Sukhvinder Obhi

Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada 
"Sukhvinder Obhi"
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Jeremy Hogeveen grad student
Maria Ershova grad student 2016-2018 McMaster University
Ruby Malik grad student 2017-2019 McMaster University
Carl Michael Galang grad student 2015-2020 McMaster University
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Galang CM, Obhi SS. (2022) Empathic pain observation does not influence automatic imitation in an online setting. Experimental Brain Research. 241: 263-276
Galang CM, Malik R, Kinley I, et al. (2021) Studying sense of agency online: Can intentional binding be observed in uncontrolled online settings? Consciousness and Cognition. 95: 103217
Farwaha S, Obhi SS. (2021) The effects of socioeconomic status and situational power on self-other processing in the automatic imitation task. Experimental Brain Research
Galang CM, Johnson D, Obhi SS. (2021) Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy, Self-Construal Style, and Self-Reported Social Distancing Tendencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 588934
Galang CM, Jenkins M, Fahim G, et al. (2021) Exploring the relationship between social power and the ERP components of empathy for pain. Social Neuroscience
Galang CM, Pichtikova M, Sanders T, et al. (2021) Investigating the effects of pain observation on approach and withdrawal actions. Experimental Brain Research
Jenkins M, Obhi SS. (2020) Neurophysiological and Psychological Consequences of Social Exclusion: The Effects of Cueing In-Group and Out-Group Status. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 1: tgaa057
Galang CM, Obhi SS. (2020) To Move or Not to Move: Motor cortical output is enhanced during pain observation regardless of motor preparation state. Journal of Neurophysiology
Farwaha S, Obhi SS. (2020) Socioeconomic status and self-other processing: socioeconomic status predicts interference in the automatic imitation task. Experimental Brain Research
Galang CM, Obhi SS. (2020) Automatic imitation does not predict levels of prosocial behaviour in a modified dictator game. Acta Psychologica. 204: 103022
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