Richard Levy

U610 INSERM, Rennes, Bretagne, France 
"Richard Levy"
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Bieth T, Ovando-Tellez M, Lopez-Persem A, et al. (2023) Time course of EEG power during creative problem-solving with insight or remote thinking. Human Brain Mapping
Levy R. (2023) The prefrontal cortex: from monkey to man. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Tanguy D, Batrancourt B, Estudillo-Romero A, et al. (2022) An ecological approach to identify distinct neural correlates of disinhibition in frontotemporal dementia. Neuroimage. Clinical. 35: 103079
Saracino D, Géraudie A, Remes AM, et al. (2021) Primary progressive aphasias associated with C9orf72 expansions: Another side of the story. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 145: 145-159
Ovando-Tellez M, Rohaut B, George N, et al. (2021) Does adding to enhance the activation of ? An ERP study of semantic category priming. Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-16
Dubois B, Bombois S, Villain N, et al. (2020) [Toward a preventive management Alzheimer's disease]. Bulletin De L'Academie Nationale De Medecine
Garcin B, Volle E, Funkiewiez A, et al. (2018) "A mosquito bites and a butterfly flies": a specific response type of frontal patients in a similarity task. Neuropsychologia
Garcin B, Urbanski M, Thiebaut de Schotten M, et al. (2018) Anterior Temporal Lobe Morphometry Predicts Categorization Ability. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 12: 36
Foulon C, Cerliani L, Kinkingnéhun S, et al. (2018) Advanced lesion symptom mapping analyses and implementation as BCBtoolkit. Gigascience
Bendetowicz D, Urbanski M, Garcin B, et al. (2017) Two critical brain networks for generation and combination of remote associations. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
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