University of London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Janette Atkinson
Joshua Harold BurnAutonomic nervous system, pharmacology
Cyril Burt Charles Scott Sherrington (collaborator)
James PC ChelliahmGluR, epilepsy, Kv7 Channels
Arthur C. ClarkeComputational Biomimetics, Communication Satellites
John CohenTime perception Psychology Cyril Burt (grad student)
John D. ElsworthDopamine Dysfunction Merton Sandler (grad student)
George Ettlingerneuropsychology Oliver L. Zangwill (grad student)
John E. Flood1952 John Richard Tillman (grad student)
Hugh S Forrest1948 James Walker (grad student)
Walter D. FurneauxHypnosis, Intelligence
Richard Charles GarrattCrystallography,Biochemistry,Protein Structure and Function,Septins Janet M. Thornton (grad student)
Lawrence GoldmanMembrane Biophysics Bernard C. Abbott (grad student)
John H. Gruzelier
Hugh GurlingPsychiatric Genetics
Lorna Hallidayauditory processing
J. M. Harrison psychology Cyril Burt (grad student)
J. Alexander Heimelvisual plasticity2001 Ton Coolen (grad student)
J. R. Hodges1952 Gladwin A. H. Buttle (grad student)
Susanna M.O. HouraniAdenosine, purinergic receptors Noel J. Cusack (grad student)
Hajime Ichikawa Cardiovascular Research Unit19911994 William A. Coetzee (post-doc)
Daniel JonesPhonetics Walter Ripman (research assistant)
Ian KitchenOpiates, Addiction1980 Stephen L. Hart (grad student)
Dominic Lieven Politics Hugh Seton-Watson (post-doc)
Mike LLewellyn
Mairead MacSweeneybrain imaging, deafness
Alex J. Marshallvisual perception
Mark L. MayerStructural Biology, Ligand gated ion channels19821984 John S. Kelly (post-doc)
Bryan A. McSwineyAutonomic nervous system
Salvador Moncada Institute of Basic Medical Sciences19711975 John R. Vane (grad student)
Donald Frederick Morgenson
Valdir Filgueiras PessoaNeuroscience19791983 Hisako Ikeda (grad student)
Richard Burnard Rodnight
Harry B. RossiterSkeletal Muscle Bioenergetics2000 Brian J. Whipp (grad student)
Arnaud Ruizsynaptic transmission
Merton Sandler
Nick Scott-SamuelVision Andrew T. Smith (post-doc)
Hugh Seton-Watson
John Richard Tillman
Elizabeth K. WarringtonMemory, perception, language, semantic dementia - human neuropsychology in general
Robert A. Wealevision; aging
John G Widdicombe