Sean Kang2009 Kathleen B. McDermott (grad student)
Hyunseon Christine Kangdevelopment, fMRI20012004 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Jagmeet S. Kanwalaudiovocal communication, neuroethology19901995 Nobuo Suga (research scientist)
Ata B. KaragozfMRI, memory, cognitive maps Psychological and Brain Sciences Psychological and Brain Sciences2020 Zachariah M. Reagh (grad student), Wouter Kool (collaborator)
Celeste M. Karch Alison M. Goate (post-doc)
Nicole R Karcherpsychosis; resting state functional connectivity; genetics Psychological & Brain Sciences Deanna M. Barch (post-doc)
Meghana S. Karnikstructural MR imaging, memory, medial temporal lobe, functional MR imaging Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 John Gary Csernansky (grad student)
Jeffrey Denyes Karpicke2007 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Brian Kaskie Psychology1992 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Kyra Kass Larry Salkoff (research assistant)
Jason A. KaufmanPhysical anthropology20022004 Kevin John Black (grad student)
TEJBEER KAURAuditory neurobiology, Auditory system, Immunology, Inflammation
John SK KauweAlzheimer's disease genetics20032007 Alison M. Goate (grad student)
Masashi Kawasakineuroethology Biology19841986 Nobuo Suga (post-doc)
Kendrick Norris Kayvisual system, fMRI, computational methods, neural network models
Vladimir Kefalov King-Wai Yau (post-doc)
Preston C. KellerNotch2006 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
William M. KelleyfMRI, memory19951999 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Jane P. Kenney-HuntComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia2007 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Dan R. Kenshalo, Sr.Somesthesis19471950 John Paul Nafe (grad student)
Geoffrey A. KerchnerNeurology and Neurological Sciences19992003 Min Zhuo (grad student)
Noam I. KerenCognitive Neuroscience, Neuromodulation, Neuroimaging, 20052007 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Beth A. KeysfMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling2002 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Ranjan P. KhanMotor control Biomedical Engineering2014 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Reza Khanbabaie Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Shaban ( Khanbabaie Shoub2006 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Nathaniel James Killiancentral nervous system physiology20052007 Dennis L. Barbour (research assistant)
Sungsu KimSchwann cell metabolism and peripheral neuropathy20122012 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student), Jeffrey Milbrandt (post-doc)
Seong-Gi Kim19881989 Joseph J.H. Ackerman (grad student), Joseph J.H. Ackerman (post-doc)
Jungsu KimAlzheimer's disease David M. Holtzman (post-doc)
Jaekwang Kim Jungsu Kim (post-doc)
Byounghoon KIMHead direction system
Mijeong Kimglutamate receptors, stem cells2008 James Huettner (grad student)
Kyunghee X Kim Otolaryngology20142016 Mark A. Rutherford (post-doc)
Soyoung Kim Psychiatry Psychiatry20172020 Kevin John Black (post-doc), Deanna J. Greene (post-doc)
Jody Michelle Kincade2004 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Robert King
Wolff Kirsch
Robert Kleemeier
Naomi Kleitmanspinal cord and peripheral nerve injury and repair19851989 Richard Paul Bunge (post-doc)
Eliana Klier
Victor Klodin Psychology1975 Martha Storandt (grad student)
William H. KnappAttention and eye movements2008 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Jim KnierimHippocampus David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Benedict J. KolberEndocrinology and Stress2008 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Jonathan M. Koller Psychiatry Kevin John Black (research scientist)
Jeffrey D. Konrad Physical Therapy20192024 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Wouter KoolCognitive control and decision making
Raphael KopanNotch
Akshata Korgaonkar Neurology20172020 Terrance T. Kummer (post-doc)
Edwin G. KrebsProtein Phosphorylation19461948 Carl F. Cori (post-doc), Gerty T. Cori (post-doc)
Oliver J. Krentzman Anesthesiology2023 Jordan G. McCall (grad student)
Geraldine J. Kresssynaptic transmission Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 Steve Mennerick (grad student)
Matthew W. KreuterPublic Health, Behavioral Psychology, Speech Communication
Jenna M Krizan Daniel Kerschensteiner (grad student)
Karl E. Kroutneuroanatomy2001 Arthur D. Loewy (grad student)
Jan KubanekMonkey and human decision making, neuroeconomics.2008 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Abhilasha A Kumarcognitive psychology Psychological & Brain Sciences20162021 David A. Balota (grad student)
Maiko KumeOptical Imaging Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Terrance T. Kummer2006 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Nathan H. KungDefensive Medicine, Physician Risk-Taking and Risk-Acceptance
Masaru Kuwabaraelectrophisiology2014 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (post-doc), Timothy E. Holy (post-doc)
Jasmine Kwasaauditory neuroscience, cognitive science, biomedical engineering, signal processing BME20092013 Shelly E. Sakiyama-Elbert (research assistant)
Rachel O. L. WongNeuroscience Biology, Audiology
Dihui Lai Physics2012 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Clara M. LajonchereAttention and eye movements2000 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Anthony LaMantia Dale Purves (post-doc)
Catherine E. Langhuman neurphysiology, motor learning2001 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Andrew Lassarmyogenesis Robert G. Roeder (grad student)
Timothy O. Laumann Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Patricia D. LaVesserSocial Work, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health2000 Nancy R. Vosler (grad student)
Mark B. LawAttention and eye movements2000 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Karen A. Lawrencephotoreceptor transcriptional networks
Bonnie M. LawrenceEffector specificity, working memory, visual attention2000 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Nam H. LeAxonal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, Myelination, Schwann cell metabolism2005 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
Urvi S. LeeK channels Biomedical Engineering2010 Jianmin Cui (grad student)
Jonghyeob LeeNotch2006 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Madeline Y. LeeSocial Work Social Work2010 Curtis McMillen (grad student)
Jacob S. LeeImmunology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2013 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Sangil Arthur Lee Psychology20112013 Leonard Green (research assistant)
Christopher W. Lee-Messer2004 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Alex A. Legaria
Ralph Lehman
I. Robert LehmanDNA replication19551959 Arthur Kornberg (post-doc)
Nicole Leitner Biology Yehuda Ben-Shahar (post-doc)
