Richard Burnard Rodnight

1949-1986 Institute of Psychiatry University of London, London, England, United Kingdom 
"Richard Burnard Rodnight"

(1921 - 2012)

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Rodnight RB, Gottfried C. (2013) Morphological plasticity of rodent astroglia. Journal of Neurochemistry. 124: 263-75
RODNIGHT R. (2003) Cerebral diphosphoinositide breakdown: activation, complexity and distribution in animal (mainly nervous) tissues. The Biochemical Journal. 63: 223-31
Cechin SR, Gottfried C, Prestes CC, et al. (2002) Astrocyte stellation in saline media lacking bicarbonate: possible relation to intracellular pH and tyrosine phosphorylation. Brain Research. 946: 12-23
Rodnight R, Zamani R, Tweedale A. (1988) An investigation of experimental conditions for studying protein phosphorylation in micro-slices of rat brain by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 24: 27-38
Rodnight R, Trotta EE, Perrett C. (1985) A simple and economical method for studying protein phosphorylation in vivo in the rat brain. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 13: 87-95
PERRETT C, RODNIGHT R. (1985) High-resolution two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of phosphorylated proteins in sub-fractions of rat brain synaptosomes Biochemical Society Transactions. 13: 913-914
Gower H, Rodnight R. (1982) Intrinsic protein phosphorylation in synaptic plasma membrane fragments from the rat. General characteristics and migration behaviour on polyacrylamide gels of the main phosphate acceptors. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 716: 45-52
GOWER H, RODNIGHT R. (1982) Ca2+-sensitivity of Ca24 -plus-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity towards intrinsic proteins in synaptosomal membrane fragments from rat cerebral cortex Biochemical Society Transactions. 10: 379-380
Holmes H, Rodnight R. (1981) Ontogeny of membrane-bound protein phosphorylating systems in the rat. Developmental Neuroscience. 4: 79-88
Bristow AF, Schulster D, Rodnight R. (1981) Cyclic nucleotide-dependent phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in bovine adrenocortical cell membranes. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 675: 24-8
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