Alexander P Demos, PhD

2013-2015 Psychology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
 2015- Psychology University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
"Alexander Demos"
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Bégel V, Demos AP, Palmer C. (2024) Duet synchronization interventions affect social interactions. Scientific Reports. 14: 9930
Palmer C, Demos AP. (2023) Social timing: More than combinatorial probabilities?: Comment on "The evolution of social timing" by Laura Verga, Sonja Kotz and Andrea Ravignani. Physics of Life Reviews. 47: 102-103
Demos AP, Palmer C. (2023) Musical synchrony, dynamical systems and information processing: Merger or redundancy? Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Demos AP, Palmer C. (2023) Social and nonlinear dynamics unite: musical group synchrony. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Ross MK, Tulabandhula T, Bennett CC, et al. (2023) A Novel Approach to Clustering Accelerometer Data for Application in Passive Predictions of Changes in Depression Severity. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 23
Chen MH, Leow A, Ross MK, et al. (2022) Associations between smartphone keystroke dynamics and cognition in MS. Digital Health. 8: 20552076221143234
Bégel V, Demos AP, Wang M, et al. (2022) Social Interaction and Rate Effects in Models of Musical Synchronization. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 865536
Palmer C, Demos AP. (2022) Are We in Time? How Predictive Coding and Dynamical Systems Explain Musical Synchrony. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 31: 147-153
Melton ZJ, Chaffin R, Kangas-Dick K, et al. (2022) EXPRESS: Does interpersonal liking lead to interpersonal synchrony in musical contexts? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218221094306
Zulueta J, Demos AP, Vesel C, et al. (2021) The Effects of Bipolar Disorder Risk on a Mobile Phone Keystroke Dynamics Based Biomarker of Brain Age. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 739022
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