Vance Lemmondevelopment, cell adhesion molecules, growth cones, regeneration, axon regeneration,19791981 David I. Gottlieb (post-doc), Alan L. Pearlman (post-doc)
Dov Bernard Lerman-SinkoffPsychosis, Cognitive Control, Neuroimaging Biomedical Engineering and Psychology20122018 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Christina LessovBehavior Genetics
Rita Levi-Montalcinigrowth factors19691982 Viktor Hamburger (post-doc), Ralph A. Bradshaw (collaborator)
Eugene LevinsonVision
Cheri A. LevinsonAnxiety disorders
Chris Lewis2003 Maurizio Corbetta (research scientist)
Cara L. Lewismusculoskeletal biomechanics20012006 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Leo Luan LiPeripheral nerve interface, Vestibular neuroscience Biomedical engineering20112014 Daniel W. Moran (research scientist)
Nuo Liobject recognition, plasticity, eye movements, physiology Dora Angelaki (research assistant)
Huashun LiNeuroscience, develpment, stem cell Yi Rao (grad student)
Cong Lucy LiTranscriptional Control of Learning and Memory Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20062012 Naren Ramanan (grad student)
Jeff W. Lichtman19741980 Dale Purves (grad student)
Sunsern Limsoontarakulneuroimaging20092010 Kevin John Black (post-doc)
Doris Ling Biomedical Engineering Yehuda Ben-Shahar (grad student)
Chris LingleBK channels Eve Marder (post-doc)
Michael LinhoffSynapse Formation, Gene Regulation20022008 Ann Marie Craig (grad student)
Daniel C. LinkMolecular Biology Medicine Timothy J. Ley (post-doc)
Jeri Lynn Little Psychology20112014 Mark A. McDaniel (post-doc)
Yuqing LiuSensorimotor transformation 20022008 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Qin Liu
Jordan L. LivingstonSocial and Affective Neuroscience20102012 Todd S. Braver (research assistant)
Hannah S. LockefMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling2008 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Arthur D. Loewyneuroanatomy
Jessica M. LoganCognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory2004 David A. Balota (grad student)
Corey A. LohnesNeurophysiology of locomotion Movement Science2012 Gammon M. Earhart (grad student)
Maria J. Lotharius2000 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
Oliver H. LowryNeurochemistry
Beika Lu
Puo Y. LuTranscriptional Control of Learning and Memory Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Naren Ramanan (grad student)
Nathaniel Lucenacognitive aging, cognitive neuroscience, heritability of brain structure
Peter D. Lukasiewiczvisual neurophysiology
Katherine R Luking Neuroscience20082015 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Rachel O. Lun WongNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Shuo LuoSynapse Development, C. elegans, zebrafish Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 Michael L. Nonet (grad student)
Xiaojin Ma Psychological & Brain Sciences Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
James W. MaasEndocrinology and Stress2006 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Meghann E. Mabon2008 C. Michael Crowder (grad student)
Shannon L. Macauley-RambachMolecular genetics Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
Luigi Maccotta2005 Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Matthew R. MacEwan Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Anna MacKay-BrandtClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2009 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Paul Ryan MacNeilageVisual-vestibular interaction20072010 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Geoffrey B. MaddoxCognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory Psychology2013 David A. Balota (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Magee2005 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
Alireza S. Mahani Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Timothy R. MahoneySynaptic Function and Neurodegeneration20022008 Michael L. Nonet (grad student)
Ezekiel J MaierSystems Biology, Gene Regulatory Networks
Wingyun Mak Psychology2009 Brian Carpenter (grad student)
Ibrahim John Mohammed MalikNBIA
Sacha A. Malinion channels2001 Colin G. Nichols (grad student)
Ron MallonPhilosophy, Ethics, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
Peter J. Mandik2000 William Bechtel (grad student)
Jamie L. ManwaringClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2009 Denise E. Wilfley (grad student)
Xianrong Mao
Daniel Scott Marcusneuroinformatics20012004 Randy L. Buckner (research scientist), David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Daniel Margoliashbirdsong, behavior Nobuo Suga (post-doc)
Mindy S. MarksNeurophysiology of locomotion2004 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
Lori MarksonCognitive development, language acquisition
Ellisha MarongelliMotor control Biomedical Engineering2013 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Luciano Marpegan
scott b. marrusDrosophila NMJ Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Elizabeth J. Marshmemory, knowledge neglect, metacognition, knowledge acquisition, false memories Psychology19992003 Henry L. Roediger, III (post-doc)
Denise M. Martin ZonaPersonality 2008 Thomas Oltmanns (grad student)
Enmanuel Perez Martinez20142016 Ralph L Sacco (grad student)
Melvin MarxBehavioral Psychology Psychology Marion E. Bunch (grad student)
Ricard Masiaion channels2008 Colin G. Nichols (grad student)
Jennifer R. MathewsPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition2008 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Lisa MathewsVisual system
Anna Mattlage20162019 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Taylor J. MaxwellComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia2006 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Steven E. MayerCatecholamines´, Signaling
Kimberly L. McArthur Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20052011 J. David Dickman (grad student)
Tara McAuleyDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2008 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Jordan G. McCallAddiction, Reward, Opioids, Monoamines2011 Michael R. Bruchas (grad student)
Corey M. McCannSynaptic stability2009 Yi Rao (grad student), Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
Stephen A. McCartneyImmunology, Virology Biology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2010 Marco Colonna (grad student)
David P. McCobbNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Jonathan E. McConathy
Henrika McCoySocial Work, Black Studies, Psychometrics Psychology, Criminology and Penology2008 Curtis McMillen (grad student)
Christina Smith McCrae1999 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Mark A. McDanielMemory, lifespan development
Meghan McDarby Psychological & Brain Sciences Brian Carpenter (grad student)
Kamara L. McGill2005 Michael Baum (grad student)
James Neal McGregor Biology Keith B. Hengen (post-doc)
Nicole McKay
Daniel W. McKeel, Jr.
