Peer Heine

"Peer Heine"
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Heine P, Ehrlicher A, Käs J. (2015) Neuronal and metastatic cancer cells: Unlike brothers. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1853: 3126-31
Agoston Z, Heine P, Brill MS, et al. (2014) Meis2 is a Pax6 co-factor in neurogenesis and dopaminergic periglomerular fate specification in the adult olfactory bulb. Development (Cambridge, England). 141: 28-38
Heine P, Dohle E, Schulte D. (2009) Sonic hedgehog signaling in the chick retina accelerates Meis2 downregulation simultaneously with retinal ganglion cell genesis. Neuroreport. 20: 279-84
Heine P, Dohle E, Bumsted-O'Brien K, et al. (2008) Evidence for an evolutionary conserved role of homothorax/Meis1/2 during vertebrate retina development. Development (Cambridge, England). 135: 805-11
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