McMaster University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Fahed Abu-HijlehPsychiatry, Bipolar Disorder, Molecular Neuroscience
Anita Acai
Javier Alamilla2009 Deda Gillespie (post-doc)
Brian Alcock Biochemistry20132015 Ben J Evans (grad student)
Lorraine Allan
Elizabeth C. AllenVision, color, memory20062007 Bruce Milliken (research assistant)
Cameron Anderson20212025 Michael R. Schutz (grad student)
David W. Andrews
Krysta Andrews20192022 Margaret C. McKinnon (post-doc)
Vickie ArmstrongPerception, Autism Daphne Maurer (grad student), Terri Lewis (grad student)
Marie-Claude AsselinMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2004 Claude Nahmias (grad student)
Brandon AubieAuditory System, Temporal Processing2007 Paul A. Faure (grad student), Suzanna Becker (grad student)
Thomas L Babbepilepsy Grant K Smith (grad student)
Ramesh BalasubramaniamPostural control, timing, force production, multi-limb coordination, etc
William Harold Baldridgeretina Alexander K. Ball (grad student)
Alexander K. Ballretina John S. McReynolds (research scientist)
Justin BalsorVisual system20122019 Kathryn M. Murphy (grad student)
Parker J BanksReinforcement Learning, Gambling, Vision, Psychophysics, Addiction, Striatum Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour20152021 Patrick J. Bennett (grad student), Allison B. Sekuler (grad student)
John Richard Bartlett Woodburn Heron (grad student), Abraham Black (grad student)
Aimee Battcock20142019 Michael R. Schutz (grad student)
Suzanna BeckerPsychology
Amanda M. Beers2011 Allison B. Sekuler (grad student), Patrick J. Bennett (grad student)
Jillian C. Belroseneurodegeneration, TRPM2, neurotrophins Margaret Fahnestock (grad student)
Patrick J. Bennettvisual system, psychophysics Allison B. Sekuler (collaborator)
Matthew BerryCognitive Neuroscience of Theatre and Literature, Cognition, Behaviour, Neuroscience, Theatre, Acting, Literature, Perception, Archetypes, Stereotypes Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20142020 Steven Brown (grad student)
Simon Peter BesharaNeuroplasticity
Lisa Betts20002006 Patrick J. Bennett (grad student), Christopher Patrick Taylor (collaborator)
Arindam BhattacharjeeTactile perception, Statistical learning, Modelling perception as Bayesian inference Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20152016 Laurel J. Trainor (grad student), Daniel Goldreich (grad student), Daniel Goldreich (post-doc)
Abraham Black
Rober BoshraSystems neuroscience, Machine learning, thalamus Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering20162019 John F. Connolly (grad student), Jim Reilly (grad student)
Jason BouletPostural Control, Cochlear Implant simulations, Dynamical Systems, Computational Neuroscience20102016 Ramesh Balasubramaniam (grad student), Ian C. Bruce (grad student)
Jenna Boyd Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences20132019 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Lee R. BrooksConcept Learning
Steven Brown
Stephen Brown Biology20042009 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Ian C. BruceAuditory system
Blake E ButlerAuditory system, neural plasticity, hearing loss, sensory systems development Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20082012 Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
Patrick Byrne Suzanna Becker (grad student)
Veronica Campanucci Biology19992004 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Jennifer Campos Hong Jin Sun (grad student)
Gaspar Carl20002007 Allison B. Sekuler (grad student), Patrick J. Bennett (grad student)
Daniel T. Caseinhibitory synaptic plasticity Deda Gillespie (grad student)
Joshua G.A. CashabackBiomechanics, Neuromechanics Tyler Cluff (collaborator)
Allen W. Chan Colin A. Nurse (research assistant)
Raphael Chan Deda Gillespie (research assistant)
Andrew ChangPsychology, Audition, Cognitive Neuroscience20132019 Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
C. Andrew Chapmanelectrophysiology Ronald J. Racine (grad student)
Tyler CluffSensorimotor neuroscience, motor system2010 Jason Boulet (collaborator), Ramesh Balasubramaniam (grad student), Timothy D. Lee (grad student)
Robert N Collins(Priming, Memory, Judgment, Prediction) Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20142018 Bruce Milliken (grad student)