John S McKellar Arthur D. Loewy (grad student)
John S McKellar Arthur D. Loewy (grad student)
David McKinnonIon channels, evolution, regulation of gene expression19891990 John Merlie (post-doc)
Curtis McMillenMental Health, Psychometrics Psychology
Pamela J. McMurrayClinical Psychology2000 Stanley Finger (grad student)
Marie E. McNeelyNeurophysiology of locomotion Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Gammon M. Earhart (grad student)
Michelle L. Meadememory, aging2003 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Andrea R. Medrano Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Genetics & Genomics)2009 David A. Harris (grad student)
Julian P. Meeksolfaction, vomeronasal system, hippocampus Anatomy and Neurobiology20072012 Steve Mennerick (grad student), Timothy E. Holy (post-doc)
Meredith R. MelinderPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition2004 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Arthur W. MeltonMemory1928 John A. McGeoch (research assistant)
Vineet D. Menachery Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2010 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Graziella MendonsaMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2009 Nancy L. Baenziger (grad student)
Steven MennerickNeuroscience Biology
Steve Mennericksynaptic transmission
Michael M. MerbaumClinical Psychology
John Merlie Jean-Pierre Changeux (post-doc)
Marwa Mikati Neuroscience2019 Ream Al-Hasani (grad student)
Jeffrey D. MillbrandtNeuroscience Biology
Jae-Eun Kang Millercortical microcircuit20102011 Erik D. Herzog (post-doc), Timothy E. Holy (post-doc), David M. Holtzman (grad student)
C. Ryan Millerneuropathology, GBM, mouse models, genomics20052006 Arie Perry (post-doc), Howard L. McLeod (post-doc)
Bradley R. Miller Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Allison Miller Physical Therapy20222026 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Jonathan W. MinkMotor System, Movement Disorders, Child Neurology, Batten Disease19811989 William Thomas Thach (grad student), Joel S. Perlmutter (post-doc)
Jessi L. MischelSensory-motor integration Biomedical Engineering20112012 Daniel W. Moran (research assistant)
Stanley Misler
Anirudha Mitra
Kelly R. MonkNeuron glial interactions, Glial cell biology, Schwann cells, Oligodendrocytes
Cynthia L. Montanaphotoreceptor transcriptional networks20072014 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
Michael Christopher Montana Biology 2012 Robert W. Gereau (grad student)
Maria E. Morales Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Robert W. Gereau, IV (grad student)
Ana Morales Benitezneuroscience, neuropathy, ALS Developmental Biology Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Daniel W. Moranmotor neurophysiology and neuroprosthetics Andrew Schwartz (post-doc)
Gerson N Moreno RomeroBiomedical Engineering, Neural Engineering, Pain, Motor
Michael Land Morgan2009 Dora Angelaki (grad student)
John C. Morrishttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expertProfile.asp?n=&u_id=8
Sarah J MorseLearning & memory Psychological & Brain Sciences2020 Zachariah M. Reagh (research assistant)
Susanne M. MortonMotor systems neuroscience2003 Amy Jo Bastian (grad student)
Louis J. MugliaEndocrinology and Stress
Elizabeth Anne Mulligan Psychology2011 Brian Carpenter (grad student)
Michelle R. MunsonSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2005 Curtis McMillen (grad student)
Daniel P. Murphy Joseph C. Corbo (post-doc)
Erik Musiek
Amanda J. Myershttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=722002 Alison M. Goate (grad student)
Joel MyersonAnimal Learning and Behavior Leonard Green (collaborator)
Farah NaazLearning and Memory, Visual Cognition, Computer based Learning20122014 Kathleen B. McDermott (post-doc)
Jacob W. Nadler20032009 Greg DeAngelis (grad student), Dora Angelaki (grad student)
Rakesh NagarajanAxonal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, Myelination, Schwann cell metabolism2002 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
Sarah C. NarendorfSocial Work, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Social Work2012 Curtis McMillen (grad student)
Sarah A. NaylorDevelopmental Neuroscience Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology)2011 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Alan Neelyion channels Chris Lingle (grad student)
Steven M. NelsonfMRI, development, memory Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20122014 Farah Naaz (collaborator), Kathleen B. McDermott (post-doc), Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Maital Neta Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Guat T. NgSocial Work, Women's Studies, Early Childhood Education2003 Nancy R. Vosler (grad student)
Jerry Dominic Nguyenkim2005 Greg DeAngelis (grad student)
Jessica NicosiaCognitive Psychology, Aging, Alzheimer's, Attentional Control Psychological and Brain Sciences2016 David A. Balota (grad student)
Ashley N. Nielsenresting-state, development, language Neurology2014 Bradley L. Schlaggar (grad student)
Francesco Nodari20032008 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Erik Nolan Molecular Genetics and Genomics Yehuda Ben-Shahar (grad student)
Michael L. NonetSynapse Development, C. elegans, zebrafish
Elizabeth A. NorgardComplex genetics, brain and skull morphology, schizophrenia Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2010 James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Makenzie R. NorrisAddiction, Reward, Opioids, Pain Anesthesiology2019 Jordan G. McCall (grad student)
Marsha J. NortzPsychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Stephanie K. NygardStress, addiction
Daniel E. O'Brienpain transduction, ERK1/2
Akira R. O'ConnorMemory, Neuroscience, Deja vu, Memory Decision Making20082007 Ian Dobbins (post-doc), Christopher J. A. Moulin (grad student)
Kathaleen M. O'Connor-GilesGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2003 James B. Skeath (grad student)
Dennis DM O'Learydevelopmental neuroanatomy W Maxwell Cowan (grad student)
Karen O'Malley
John L. O'NealMental Health, Psychometrics Psychology2003 Curtis McMillen (grad student)
Yohey Ogawa Joseph C. Corbo (post-doc)
Jeff G. Ojemannneurosurgery, language19901991 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Theodore L. Oliphant2007 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Luis OliveiraAnimal Learning and Behavior2008 Leonard Green (grad student)
John W. Olneyexcitotoxicity
Kalen N. OlsonNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2008 James B. Skeath (grad student)
