Simon Prince
Affiliations: | Computer Science | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
computer visionWebsite:
"Simon Prince"Mean distance: 14.75 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorBrian J. Rogers | grad student | 1995-1998 | Oxford |
James Elder | post-doc | York University | |
Andrew Parker | post-doc | 1998-2000 | Oxford |
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Prince S, Li P, Fu Y, et al. (2011) Probabilistic Models for Inference about Identity. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Prince SJD, Elder JH. (2010) Bayesian identity clustering Crv 2010 - 7th Canadian Conference On Computer and Robot Vision. 32-39 |
Prince SJ, Elder JH, Warrell J, et al. (2008) Tied factor analysis for face recognition across large pose differences. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 30: 970-84 |
Prince SJD, Elder JH. (2007) Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis for inferences about identity Proceedings of the Ieee International Conference On Computer Vision |
Prince SJD, Elder JH, Hou Y, et al. (2007) Pre-attentive face detection for foveated wide-field surveillance Proceedings - Seventh Ieee Workshop On Applications of Computer Vision, Wacv 2005. 439-446 |
Elder JH, Prince SJD, Hou Y, et al. (2007) Pre-attentive and attentive detection of humans in wide-field scenes International Journal of Computer Vision. 72: 47-66 |
Prince SJD, Elder JH, Hou Y, et al. (2005) Statistical cue integration for foveated wide-field surveillance Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2: 603-610 |
Prince SJ, Cumming BG, Parker AJ. (2002) Range and mechanism of encoding of horizontal disparity in macaque V1. Journal of Neurophysiology. 87: 209-21 |
Prince SJ, Pointon AD, Cumming BG, et al. (2002) Quantitative analysis of the responses of V1 neurons to horizontal disparity in dynamic random-dot stereograms. Journal of Neurophysiology. 87: 191-208 |
Prince S, Offen S, Cumming BG, et al. (2001) The integration of orientation information in the motion correspondence problem. Perception. 30: 367-80 |