Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Delphine Lévy-Bencheton 20102013 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Sana Al Awabdh Michele Darmon (grad student)
Nadia Alahyane20022006 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Philipp Alberts Thierry Galli (grad student)
Patrick Aubourg Laurent Watroba (collaborator)
Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi
Julien Barry
Paolo BartolomeoCognitive Neurology Attention Perception Consciousness Mental Imagery
Étienne-Émile Baulieu
Jean-Claude Beauvillain Julien Barry (grad student)
Doug K. Bemis20142014 Christophe Pallier (post-doc)
Sandrine Bertrand Frederic Nagy (post-doc)
Julien BesleAuditory system
Marco BocchioNeuromodulators, Serotonin, Learning, Plasticity, Ensembles, Inhibition INMED20172021 Rosa Cossart (post-doc)
Sébastien G. BouretNeuroscience, Obesity19972001 Jean-Claude Beauvillain (grad student)
Joao Manuel BrazPain19962000 Michel Hamon (grad student)
Adrien Brilhaut
Andrea Burgo Thierry Galli (post-doc)
Jean-Marie CabelguenMotor control
Emilie Caron Sébastien G. Bouret (grad student)
Thierry Chaminadeneuroscience, social ognition20012003 Jean Decety (grad student)
Jacques CharlierBiomedical Engineering James Vernon Odom (collaborator)
Serge Charpak
Pom CharrasSize estimation, Attention Paolo Bartolomeo (post-doc)
Marie-Christine CHARTIER-HARLINAlzheimer, Parkinson
Stéphanie Chevallier Jean-Marie Cabelguen (grad student)
eric chevetcell biology, cancer, endoplasmic reticulum, stress, signaling, brain cancer
Alexis Cheviet20172021 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Louisa Christie
Gerard Baptist Clemontneuron cloning
Daniela CotaEnergy Balance, Neuroendocrinology
Inès DaguetPain; Chronobiology
Glenn Dalléracsynaptic plasticity20102012 Jean-Pierre Mothet (post-doc)
Lydia Danglot Thierry Galli (post-doc)
Michele Darmon
Isabelle Delvolvé Jean-Marie Cabelguen (grad student)
Anne-Dominique Devauchelle20052009 Christophe Pallier (grad student)
Peter Ford Domineylanguage, robotics, neuroscience, computational modelling
Florian Donneger IFM2018 Jean Christophe Poncer (grad student)
Michel EngelnAddiction Laboratory of Cognitive and Adaptative Neuroscience20092009 Anne Pereira Vasconcelos (grad student)
Emmanuel Eugène20042007 Jean Christophe Poncer (research assistant)
Veronique Fabre
Alessandro FarneMultisensory perception Elisabetta Làdavas (grad student)
Francesca Filippini Thierry Galli (grad student)
Julien FournierVisual system; hippocampus; navigation
Maxime FouyssacAddiction
María Jesús FunesAttention, Neuropsychology Paolo Bartolomeo (post-doc)
Thierry Gallineurosecretion Pietro De Camilli (post-doc), Jacques Glowinski (grad student), Daniel Louvard (research scientist)
Alessandra Gallo Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris20142019 Thierry Galli (post-doc), Thierry Galli (grad student)
Olivier GeorgeAddiction, Animal Models, Neuronal Ensembles, Prefrontal, Amygdala, Medication Development,20002006 Willy Mayo (grad student)
Nicolas Gervasi"neuromodulation, neurophysiology, imaging" Jean-Antoine Girault (post-doc)
Marie-Hélène Giard
Christian Giaumegap junctions, glia, neuroglial interactions Jacques Glowinski (research scientist)
Laurence Goutebroze
Marie GoutierreNeuroscience2013 Jean Christophe Poncer (grad student)
Jozina de Graaf19941995 Denis Pelisson (post-doc)
Julie Grezes Jean Decety (grad student)
Claude Gronfiercircadian system, light, melanopsin, non-visual responses, sleep, melatonin, cortisol, cognition, temperature
Ouazna Habchi20112015 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Michel Hamon Jacques Glowinski (grad student)
Edward M. HubbardEducational Cognitive Neuroscience, Numerical Cognition, Multisensory Integration, Synesthesia20042008 Stanislas Dehaene (post-doc)
Romain Icick
Stéphane JacobsExtinction, neglect, apraxia, tool use2009 Alessandro Farne (post-doc)