Thomas OltmannsPersonality
Chin-Tong OngNotch2007 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Dost ÖngürSchizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder2000 Joseph L. Price (grad student)
Heather M. OonkAttention and eye movements2000 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Ronald Oppenheimcell growth, differentiation,motor neurons , cognition/learning , neurosciences/behavior Viktor Hamburger (post-doc)
Susan M. Ormsbee HolleyRadiology/Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Jonathan Garst Orozco Larry Salkoff (research assistant)
Harry T. OrrNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology1976 Adolph Irvin Cohen (grad student), Oliver H. Lowry (grad student)
Joachim Ostwald Nobuo Suga (post-doc)
Shigeru Ozakineural development William Snider (post-doc)
Kevin D. PackinghamPsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Psychology2014 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Camillo Padoa-Schioppa
Jason L. PaganPersonality 2008 Thomas Oltmanns (grad student)
David Pagliaccioemotion, depression, anxiety, irritability, stress, fMRI, neuroimaging20102015 Deanna M. Barch (grad student), Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Pankaj Pal Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis)2015 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Ben Julian PalancaAnesthesiology, fMRI, EEG, functional connectivity19992003 Greg DeAngelis (grad student)
Erica D. Palmerdevelopment, fMRI, reading20042005 Steven E. Petersen (grad student), Bradley L. Schlaggar (post-doc)
Yuchin Albert PanStress, development, imaging, brain mapping20002005 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Hua PanK channels2007 Jianmin Cui (grad student)
Yonghua PanNotch2004 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Patricia Jean PardoNeural Systems; Magnetoencephalography; Cognitive neuroimaging Michael I. Posner (grad student)
Juan Sebastian PardoBrain-Computer Interfaces2011 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Alexander Parsadaniantransgenic mice, NT-3 William Snider (post-doc)
Gaurav Hiren Patelvisual attention, visual processing, macaque fMRI20002009 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Lauren M. Patrick Psychology20112014 Todd S. Braver (research assistant)
David Pauron Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Harold Paxton
Jessica PaxtonfMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling Psychology2011 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
B. Keith Paynesocial cognition, weapon identification2002 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student), Alan Lambert (grad student)
Thomas M. Pearce Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2014 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Alan L. Pearlmanvisual system, development,
Ann M. PearmanClinical Psychology, Gerontology2003 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Steen E. Pedersen19841989 Jonathan B. Cohen (post-doc)
Taylor Pedersen
Jonathan E. PeelleSpeech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging
Xinmiao PengVisual system2004 David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Joel S. Perlmuttermovement disorders, Parkinson disease, neuroimaging, dopamine, dystonia, PET
Richard J. Perrin20072009 David M. Holtzman (post-doc)
Steven E. Petersen
Daniel Soren PetersonGait and Postural control Movement Science2013 Gammon M. Earhart (grad student)
Michael E. Phelps1971 Demetrios George Sarantites (grad student)
Lee R. Phillipsion channels2003 Colin G. Nichols (grad student)
Tzvia Pinkhasov
Jevon A. PlunkettEndocrinology and Stress Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Human & Statistical Genetics)2010 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Scott L. Pomeroyembryonal brain tumors, cell proliferation and differentiation19871990 Dale Purves (post-doc), Philip Rodgers Dodge (post-doc)
Emily K. Porensky Psychology2010 Brian Carpenter (grad student)
Shirley PorterfieldSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Gerontology
Jonathan D. Power Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2014 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Abigail D. PowersPersonality Psychology2013 Thomas Oltmanns (grad student)
David V. Powers Psychology1995 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Murali Prakriyacalcium signaling Chris Lingle (grad student)
Jay PrattVisual cognition, attention, eye movements, motor control1996 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Craig A. PressAxonal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, Myelination, Schwann cell metabolism Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2010 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
Joseph L. Priceneuroanatomy
Robert R. ProvinePsychobiology Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology Viktor Hamburger (grad student), Rita Levi-Montalcini (grad student)
John R. PruettBrain imaging of adaptive plasticity2000 Harold Burton (grad student)
Robin Puder Psychology1985 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Robert J. Purgertvisual neurophysiology Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2015 Peter D. Lukasiewicz (grad student)
Carolyn A. Purgert Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2015 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
Adam Lewis Putnam2009 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Yueyue (Lydia) QuMood disorders Psychology Psychology20202021 Ryan H. Bogdan (research assistant), Deanna M. Barch (research assistant)
Kevin L. QuickNeuroscience Biology2005 Laura L. Dugan (grad student)
Brad A. RacetteMovement disorders, Epidemiology19961998 Joel S. Perlmutter (post-doc)
Caroline A. RacinePsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition2005 Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Anantha Raghuraman20112013 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (research assistant)
Marcus E. RaichleNeuroimaging2005 Daniel Scott Marcus (collaborator)
Aishwarya Rajesh Radiology2022 Evan M. Gordon (post-doc)
Robert F. Rakowskisynaptic transmission, ion channels
Baraniharad Raman Mark A. Stopfer (grad student)
Baranidharan Ramanolfaction, computation & theory
Narendrakumar RamananMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Human Development
Naren RamananTranscriptional Control of Learning and Memory
Vinod RaoVision, Decisions Biology 20072011 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student), Greg DeAngelis (grad student)