John F. Connolly
Nicole J. Conrad2002 Betty Ann Levy (grad student)
Ellis Cooperneuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors Jack Diamond (grad student)
Sarah E. Creightonface perception Lindsay E. Farber (collaborator), Allison B. Sekuler (grad student), Patrick J. Bennett (grad student)
Matthew CrumpCognition Bruce Milliken (grad student)
Andree Cusi20082012 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Lisa DeBruine Psychology Psychology20002004 Margo Wilson (grad student), Martin Daly (grad student)
D deCatanzaroPhysiological Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology
Gabriel Allan Devenyineuroimaging, mri, big data, image registration Engineering Physics20072014 John Stewart Preston (grad student)
Kiret Dhindsamachine learning, brain-computer interfacing, neurofeedback, computational neuroscience, signal processing, data science, neuroscience Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour20112017 Suzanna Becker (grad student)
Jack Diamond
Timothy J. Doherty Division of Neurology Alan J. McComas (grad student)
Adrian Dragoiescu Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20222023 Kathryn M. Murphy (research assistant)
Kevin DuffyVisual System19962001 Kathryn M. Murphy (grad student)
Michael Duong Alexander K. Ball (grad student)
Andrea D’Alessandro2020 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Bethany Easterbrook2018 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Michael Eckert20042008 Ronald J. Racine (grad student)
Salina EdwardsMind perception Neuroscience20232025 Sukhvinder Obhi (grad student)
Digby ElliottPhysical Education, Physiological Psychology
Maria Ershova20162018 Sukhvinder Obhi (grad student)
Kevin Wayne Eva2001 Lee R. Brooks (grad student)
Ben J EvansEvolutionary Genetics
Margaret Fahnestock
Lindsay E. Farbervisual system, psychophysics, centre-surround interactions2008 Allison B. Sekuler (grad student), Patrick J. Bennett (grad student), Stefan Everling (research assistant), Donald Stuss (research assistant)
Sumeet Farwaha20162021 Sukhvinder Obhi (grad student)
Paul A. Faurebioacoustics, auditory system, echolocation, hearing, sensory physiology
Ian Fearon Biology20002002 Colin A. Nurse (post-doc)
Alison l. FenneyMotor learning, Alzheimer's, Aging
Stu G. FillmanGABAa receptors in schizophrenia20072009 Kathryn M. Murphy (grad student)
Rachael Finnerty
Jane A. FosterNeuroimmunology Geoffrey B. Hall (collaborator)
Benicio N Frey
David J. FrocMemory2002 Ronald J. Racine (grad student)
Carl Michael GalangPsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour20152020 Sukhvinder Obhi (grad student)
Victoria Galea
Bennett Galef
G GalefBehavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
S. Jayne Garlandmotor unit behaviour, postural control Neuroscience19851988 Alan J. McComas (grad student)
Mary Gilberttoxicity; behavioral neuroscience Ronald J. Racine (post-doc)
Deda Gillespie
Sarah Goegan20192022 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Daniel GoldreichSomatosensory psychophysics, Bayesian perception
Peter Graf1981 Betty Ann Levy (grad student)
Frank L Graham
John G GrundyCognitive neuroscience, Bilingualism, Cognitive Control, Mindfulness, Experience-related neuroplasticity Psychology20072013 Judith M. Shedden (grad student)
Bhagwati Gupta
Vladimir Hachinski Epidemiology and Biostatistics19861987 Michael Gent (grad student)
Geoffrey B. Hallneuroimaging, depression, autism, fMRI Glenda MacQueen (post-doc)
Samuel D. Hannah Lee R. Brooks (grad student)
Kara E. Hannahevent knowledge, autism spectrum disorder, autistic traits, social communication
Sherain Harricharan20192021 Margaret C. McKinnon (post-doc)
Kazuma HaseBioacoustics, Auditory system, Electrophysiology, Echolocation, Neuroethology2021 Paul A. Faure (post-doc)
Ali Hashemiperceptual learning, face perception, psychophysics, EEG Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour2012 Allison B. Sekuler (grad student), Patrick J. Bennett (grad student)
Chao HeAuditory Neuroscience Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
Amy K. Hendersonplasticity, epilepsy, learning and memory, behaviour20012004 Ronald J. Racine (research assistant)