Nicolas Jossetmotor control in epilepsy
patrick kitabgi
Esther Klingler Institut du Fer à Moulin20112014 Laurence Goutebroze (grad student)
Ansgar Koeneperception and behavior20032004 Denis Pelisson (post-doc)
Aurelia Kuster20102014 Thierry Galli (grad student)
Francois Lachapelle
Claire LandmannLearning, Reward and Executive Function20012006 Stanislas Dehaene (grad student), Sabina Pappata (grad student)
Gwendal Le Masson
Philippe LefebvreNuclear receptors, metabolism
Xavier Leinekugelcell asssemblies
Félix Leroy20092009 Jean Christophe Poncer (grad student)
Richard Levy
Ee Peng Lim20092010 Therese Jay (post-doc)
Jean Livet2002 Christopher E. Henderson (grad student)
Karine Loulierforebrain development2009 Jean Livet (post-doc)
Paikan Marcaggi19961999 Jonathan A. Coles (grad student)
Henry G. Martin
Magalie Martineausynapses, vesicles, neuron, glia20042008 Jean-Pierre Mothet (grad student)
Willy Mayo
stephane melik parsadaniantzneuroscience, endocrinology, pain
Camille Métais20192021 Denis Pelisson (research assistant)
Sabine Meunier
Aline Miquée20082009 Denis Pelisson (post-doc)
Juan Facundo MoriciHippocampus, Cortex
Valérie Morisset Frederic Nagy (grad student)
Raymond P. NajjarVisual Neurosciences, Melanopsin, Pupillometry, Myopia, Light, Artificial Intelligence Claude Gronfier (grad student)
Judith Nicolas20142019 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Nurul Aqmar Nor Hazalin Jean-Pierre Mothet (grad student)
Yo Otsu Institut du Fer a Moulin20152017 Jean Christophe Poncer (post-doc)
Stefano PalminteriDecision Making
Muriel Panouillères20072011 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Denis Pelisson
Marie-Therese Perenin
Anselme Perrier
Maja Petkovic Thierry Galli (grad student)
Manuela PiazzaNumber sense, Dyscalculia, Symbol grounding, Semantic representations, Mental spaces, Space processing, Navigation20012006 Stanislas Dehaene (research scientist)
Philippe PinelNumerical Cognition1995 Stanislas Dehaene (research scientist)
Gregoire Pointeau2015 Peter Ford Dominey (grad student)
Jean Christophe PoncerSynaptic plasticity, epilepsy
Traian Popamovement disorders, plasticity, motor control20072009 Sabine Meunier (post-doc)
Pierre Poulain
Vincent Prevot19951999 Jean-Claude Beauvillain (grad student)
Véronique Proux-Gillardeaux Thierry Galli (post-doc)
François B RobinCell and Developmental Biology
Agnès Roby-BramiMotor control, apraxia, hemiplegia
william rostene
Johanna RouxNeurosciences, Sleep, Chronobiology Chronobiology Claude Gronfier (grad student)
Jean-Christophe RouxNeurogenetics
Rachel Rudge Thierry Galli (post-doc)
Paola SacchettiParkinson's disease, nuclear receptors20002005 Philippe Lefebvre (post-doc)
Christelle Sachotleptin, cytokines
Sepideh SadaghianifMRI, functional connectivity, intrinsic activity, alertness, perceptual awareness20072010 Andreas Kleinschmidt (grad student)
Sonal Shruti
Mariano Sigman Stanislas Dehaene (post-doc)
Emmanuel Sotirakis Thierry Galli (grad student)
Alfredo SpagnaCognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Cognitive Control, Visual Perception, Mental Imagery Paolo Bartolomeo (post-doc)
Sophie Steculorum Sébastien G. Bouret (grad student)
Brooke K. TataNeuroendocrinology, GnRH neurons
Michel Thiebaut de SchottenCognitive Neuroscience U61020042007 Paolo Bartolomeo (grad student), Richard Levy (grad student)
Seb Thuault19992000 Therese Jay (grad student)
Leslie Tricoche20182022 Denis Pelisson (grad student)
Virginie van Wassenhovetime, cognition, multisensory, perception, auditory-visual speech
Somya Vats Thierry Galli (post-doc)
Bruno Vellas
Laurent WatrobaNeurosciences, experimental medicine2006 Francois Lachapelle (research scientist)
Anna J. WilsonNumerical Cognition2003 Stanislas Dehaene (post-doc)
Joachim Wittbrodt Frédéric Rosa (post-doc)
Pavol Zelina
Kathleen Zylbersztejn Thierry Galli (grad student)