Aaron S. RapaportImmunology, Virology Biology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2014 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Brent I Rappaport Psychological & Brain Sciences Deanna M. Barch (grad student)
Christine K. RatajczakEndocrinology and Stress Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2010 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Robert Ratcheson
Renee Read Pharmacology and Molecular Biology Ross Cagan (grad student)
Adarsh ReddyMolecular genetics2004 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
Julia K. ReidClinical Psychology2002 Edith Chen (grad student)
Sydney Reitz Neurology2019 Terrance T. Kummer (grad student)
Grega RepovsFunctional Connectivity, Working Memory20042008 Deanna M. Barch (post-doc)
Anat H. ReschkeClinical Psychology, Mental Health2000 Kenneth E. Freedland (grad student)
Jeremy R. Reynolds2005 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Chaie-Won RheeSocial Work2002 Wendy F. Auslander (grad student)
Albert Rhoton
Valerie Rice Psychology1994 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Cheryl A. Richards Psychiatry20132015 Kevin John Black (post-doc)
Lauren L. Richmondmemory, aging2013 Jeffrey M. Zacks (post-doc)
Cara R. Riegerstem cells Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering2009 David I. Gottlieb (grad student), Robi D. Mitra (grad student)
Hiroshi Riquimaroux Nobuo Suga (post-doc)
Rich Roberts Timothy E. Holy (post-doc)
Richard Roberts
Shannon E. RobertsonDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology Psychology2009 Sandra Hale (grad student)
Gail A. RobertsonIon Channels Biology19791986 Paul S. G. Stein (grad student)
William Robiner Psychology1981 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Sarah K. RobinsPhilosophy of Neuroscience Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology2012 Carl F. Craver (grad student)
Daphne A. RobinsonPain2003 Min Zhuo (grad student)
Susan Robinson-Whelen Psychology1993 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Thomas L. Rodebaugh
Henry L. Roediger, IIIMemory, educational applications
Chad S. RogersSpeech and Hearing, Aging Psychology20142010 Jonathan E. Peelle (post-doc), Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
John RohrbaughCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Jeffrey D. RoizenEndocrinology and Stress2008 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Eduardo Rosa-MolinarCircuit and Synaptic Neuroscience; Imaging Science
Nathan Scott Rose Psychology2010 Joel Myerson (grad student)
Howard Rosendementia, neurorehabilitation Steven E. Petersen (post-doc), Maurizio Corbetta (post-doc)
Burke Q. Rosen Radiology Neuroscience2023 Matthew Frederick Glasser (post-doc), David C. Van Essen (post-doc)
Ari RosenbergVisual system, motion processing Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Anthony RosenbergRadiology/Psychiatry
Saul Rosenzweig Henry A. Murray (grad student)
Adina Roskies19951997 Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Steven M Rothman
Adam Rouse Biomedical Engineering2012 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Carl M. RovainenNeuroscience, Lamprey
Emanuel Rudolph Botany Carol W. Dodge (grad student)
Mark A. Rutherfordhair cells, auditory nerve fibers
Michelle C. Sabo Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2013 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Ernest Sachs
Debajit Sahaneurophysiology Physics2010 Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Shirley A. SahrmannNeuroscience Biology, Rehabilitation and Therapy
Owais SaifeeSynapse Development, C. elegans, zebrafish2003 Michael L. Nonet (grad student)
Lawrence B. SalkoffNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology
Larry Salkoff Chris Lingle (collaborator)
Cynthia F. SalorioClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Stanley Finger (grad student)
Amjad M. SamaraNeuroimaging, neuroscience Psychiatry Psychiatry Neurology2020 Tamara Hershey (post-doc), Sarah A. Eisenstein (post-doc), Anne Haney Cross (post-doc)
Vijay K. SamineniNeuroscience, Chronic pain, Electrophysiology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Optogenetics, Chemogenetics, Transgenic mice Robert W. Gereau (post-doc)
Melanie A. Samuelsynaptic maintenance and aging, visual system2007 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Mark S. SandsMolecular genetics
Danielle K. SandsmarkNeuroscience Biology2008 David H. Gutmann (grad student)
Celia M. Santiion channels Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Clifford B. Saperneuroanatomy W Maxwell Cowan (grad student)
Krish SathianPerception, Cognition, Somestheses Harold Burton (post-doc)
Andrew D. Sauerbeck Neurology2015 Terrance T. Kummer (research scientist)
Neil K Savalia Psychology20112013 Kathleen B. McDermott (research assistant)
Adam C. SavineCognitive Neuroscienece2007 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Meera-Devi T. SaxenaNotch2001 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Abhishek SaxenaEmotion, Social Cognition, Affective Neuroscience, Schizophrenia Psychological and Brain Sciences Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology20132015 Deanna M. Barch (research assistant), Simine Vazire (research assistant), Joshua J. Jackson (research assistant), Katherine R Luking (research assistant), David Pagliaccio (research assistant)
Nancy Scavarda Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Sydney Y. SchaeferMotor control Physical Therapy20082012 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Anneliese M. SchaeferSynapse Development, C. elegans, zebrafish2001 Michael L. Nonet (grad student)
Marc H. Schieberneurophysiology William Thomas Thach (grad student)
Robert T. Schimkeprotein turnover and gene amplification1958 Oliver H. Lowry (research assistant)
Suzanne E. Schindler (Wahrle)Alzheimer's, amyloid2008 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Bradley L. Schlaggardevelopment, fMRI, stroke, tourette's Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Robert E. Schmidt
Francis O. Schmittstructure and molecular properties of proteins, of cells, and of tissues; neuroscience1927 Joseph Erlanger (grad student)
William W. Schonbein2002 William Bechtel (grad student)
Elizabeth R. SchotterEye Movements, Cognition, Language20062007 David A. Balota (research assistant)
Matt Schreiber Larry Salkoff (grad student)
David J. Schreyerdevelopment, regeneration19791985 Edward G. Jones (grad student)
Eric H. SchroeterRetinal Development20012005 Rachel Wong (post-doc), Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Henry Schwartz