Duncan Cameron Henderson20142018 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
James L. Henrypain, inflammation Kresimir Krnjevic (post-doc)
Woodburn Heron
P. L. HoneyBehavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2003 G Galef (grad student)
Shera Hosseini20122014 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Grace I. IarocciAutism, Attention, David I. Shore (grad student)
Tammy Ivanco19921997 Ronald J. Racine (grad student)
Balaji G. IyengarDrosophila neurobiology2002 Ana Regina Campos (grad student)
Adele Jackson Biology19911997 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Seong Taek (Simon) JeonVisual Attention, Perceptual Learning, Amblyopia, Visual Development2007 Daphne Maurer (post-doc)
Adam Johnston Gianni Parise (grad student)
David G. JonesComputational Neuroscience1990 Kathryn M. Murphy (collaborator)
Michael G. JonzChemoreceptors, Retina, Ion Channels, Intracellular Calcium Biology20002004 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Leon J. Kamin
Laura Keating20132018 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Matthew King20082010 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Paulo Dieter KoeberleRetinal Regeneration Alexander K. Ball (grad student)
Swapna Krishnamoorthy20202022 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Alfred Boyd Kristofferson
Daniel Brian Kruppsocial evolution, cooperation, conflict, kin recognition Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20032007 Martin Daly (grad student)
David A. KupferschmidtNeuroplasticity, Endocannabinoids, Addiction, Stress20042006 Ronald J. Racine (research assistant)
Boleslaw Lach
Sarah Lade2021 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Megan Lall2021 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Mitchell Reid Pond LaPointeVisual Attention Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Bruce Milliken (grad student)
Richard Le GrandChild Development, Visual Development, Amblyopia2003 Daphne Maurer (grad student)
Lisa Leaver Martin Daly (grad student)
Jason P. LeboeMemory, priming2002 Bruce Milliken (grad student)
Timothy D. LeeMotor control
Kyle R. Legate2003 David W. Andrews (grad student)
Erin Leonard Biology20162019 Colin A. Nurse (post-doc)
Betty Ann Levy
Yarden Levy2018 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Terri Lewis
Lux Licrossmodal adaptation, multisensory perception, Bayesian modelling2011 Daniel Goldreich (grad student)
He LiNeuropharmacology and PTSD Physiology & Pharmacology19891994 James L. Henry (grad student)
D. Stephen LindsayMemory Larry L. Jacoby (post-doc)
Chantelle Llyod20152020 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Anna M. LomanowskaExperimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology20022003 Henry Szechtman (research assistant)
Jillian Lopes2021 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Juan Pablo Lopez Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences20082010 Margaret Fahnestock (research assistant)
Andres Elizondo Lopez20222026 Michael R. Schutz (grad student)
Lisa M. LorentzMultisensory Perception Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour David I. Shore (grad student)
Bruno Losier
James Lyons
Melanie R. Lysenko-Martinmemory, depression, concussion, aging, addiction, optogenetics Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour20172018 Suzanna Becker (research assistant)
Glenda MacQueen Shep Siegel (grad student)
Ruby Malik20172019 Sukhvinder Obhi (grad student)
Fiona Manning20112016 Michael R. Schutz (grad student)
Robert A. MarrAlzheimer's disease Pathology1997 Frank L Graham (grad student)
Daphne MaurerChild Development, Visual Development, Amblyopia
Margaret C. McKinnonMood Disorders, PTSD, autobiographical memory, social cognition Geoffrey B. Hall (collaborator), Suzanna Becker (collaborator), Heather McNeely (collaborator), Randi E. McCabe (collaborator), Bruno Losier (collaborator)
Heather McNeely
Liesel Ann Meusel20072012 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Bruce MillikenMemory, priming Stephen P. Tipper (post-doc)
Jonathan Scott Millman20012003 David W. Andrews (grad student)
James Mirabelli2020 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Vladimir Miskovic Louis A Schmidt (grad student)
