Delphine Lévy-Bencheton | | | 2010 | 2013 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Sana Al Awabdh | | | | | Michele Darmon (grad student) |
Nadia Alahyane | | | 2002 | 2006 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Philipp Alberts | | | | | Thierry Galli (grad student) |
Patrick Aubourg | | | | | Laurent Watroba (collaborator) |
Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi | | | | | |
Julien Barry | | | | | |
Paolo Bartolomeo | Cognitive Neurology Attention Perception Consciousness Mental Imagery | | | | |
Étienne-Émile Baulieu | | | | | |
Jean-Claude Beauvillain | | | | | Julien Barry (grad student) |
Doug K. Bemis | | | 2014 | 2014 | Christophe Pallier (post-doc) |
Sandrine Bertrand | | | | | Frederic Nagy (post-doc) |
Julien Besle | Auditory system | | | | |
Marco Bocchio | Neuromodulators, Serotonin, Learning, Plasticity, Ensembles, Inhibition | INMED | 2017 | 2021 | Rosa Cossart (post-doc) |
Sébastien G. Bouret | Neuroscience, Obesity | | 1997 | 2001 | Jean-Claude Beauvillain (grad student) |
Joao Manuel Braz | Pain | | 1996 | 2000 | Michel Hamon (grad student) |
Adrien Brilhaut | | | | | |
Andrea Burgo | | | | | Thierry Galli (post-doc) |
Jean-Marie Cabelguen | Motor control | | | | |
Emilie Caron | | | | | Sébastien G. Bouret (grad student) |
Thierry Chaminade | neuroscience, social ognition | | 2001 | 2003 | Jean Decety (grad student) |
Jacques Charlier | Biomedical Engineering | | | | James Vernon Odom (collaborator) |
Serge Charpak | | | | | |
Pom Charras | Size estimation, Attention | | | | Paolo Bartolomeo (post-doc) |
Marie-Christine CHARTIER-HARLIN | Alzheimer, Parkinson | | | | |
Stéphanie Chevallier | | | | | Jean-Marie Cabelguen (grad student) |
eric chevet | cell biology, cancer, endoplasmic reticulum, stress, signaling, brain cancer | | | | |
Alexis Cheviet | | | 2017 | 2021 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Louisa Christie | | | | | |
Gerard Baptist Clemont | neuron cloning | | | | |
Daniela Cota | Energy Balance, Neuroendocrinology | | | | |
Inès Daguet | Pain; Chronobiology | | | | |
Glenn Dallérac | synaptic plasticity | | 2010 | 2012 | Jean-Pierre Mothet (post-doc) |
Lydia Danglot | | | | | Thierry Galli (post-doc) |
Michele Darmon | | | | | |
Isabelle Delvolvé | | | | | Jean-Marie Cabelguen (grad student) |
Anne-Dominique Devauchelle | | | 2005 | 2009 | Christophe Pallier (grad student) |
Peter Ford Dominey | language, robotics, neuroscience, computational modelling | | | | |
Florian Donneger | | IFM | 2018 | | Jean Christophe Poncer (grad student) |
Michel Engeln | Addiction | Laboratory of Cognitive and Adaptative Neuroscience | 2009 | 2009 | Anne Pereira Vasconcelos (grad student) |
Emmanuel Eugène | | | 2004 | 2007 | Jean Christophe Poncer (research assistant) |
Veronique Fabre | | | | | |
Alessandro Farne | Multisensory perception | | | | Elisabetta Làdavas (grad student) |
Francesca Filippini | | | | | Thierry Galli (grad student) |
Julien Fournier | Visual system; hippocampus; navigation | | | | |
Maxime Fouyssac | Addiction | | | | |
María Jesús Funes | Attention, Neuropsychology | | | | Paolo Bartolomeo (post-doc) |
Thierry Galli | neurosecretion | | | | Pietro De Camilli (post-doc), Jacques Glowinski (grad student), Daniel Louvard (research scientist) |
Alessandra Gallo | | Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris | 2014 | 2019 | Thierry Galli (post-doc), Thierry Galli (grad student) |
Olivier George | Addiction, Animal Models, Neuronal Ensembles, Prefrontal, Amygdala, Medication Development, | | 2000 | 2006 | Willy Mayo (grad student) |
Nicolas Gervasi | "neuromodulation, neurophysiology, imaging" | | | | Jean-Antoine Girault (post-doc) |
Marie-Hélène Giard | | | | | |
Christian Giaume | gap junctions, glia, neuroglial interactions | | | | Jacques Glowinski (research scientist) |
Laurence Goutebroze | | | | | |
Marie Goutierre | Neuroscience | | 2013 | | Jean Christophe Poncer (grad student) |
Jozina de Graaf | | | 1994 | 1995 | Denis Pelisson (post-doc) |
Julie Grezes | | | | | Jean Decety (grad student) |
Claude Gronfier | circadian system, light, melanopsin, non-visual responses, sleep, melatonin, cortisol, cognition, temperature | | | | |
Ouazna Habchi | | | 2011 | 2015 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Michel Hamon | | | | | Jacques Glowinski (grad student) |
Edward M. Hubbard | Educational Cognitive Neuroscience, Numerical Cognition, Multisensory Integration, Synesthesia | | 2004 | 2008 | Stanislas Dehaene (post-doc) |
Romain Icick | | | | | |
Stéphane Jacobs | Extinction, neglect, apraxia, tool use | | 2009 | | Alessandro Farne (post-doc) |
Nicolas Josset | motor control in epilepsy | | | | |