Katherine E. SchwetyeNeuroscience Biology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 David L. Brody (grad student)
Forrest R. ScoginClinical Psychology, Gerontology Psychology1983 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Adam D. Scottphase transitions, evolution, cancer Medicine20142107 Li Ding (post-doc)
Michael K. ScullinMemory, Aging, Sleep Psychological and Brain Sciences20072011 Mark A. McDaniel (grad student)
Douglas R. SealsMedical Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology John O. Holloszy (post-doc)
Ismael SeanezRehabilitation, Neuroprosthetics
Michael M. SegalNeurogenetics, channelopathies, epilepsy, microisland cultures19831984 Philip Rodgers Dodge (post-doc), Joseph J. Volpe (post-doc)
Nicole Seider Nico UF Dosenbach (grad student)
Jennifer A. SemrauMotor control Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Seongjin Seo2005 Kristen L. Kroll (grad student)
Ismail Sergin Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2012 Karen O'Malley (grad student)
Peter Shabad Psychology1983 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Jordan Robert Shakeranesthesiology
Benjamin J. Shannon2006 Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Jing Shao Ralf Wessel (grad student)
Kerry L ShawBehavioral genetics, sexual selection, speciation Alan Robert Templeton (grad student)
Veronica L. SheadClinical Psychology, Aging Psychology2010 Denise P. Head (grad student)
Jill Talley Shelton20082011 Mark A. McDaniel (post-doc)
Susan Q. Shen
Jung-Tsung Shen
Margaret A. SheridanADHD19992001 Randy L. Buckner (research assistant), Jeffrey M. Zacks (research assistant)
Weiyang ShiCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2003 James B. Skeath (grad student)
Weikang Shisystem neuroscience; economic decisions Neuroscience2017 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (grad student)
Yiming Shi Neuroscience20192021 Guoyan Zhao (research assistant)
Colleen R. Shieldsretina2002 Peter D. Lukasiewicz (grad student)
Yujiro Shimizu2006 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
Jung Eun E. Shin Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2012 Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Adam J. ShriverPhilosophy, Ethics Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology2012 John Doris (grad student)
Michael R. Shteyncognition2015 Lawrence H. Snyder (research assistant)
Erik A. Shumaker Psychology2012 Thomas L. Rodebaugh (grad student)
Charles Shyng Internal medicine20102016 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
Show-Ling ShyngKATP channels Colin G. Nichols (post-doc), David A. Harris (post-doc)
Shan Hai Siddiqi Psychiatry Neurology20162018 Kevin John Black (post-doc), David L. Brody (post-doc)
Joshua S. Siegel Neurology20122016 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Seth C. Silbert2001 Edwin McCleskey (grad student)
Hiie SilmereSocial Work, Public Health2008 Arlene R. Stiffman (grad student)
Anne Simonsdevelopment and treatment of depression and other related disorders19751982 Sol Garfield (grad student)
Joseph R. SimpsonNeuroimaging2001 Marcus E. Raichle (grad student)
Edward R. Siudaneuroscience; pain; addiction Michael R. Bruchas (grad student)
Judith A. SkalaClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Public Health, Mental Health2001 Edwin B. Fisher (grad student)
James B. SkeathGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Tomasz SkladzienNeurophysiology of locomotion2008 Paul S.G. Stein (grad student)
Ellen M. SkladzienCognitive Psychology2007 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Kendra C. Smith Psychological and Brain Sciences2021 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Maverick E. Smith Psychological & Brain Sciences20152021 Lester C. Loschky (grad student), Jeffrey M. Zacks (grad student)
Leon CD SmythNeuroimmunology, CNS barriers, CNS fibroblasts, CSF dynamics Pathology and Immunology20212025 Jonathan Kipnis (post-doc)
Matthew D. Smythepilepsy, pediatric neurosurgery20002001 Scott C. Baraban (research scientist)
Abraham Snydervisual neurophysiology
Lawrence H. Snydersensory motor neurophysiology
Eric L. Snyder2005 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
Chris Solaro Chris Lingle (grad student)
Isaac H. Solomon Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2013 David A. Harris (grad student)
Mitchell SommersExperimental Psychology
Yizhe Song Neuroscience20182020 Guoyan Zhao (research assistant)
Martha SorandtClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Eirik Sovik Biology Yehuda Ben-Shahar (post-doc)
Skylar M. Spangler Michael R. Bruchas (grad student)
Nicole Kathleen Speer2005 Jeffrey M. Zacks (grad student)
Kevin SpeharAging, Brain Aging, Plasma Factors, Alzheimer's, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Stem Cell Aging Electrical Engineering20182019 Matthew D. Lew (research assistant)
Christie T. SpencePersonality Psychology2012 Thomas Oltmanns (grad student)
Daniel Spieler David A. Balota (grad student)
Rebecca C. Stacy2005 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Paul S.G. SteinNeurophysiology of locomotion
Joseph H. SteinbachNeuroscience Biology
Shari A. Steinmananxiety, OCD, cognitive bias, cognitive behavioral therapy Psychology20052007 Larry L. Jacoby (research assistant)
Paul R. SterzingSocial Work, GLBT Studies Social Work2012 Wendy F. Auslander (grad student)
Shaun M. Stewart Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Microbiology & Microbial Pathogenesis)2011 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Stephanie B. Stewart Psychiatry20132015 Kevin John Black (post-doc)
Arlene R. StiffmanSocial Work, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Martha StorandtClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Gerontology Psychology Robert Kleemeier (grad student), Jack Botwinick (grad student)
Ann StoweNeuroinflammation, adaptive immunityMotor cortex: plasticity and stroke, Ischemic tolerance Jeffrey Gidday (post-doc)
Alison Strack
Catherine L. StrileySocial Work2002 Arlene R. Stiffman (grad student)
Nobuo SugaAuditory system, echolocation
Jihyun Suh Psychological and Brain Sciences2018 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Kathleen R. SullivanCognitive development, word learning Psychology20042012 Lori Markson (grad student)