Allison Mizzi2019 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
James MorrisonAuditory physiology, duration tuning, biosonar, bats Paul A. Faure (grad student)
Cameron MuirPhysiological Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology2000 D deCatanzaro (grad student)
Kathryn M. MurphyVisual System
Masayoshi NagaiVisual cognition, Visual perception20032005 Patrick J. Bennett (post-doc)
Claude NahmiasNeuroscience Biology
Sandyha Narikuzhy2020 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Anthony Nazarov Department of Psychiatry20102015 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Andrew Nicholson20202022 Margaret C. McKinnon (research scientist)
Erin NivenRadiation Physics, Radiology2003 Claude Nahmias (grad student)
Nikita NogovitsynBiological Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences Benicio N Frey (grad student)
Colin A. Nursecarotid body, hypoxia Jack Diamond (post-doc)
Sukhvinder Obhi
Alexander G. OphirIntegrative Behavioral Neuroscience2004 Bennett Galef (grad student)
Carolina Oremus20092016 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Anna Park2018 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Melissa Parlar20102015 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Regan E. Patrickschizophrenia, cognition
Brandon T. PaulAuditory system, tinnitus, cochlear implants, hearing loss, cognition Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour Electrical and Computer engineering20122016 Larry E. Roberts (grad student), Ian C. Bruce (grad student)
Jesse PazderaMusic Cognition, Memory, Language Psychology20192024 Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
Ryan Peters Daniel Goldreich (grad student)
Josh PintoVisual Neuroscience2007 Kathryn M. Murphy (grad student)
Nikol Piskuric Biology20072012 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Judy PlantingaMusic Perception in Infants Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
Nicholas Pound Psychology Psychology Martin Daly (grad student), Margo Wilson (grad student)
Roy Pritchard Donald Olding Hebb (post-doc)
Alina Protopopescu2015 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Ryan Pyrke20132015 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Aamna Quereshi20172019 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Ronald J. RacineMemory
Ayush RanawadeComputational Biology Biology20112017 Bhagwati Gupta (grad student)
John Morgan RatcliffeBats, acoustic communication, insects Bennett Galef (research assistant)
John A. ReederMemory, Consciousness Lee R. Brooks (research assistant)
Jim Reilly
Eduard G. Reinhardt School of Geography and Earth Sciences1996 Roy Timothy (Tim) Patterson (grad student)
Maria Restivo20092015 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Pablo Reyes Biology20072009 Colin A. Nurse (post-doc)
Eric D. Richards20022006 Allison B. Sekuler (post-doc)
Amber D RiederAutism, ACEs, Digital Mental Health, Global Mental Health, Developmental Neuroscience, Early Intervention, Non-Specialist Coaching Neuroscience20132019 Geoffrey B. Hall (grad student)
Kimberly Ritchie20202022 Margaret C. McKinnon (post-doc)
Larry E. Roberts
Stefanie Roder
Alexa B. RoggeveenVisual attention, perception
Sophia Roth20182022 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Robert RousseauExperimental Psychology1975 Alfred Boyd Kristofferson (grad student)
Guillaume Rousselet20042006 Allison B. Sekuler (post-doc)
Mel Rutherfordanimacy perception, social perception, face perception
Ellen B Ryan
Andrea Saberanimal models
Shu SakamotoNeuroscience, Psychophysiology, EEG, Neuromusic Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior20222027 Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
Digby Sale
Shaima Salman Biology20072013 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Hank SamsonAlcohol1965 Woodburn Heron (grad student)
Brahm Sanger2020 Margaret C. McKinnon (grad student)
Riziq SayeghAuditory Midbrain, Sound Localization, Temporal Processing, Bats2007 Paul A. Faure (grad student), Brandon Aubie (collaborator)
Louis A Schmidt
Michael R. Schutzmusic cognition, multi-sensory integration, emotion, auditory perception, auditory interfaces, sensorimotor integration, and rhythm
