Louah Sirri

Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, United Kingdom 
"Louah Sirri"
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Sirri L, Guerra E, Linnert S, et al. (2020) Infants' conceptual representations of meaningful verbal and nonverbal sounds. Plos One. 15: e0233968
Sirri L, Linnert S, Reid V, et al. (2020) Speech Intonation Induces Enhanced Face Perception in Infants. Scientific Reports. 10: 3225
Rämä P, Sirri L, Goyet L. (2018) Event-related potentials associated with cognitive mechanisms underlying lexical-semantic processing in monolingual and bilingual 18-month-old children Journal of Neurolinguistics. 47: 123-130
SIRRI L, RÄMÄ P. (2017) Similar and distinct neural mechanisms underlying semantic priming in the languages of the French–Spanish bilingual children Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 22: 93-102
Sirri L, Rämä P. (2015) Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying semantic priming during language acquisition Journal of Neurolinguistics. 35: 1-12
Helo A, Pannasch S, Sirri L, et al. (2014) The maturation of eye movement behavior: scene viewing characteristics in children and adults. Vision Research. 103: 83-91
Fagard J, Sirri L, Rämä P. (2014) Effect of handedness on the occurrence of semantic N400 priming effect in 18- and 24-month-old children. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 355
Rämä P, Sirri L, Serres J. (2013) Development of lexical-semantic language system: N400 priming effect for spoken words in 18- and 24-month old children. Brain and Language. 125: 1-10
Räma P, Sirri L, Serres. J. (2012) Lexical-semantic language organization in developing brain Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology. 42: 250
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