Robert C Sinclair

Psychology Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 
"Robert Sinclair"
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Sinclair RC, Moore SE, Mark MM, et al. (2010) Incidental moods, source likeability, and persuasion: Liking motivates message elaboration in happy people Cognition & Emotion. 24: 940-961
Sinclair RC, Lovsin TK, Moore SE. (2007) Mood state, issue involvement, and argument strength on responses to persuasive appeals. Psychological Reports. 101: 739-53
Soldat AS, Sinclair RC. (2001) Colors, Smiles, and Frowns: External Affective Cues can Directly Affect Responses to Persuasive Communications in a Mood-like Manner Without Affecting Mood Social Cognition. 19: 469-490
Sinclair RC, Mark MM, Moore SE, et al. (2000) An electoral butterfly effect. Nature. 408: 665-6
Brown NR, Sinclair RC. (1999) Estimating number of lifetime sexual partners: Men and women do it differently Journal of Sex Research. 36: 292-297
Sinclair RC, Soldat AS, Mark MM. (1998) Affective Cues and Processing Strategy: Color-Coded Examination Forms Influence Performance Teaching of Psychology. 25: 130-132
Soldat AS, Sinclair RC, Mark MM. (1997) Color as an Environmental Processing Cue: External Affective Cues Can Directly Affect Processing Strategy Without Affecting Mood Social Cognition. 15: 55-71
Sinclair RC, Soldat AS, Ryan CA. (1997) Development and Validation of Velten-like Image-Oriented Anxiety and Serenity Mood Inductions Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 19: 163-182
Sinclair RC, Mark MM. (1995) The effects of mood state on judgemental accuracy: Processing strategy as a mechanism Cognition & Emotion. 9: 417-438
Sinclair RC, Mark MM, Clore GL. (1994) Mood-Related Persuasion Depends on (Mis)Attributions Social Cognition. 12: 309-326
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