Timea Farkas
Affiliations: | 2015 | University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States |
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Leaper C, Gutierrez BC, Farkas T. (2020) Ambivalent Sexism and Reported Relationship Qualities in Emerging Adult Heterosexual Dating Couples Emerging Adulthood. 216769682093468 |
Leaper C, Farkas T, Starr CR. (2019) Traditional masculinity, help avoidance, and intrinsic interest in relation to high school students’ English and math performance. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. 20: 603-611 |
Farkas T, Leaper C. (2016) Erratum to: Chivalry’s Double-edged Sword: How Girls’ and Boys’ Paternalistic Attitudes Relate to Their Possible Family and Work Selves Sex Roles. 74: 475-475 |
Farkas T, Leaper C. (2016) Chivalry’s Double-edged Sword: How Girls’ and Boys’ Paternalistic Attitudes Relate to Their Possible Family and Work Selves Sex Roles. 74: 220-230 |
Leaper C, Farkas T, Brown CS. (2012) Adolescent girls' experiences and gender-related beliefs in relation to their motivation in math/science and english. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 41: 268-82 |