patrick kitabgi | | | | | |
Esther Klingler | | Institut du Fer à Moulin | 2011 | 2014 | Laurence Goutebroze (grad student) |
Ansgar Koene | perception and behavior | | 2003 | 2004 | Denis Pelisson (post-doc) |
Aurelia Kuster | | | 2010 | 2014 | Thierry Galli (grad student) |
Francois Lachapelle | | | | | |
Claire Landmann | Learning, Reward and Executive Function | | 2001 | 2006 | Stanislas Dehaene (grad student), Sabina Pappata (grad student) |
Gwendal Le Masson | | | | | |
Philippe Lefebvre | Nuclear receptors, metabolism | | | | |
Xavier Leinekugel | cell asssemblies | | | | |
Félix Leroy | | | 2009 | 2009 | Jean Christophe Poncer (grad student) |
Richard Levy | | | | | |
Ee Peng Lim | | | 2009 | 2010 | Therese Jay (post-doc) |
Jean Livet | | | | 2002 | Christopher E. Henderson (grad student) |
Karine Loulier | forebrain development | | 2009 | | Jean Livet (post-doc) |
Paikan Marcaggi | | | 1996 | 1999 | Jonathan A. Coles (grad student) |
Henry G. Martin | | | | | |
Magalie Martineau | synapses, vesicles, neuron, glia | | 2004 | 2008 | Jean-Pierre Mothet (grad student) |
Willy Mayo | | | | | |
stephane melik parsadaniantz | neuroscience, endocrinology, pain | | | | |
Camille Métais | | | 2019 | 2021 | Denis Pelisson (research assistant) |
Sabine Meunier | | | | | |
Aline Miquée | | | 2008 | 2009 | Denis Pelisson (post-doc) |
Juan Facundo Morici | Hippocampus, Cortex | | | | |
Valérie Morisset | | | | | Frederic Nagy (grad student) |
Raymond P. Najjar | Visual Neurosciences, Melanopsin, Pupillometry, Myopia, Light, Artificial Intelligence | | | | Claude Gronfier (grad student) |
Judith Nicolas | | | 2014 | 2019 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Nurul Aqmar Nor Hazalin | | | | | Jean-Pierre Mothet (grad student) |
Yo Otsu | | Institut du Fer a Moulin | 2015 | 2017 | Jean Christophe Poncer (post-doc) |
Stefano Palminteri | Decision Making | | | | |
Muriel Panouillères | | | 2007 | 2011 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Denis Pelisson | | | | | |
Marie-Therese Perenin | | | | | |
Anselme Perrier | | | | | |
Maja Petkovic | | | | | Thierry Galli (grad student) |
Manuela Piazza | Number sense, Dyscalculia, Symbol grounding, Semantic representations, Mental spaces, Space processing, Navigation | | 2001 | 2006 | Stanislas Dehaene (research scientist) |
Philippe Pinel | Numerical Cognition | | 1995 | | Stanislas Dehaene (research scientist) |
Gregoire Pointeau | | | | 2015 | Peter Ford Dominey (grad student) |
Jean Christophe Poncer | Synaptic plasticity, epilepsy | | | | |
Traian Popa | movement disorders, plasticity, motor control | | 2007 | 2009 | Sabine Meunier (post-doc) |
Pierre Poulain | | | | | |
Vincent Prevot | | | 1995 | 1999 | Jean-Claude Beauvillain (grad student) |
Véronique Proux-Gillardeaux | | | | | Thierry Galli (post-doc) |
François B Robin | Cell and Developmental Biology | | | | |
Agnès Roby-Brami | Motor control, apraxia, hemiplegia | | | | |
william rostene | | | | | |
Johanna Roux | Neurosciences, Sleep, Chronobiology | Chronobiology | | | Claude Gronfier (grad student) |
Jean-Christophe Roux | Neurogenetics | | | | |
Rachel Rudge | | | | | Thierry Galli (post-doc) |
Paola Sacchetti | Parkinson's disease, nuclear receptors | | 2000 | 2005 | Philippe Lefebvre (post-doc) |
Christelle Sachot | leptin, cytokines | | | | |
Sepideh Sadaghiani | fMRI, functional connectivity, intrinsic activity, alertness, perceptual awareness | | 2007 | 2010 | Andreas Kleinschmidt (grad student) |
Sonal Shruti | | | | | |
Mariano Sigman | | | | | Stanislas Dehaene (post-doc) |
Emmanuel Sotirakis | | | | | Thierry Galli (grad student) |
Alfredo Spagna | Cognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Cognitive Control, Visual Perception, Mental Imagery | | | | Paolo Bartolomeo (post-doc) |
Sophie Steculorum | | | | | Sébastien G. Bouret (grad student) |
Brooke K. Tata | Neuroendocrinology, GnRH neurons | | | | |
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten | Cognitive Neuroscience | U610 | 2004 | 2007 | Paolo Bartolomeo (grad student), Richard Levy (grad student) |
Seb Thuault | | | 1999 | 2000 | Therese Jay (grad student) |
Leslie Tricoche | | | 2018 | 2022 | Denis Pelisson (grad student) |
Virginie van Wassenhove | time, cognition, multisensory, perception, auditory-visual speech | | | | |
Somya Vats | | | | | Thierry Galli (post-doc) |
Bruno Vellas | | | | | |
Laurent Watroba | Neurosciences, experimental medicine | | 2006 | | Francois Lachapelle (research scientist) |
Anna J. Wilson | Numerical Cognition | | 2003 | | Stanislas Dehaene (post-doc) |
Joachim Wittbrodt | | | | | Frédéric Rosa (post-doc) |
Pavol Zelina | | | | | |
Kathleen Zylbersztejn | | | | | Thierry Galli (grad student) |