Ben Charles SclodnickMemory & Cognition Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour2018 Bruce Milliken (grad student), Hongjin Sun (grad student)
Angela Scott Biology20122015 Colin A. Nurse (post-doc)
Sara Seabrooke
Allison B. Sekulervision science, cognitive neuroscience
Linna Tam Seto2021 Margaret C. McKinnon (research scientist)
Antoine ShahinMedical Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology2003 Larry E. Roberts (grad student)
Judith M. Shedden
David F. Sherrymemory, avian brain, hippocampus, spatial orientation19711972 Bennett Galef (research assistant)
David I. ShoreMultisensory Perception, Attention, eye tracking, eeg20072009 James T. Enns (grad student), Stephen P. Tipper (research assistant), Michael Barnett-Cowan (collaborator)
Ahad M. SiddiquiNeuroinflammation, Retina, Spinal Cord, Microglia, Stem Cells, Biomaterials20092013 Alexander K. Ball (grad student)
Mohammad Kashif SiddiquiTactile neuroscience
Michelle M. Sidorpsychiatry, optogenetics, dopamine Jane A. Foster (grad student)
Shep SiegelDrug Conditioning
Taryn A. SimonPsychology, Mental Health, Anxiety Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences Neuroscience, Psychology & Behaviour Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour2021 Anita Acai (research assistant), Rachael Finnerty (research assistant), Laurel J. Trainor (research assistant)
Caitlin R. SiuVisual system2011 Kathryn M. Murphy (grad student)
Kevin J. SkoblenickSchizophrenia, Antipsychotic Drugs Kamyar Abhari (grad student)
Nicholas A. SmithPerception, Perceptual Development Laurel J. Trainor (post-doc)
Grant K SmithPhysiology
Xue-Ying Song Biology20172019 Ben J Evans (grad student)
Robert E. SorgeAddiction, Pain, Immune System19992000 Bennett Galef (research assistant)
Emily SpironelloPhysiological Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology2001 D deCatanzaro (grad student)
Anthony Stea19871992 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Hong Jin Sun Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Hongjin Sun
Konrad SwierczekMusic Cognition, Music Information Retrieval School of the Arts20232024 Matthew Woolhouse (grad student), Michael R. Schutz (grad student)
Henry Szechtmansecurity motivation, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), dopamine
Jason M. Tangen2003 Lorraine Allan (grad student)
Erica L. TathamNeuroimaging Geoffrey B. Hall (grad student)
Christopher Patrick Taylorpattern vision, aging, glaucoma, autism, myopia Patrick J. Bennett (grad student), Allison B. Sekuler (grad student)
Braedon Terpou2021 Margaret C. McKinnon (post-doc)
G. Campbell Teskey19901993 Ronald J. Racine (post-doc)
Amanda S. TherrienNeuroscience, Motor Control, Motor Learning, Proprioception, Cerebellum Kinesiology Kinesiology20112013 Ramesh Balasubramaniam (grad student), James Lyons (grad student)
Roger J. ThompsonIschemia, hypoxia, hemichannels,19942000 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)
Jonathan Tong Daniel Goldreich (grad student)
Laurel J. Trainor"Auditory Perception, Music Perception & Cognition"
Luc Tremblay Kinesiology Digby Elliott (research scientist)
Christine D. Tsang2003 Laurel J. Trainor (grad student)
Brian Van Adel Alexander K. Ball (grad student)
Joaquín M.M. VaqueroLearning, Attention Bruce Milliken (post-doc)
Larissa Vingilis-Jaremko
John R. Vokey Lee R. Brooks (grad student)
Cathy Vollmer Biology19872015 Colin A. Nurse (research assistant)
Scott Watter
Timothy N. WelshPhysical Education, Physiological Psychology2002 Digby Elliott (grad student)
Connor Wessel20222026 Michael R. Schutz (grad student)
Bruce W A Whittlesea Lee R. Brooks (grad student)
Kate Williams20082012 Kathryn M. Murphy (grad student)
Ashley Williams2022 Margaret C. McKinnon (post-doc)
Donald A. WilsonOlfaction19791983 Ronald J. Racine (grad student)
Michael R. WirtzfeldSpeech Intelligibility and Quality, Auditory Neuroscience
Mike WongSomatosensory psychophysics2007 Daniel Goldreich (grad student)
Matthew Woolhouse
Andrew Yonelinasmemory Larry L. Jacoby (grad student)
Timothy ZeylBrain-Computer Interfaces Electrical and Computer Engineering Psychology20082010 Ian C. Bruce (grad student), Suzanna Becker (research assistant)
Min Zhang Biology19992015 Colin A. Nurse (research assistant)
Huijun Zhong Biology19921997 Colin A. Nurse (grad student)