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James Elder

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Computer Vision
"James Elder"
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Goettker A, Pidaparthy H, Braun DI, et al. (2021) Ice hockey spectators use contextual cues to guide predictive eye movements. Current Biology : Cb. 31: R991-R992
Elder JH, Oleskiw TD, Fruend I. (2018) The role of global cues in the perceptual grouping of natural shapes. Journal of Vision. 18: 14
Elder JH. (2018) Shape from Contour: Computation and Representation. Annual Review of Vision Science. 4: 423-450
Wilder J, Fruend I, Elder JH. (2018) Frequency tuning of shape perception revealed by classification image analysis. Journal of Vision. 18: 9
Fruend I, Wilder J, Elder J. (2018) Nonlinear visual mechanisms for 2D shape discrimination with pose uncertainty Journal of Vision. 18: 420
Elder JH, Victor J, Zucker SW. (2016) Understanding the statistics of the natural environment and their implications for vision. Vision Research
Drewes J, Goren G, Zhu W, et al. (2016) Recurrent Processing in the Formation of Shape Percepts. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 185-92
Wu H, Elder J. (2016) What is Perceptual Curvature? Journal of Vision. 16: 812
Graf E, Adams W, Elder J. (2015) The effect of the bounding contour on the perception of surface shape. Journal of Vision. 15: 732
Adams W, Elder J, Graf E, et al. (2015) Perception of 3D structure and natural scene statistics: The Southampton-York Natural Scenes (SYNS) dataset. Journal of Vision. 15: 726
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