Haoxin Sun Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Adhira Sunkara Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering2014 Dora Angelaki (grad student), Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Swati M. Surkar20172019 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Earl W. Sutherlandcell physiology, endocrinology, metabolism19401942 Carl F. Cori (research assistant)
Hideo SuzukiBehavioral neuroscience, neuroimaging, neuroendocrinology, social psychology20102013 Deanna M. Barch (post-doc), Kelly N. Botteron (post-doc)
Khena Marie Swallow2007 Jeffrey M. Zacks (grad student)
Chad M. SylvesterVisual Attention, fMRI20032009 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Karl K. SzpunarMemory20042009 Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Karl K. Szpunar Psychology2009 Kathleen B. McDermott (grad student)
Elaine M. TamezCognitive Psychology Psychology2012 Sandra Hale (grad student)
Rayna Tang Psychological and Brain Sciences2022 Zachariah M. Reagh (grad student)
Jennifer J. Taylor2005 Kristen L. Kroll (grad student)
Jordan A. TaylorMotor Control, Motor Learning20032007 William Thomas Thach (grad student), Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
William Thomas Thachmotor system, motor learning
Kelly R. TheimClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Denise E. Wilfley (grad student)
Kurt A. ThoroughmanMotor control
Xiaolin TianGenetics, Physiology Biology2006 James B. Skeath (grad student)
Jeffrey B. TitusNeuropsychology; epilepsy
Illya TolokhChemical senses Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2014 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Taisuke TomitaAlzheimer's disease Raphael Kopan (post-doc)
Natasha A Tongeanxiety Psychology and Brain Sciences20132020 Thomas L. Rodebaugh (grad student)
Richard M. TorackAlzheimer disease
Colleen M. Tracey-FisherSocial Work2007 Wendy F. Auslander (grad student)
Hien Thuy Tran Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 David L. Brody (grad student)
Larry O. TrussellSynaptic transmission Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
Connie TsaiVertebrate cochlea20082011 Erik D. Herzog (research assistant)
Chi-Shing Tse20072009 David A. Balota (post-doc)
Chak Foon TsoSleep Biology Erik D. Herzog (grad student)
Susan TsunodaDrosophila phototransduction, genetics Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Pang-Hsien Tu
Diwakar Turagaolfaction, microscopy Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Mustafa TurkozNotch Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Developmental, Regenerative, & Stem Cell Biology)2014 Raphael Kopan (grad student)
Jessie A. Turnbaugh Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology)2011 David A. Harris (grad student)
Isaiah R. TurnbullImmunology2008 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Sidney Udenfriend1950 Carl F. Cori (post-doc)
Takanori Uka Greg DeAngelis (post-doc)
Tyler K UllandNeuroimmune response to Neurodegeneration20142018 Marco Colonna (post-doc), David M. Holtzman (collaborator)
Jason D. Ulrich
Michael A. Urbin20122015 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Mwiza Ushe Neurology Joel S. Perlmutter (grad student)
Neil Vaishnavi Radiology Radiology20032010 Marcus E. Raichle (grad student), Andrei Vlassenko (collaborator)
Sanjeev N. VaishnaviNeuroimaging Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2010 Marcus E. Raichle (grad student)
Manouela V. Valtcheva
David C. Van EssenVisual system
Hanneke van Miermotor learning, fMRI19901995 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
William M. Vanderheyden Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Paul Joseph Shaw (grad student)
Linda VanDillen Psychological and Brain Sciences1994 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Cassandra M. VanDunkDevelopment, Breathing Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20122017 David McLean (post-doc), Paul A. Gray (grad student)
Lori L. VeielAttention and eye movements2004 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Ananth K. VellimanaSubarachnoid hemorrhage, Vasospasm, Delayed cerebral ischemia, Nitric oxide2009 Gregory J. Zipfel (post-doc)
Philip B. VergheseLipid metabolism in Neurodegeneration
Cassondra Vernier Biology2019 Yehuda Ben-Shahar (grad student)
Jean VettelMultimodal Integration, Structure-Function Couplings, Translational Neuroscience20012004 Jeffrey M. Zacks (research assistant)
Andreu ViaderAxonal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, Myelination, Schwann cell metabolism Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2011 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
natasha m. viquezDrosophila NMJ Aaron DiAntonio (grad student)
Kristina M. VisscherVisual and Auditory memory, attention, fMRI, EEG19992004 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Andrei Vlassenko
Carrie A. VodehnalPhilosophy, Ethics Philosophy2010 John Doris (grad student)
Alecia C. VogelfMRI, reading2006 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Joshua Tzvi Vogelsteincomputational, circuit inference, fluorescence imaging Daniel W. Moran (research assistant)
Matthew R. Vogt Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2013 Michael S. Diamond (grad student)
Leo Volkov20172022 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
Nancy R. VoslerSocial Work, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health
Jim VoyvodicFMRI, Visual Cortex1988 Dale Purves (grad student)
Jason VytlacilPrefrontal Cortex, Dopamine system20062008 Lawrence H. Snyder (research assistant), David C. Van Essen (research assistant)
Kimberly J. Waddell Physical Therapy20152019 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Joanne M. Wagnerhuman neurphysiology, motor learning2006 Catherine E. Lang (grad student)
Christopher Wahlheim Psychology2011 Larry L. Jacoby (grad student), Jeffrey M. Zacks (grad student)
yogi wairkarDrosophila NMJ
Emily S. Walkerhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=722005 Alison M. Goate (grad student)
Mark WalshDevelopment synapse elimination2003 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
Keith Walters1985 John Baugh (grad student)
Paul Andrew WandaMotor Control, Computational Neuroscience, Learning, Memory, Electrophysiology, Electrical Stimulation Biomedical Engineering2011 Kurt A. Thoroughman (grad student)
Wei WangMotor system neuroscience, neuroprosthetics, brain-computer interface20022006 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Cunguo Wang2006 Lawrence H. Snyder (post-doc)
Tracy H. Wangepisodic memory, aging, fMRI20042006 Randy L. Buckner (research assistant)
Binxu WangVisual system, Computational modeling, Generative model, Geometry Neuroscience20192023 Carlos Ramon Ponce (grad student)
