Anna Marie Clayton, M.A.

Psychology Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, United States 
"Anna Clayton"
Mean distance: 17.92 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Norman JF, Clayton AM, Norman HF, et al. (2008) Learning to perceive differences in solid shape through vision and touch. Perception. 37: 185-96
Norman JF, Crabtree CE, Herrmann M, et al. (2006) Aging and the perception of 3-D shape from dynamic patterns of binocular disparity. Perception & Psychophysics. 68: 94-101
Norman JF, Todd JT, Norman HF, et al. (2006) Visual discrimination of local surface structure: slant, tilt, and curvedness. Vision Research. 46: 1057-69
Norman JF, Crabtree CE, Clayton AM, et al. (2005) The perception of distances and spatial relationships in natural outdoor environments. Perception. 34: 1315-24
Norman JF, Clayton AM, Shular CF, et al. (2004) Aging and the perception of depth and 3-D shape from motion parallax. Psychology and Aging. 19: 506-14
Norman JF, Norman HF, Clayton AM, et al. (2004) The visual and haptic perception of natural object shape. Perception & Psychophysics. 66: 342-51
Norman JF, Norman HF, Todd JT, et al. (2003) The perception and discrimination of local curvature on complex 3-D surfaces Journal of Vision. 3: 482a
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