Elizabeth A. Shay

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, composition
"Elizabeth Shay"
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Saul Sternberg research assistant 2011-2011 Penn (PsychTree)
Eliana Colunga-Leal research assistant 2011-2013 CU Boulder (LinguisTree)
Amit Almor research assistant 2013-2013 University of South Carolina (LinguisTree)
Rutvik H. Desai research assistant 2013-2013 University of South Carolina (LinguisTree)
Florian Schwarz research assistant 2011-2014 Penn (LinguisTree)
Jessica F. Cantlon grad student 2017- Rochester
Bradford Z. Mahon grad student 2017- Rochester
Rajeev D. Raizada grad student 2014-2017 Rochester
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van Dam WO, Almor A, Shinkareva SV, et al. (2019) Distinct neural mechanisms underlying conceptual knowledge of manner and instrument verbs. Neuropsychologia. 107183
Shay EA, Chen Q, Garcea FE, et al. (2018) Decoding intransitive actions in primary motor cortex using fMRI: Toward a componential theory of 'action primitives' in motor cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience
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