Shuo Wang
Yaming Wang Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)2013 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Zhao-Wen Wang Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Paul V. Watkinsauditory neurophysiology, development Biomedical Engineering20032009 Dennis L. Barbour (grad student)
Jason M. WatsonCognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory2001 David A. Balota (grad student)
Alexis B. Webbcircadian biology, vision, olfaction Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2010 Erik D. Herzog (grad student)
John M. Webb Biology Erik D. Herzog (research assistant)
Annemarie Weber
Aguan Wei Larry Salkoff (post-doc)
Blaire J. Weidler Psychological and Brain Sciences2017 Richard A. Abrams (grad student)
Yana WeinsteinMemory, metacognition20122013 Henry L. Roediger, III (post-doc), Kathleen B. McDermott (post-doc), Thomas Oltmanns (post-doc)
Daniel A. Weiskopf2003 William Bechtel (grad student)
Audrey M. WellsMemory, Addiction, Depression, Sleep20052008 Tom W. Ferkol (grad student)
Rachel D. WellsClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2005 Desiree A. White (grad student)
Kristin K. WengerfMRI, development20012008 Steven E. Petersen (grad student)
Ralf Wessel
Tim WestAlzheimer's, amyloid2006 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Andrew Westbrookcognitive control, motivation, decision-making2010 Todd S. Braver (grad student), Bruna S. Martins (collaborator)
Robert Bruce WexlerSurface chemistry, computational catalysis, machine learning
Mark E. WheelerMemory, perceptual decision making, attention, fMRI20032004 Steven E. Petersen (post-doc), Randy L. Buckner (grad student)
Jesse J. Wheeler Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Robert L. White20012007 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student)
Leonard E. White Joseph L. Price (post-doc)
Desiree A. WhiteBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Tony WhiteSocial Work2005 Wendy F. Auslander (grad student)
Lindsay A. WieczorekEndocrinology and Stress Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Isaac WiegmanPhilosophy, Ethics, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology2014 John Doris (grad student)
Craig C. Wierpsychoacoustics, auditory psychophysics, clinical expert systems, evoked potentials19721974 Charles S. Watson (grad student), Hallowell Davis (grad student)
Gagan S. Wig Steven E. Petersen (post-doc)
Sara Wilcox1996 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Denise E. WilfleyClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Harry Wilkins
Mark Willardneural virology W Maxwell Cowan (post-doc)
Jordan J. Williams Biomedical Engineering2013 Daniel W. Moran (grad student)
Philip R. Williamsvisual neurophysiology Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2009 Peter D. Lukasiewicz (grad student)
Natecia L. Williamsphotoreceptor transcriptional networks Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)20082013 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
Timothy J. Wilson2007 Marco Colonna (grad student)
Anthony J. Windebank Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Richard Paul Bunge (post-doc)
Jason R. WingertBrain imaging of adaptive plasticity2007 Harold Burton (grad student)
Steven P. Wisecognitive neurophysiology19741977 Edward G. Jones (grad student)
Kimberly J. WisneskiBrain Computer Interfaces
Josh C. WoloszynekMolecular genetics2007 Mark S. Sands (grad student)
Kit Wong2002 Yi Rao (grad student)
Wai Thong Wong2001 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
David Wozniak
chunlai wuDrosophila NMJ, Neurodegeneration Cell Biology & Physiology Aaron DiAntonio (post-doc), Anthony J. Muslin (grad student)
Dick Wusynapses, ion channels20052010 Jianmin Cui (grad student)
John D. Wylieneuroscience, neuroradiology20032006 Jeff W. Lichtman (grad student)
J Michael Wyssneuroanatomy W Maxwell Cowan (post-doc)
Jue Xie2012 Camillo Padoa-Schioppa (grad student)
Pei Sabrina Xu20082014 Timothy E. Holy (grad student)
Jeremy K. YamashiroCollective Memory, Social Aspects of Memory, Collective Future Thought, Conversational Remembering Psychological & Brain Sciences Anthropology20172019 Henry L. Roediger, III (post-doc), James Wertsch (post-doc)
Chunhui (Alex) Yang Imaging Science2024 David C. Van Essen (grad student)
Huanghe YangIon channels, biophysics, electrophysiology, neuroscience20032008 Jianmin Cui (grad student)
Junqiu YangK channels Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering2011 Jianmin Cui (grad student)
Melvin J. YapCognitive Aging, word recognition, priming, memory2007 David A. Balota (grad student)
Tal YarkonifMRI, cognitive control, decision-making Psychology20032009 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Debbie M. YeeCognitive Control, Decision-Making20132019 Todd S. Braver (grad student)
Benjamin E. Yeryscognitive control and neuroimaging in autism19961999 David A. Balota (research assistant)
Yong Yin2001 Joshua R. Sanes (grad student)
Cynthia A. Yonan Psychology1999 Martha Storandt (grad student)
Kong-Woo (Peter) YoonGABA and Glycine receptors Steven M Rothman (post-doc)
Eric A. Yttrivisuomotor processing, basal ganglia Biology 2011 Lawrence H. Snyder (grad student), Joshua T. Dudman (post-doc)
Alfred Brian Yu Psychology2013 Jeffrey M. Zacks (grad student)
ManSoo YuSocial Work, Native American Studies, Public and Social Welfare2006 Arlene R. Stiffman (grad student)
Alex YuanNeuroscience Biology2004 Lawrence B. Salkoff (grad student), Larry Salkoff (grad student)
Jeffrey M. Zacksevent perception, spatial reasoning, memory
Amy R. ZarrinNeuroscience Biology2003 Charles F. Zorumski (grad student)
Cristina D. Zepeda Education Andrew Cox Butler (post-doc)
Christopher L. ZerrMemory Psychology2015 Kathleen B. McDermott (grad student)
Jason D. ZevinWord recognition, speech perception, computational modeling, neuroimaging19961998 David A. Balota (research assistant)
Dongyang Zhang Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences)2012 Dennis L. Barbour (grad student)
Bin Zhang2007 Jeffrey Milbrandt (grad student)
Victoria Zhang Computer Science2019 Carlos Ramon Ponce (grad student)
Zhihan ZhangHuman-Computer Interaction Jung-Tsung Shen (research assistant)
Hongjuan ZhaoSynapse Development, C. elegans, zebrafish2000 Michael L. Nonet (grad student)
Guoyan ZhaoNeuroscience Biology, Genetics2003 James B. Skeath (grad student)
Yu Zhou Anesthesiology Chris Lingle (grad student)
Gregory J. ZipfelCerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Charles F. ZorumskiNeuroscience Biology