Frank Niklas

Psychology Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich, München, Bayern, Germany 
"Frank Niklas"
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Valcárcel Jiménez M, Yumus M, Schiele T, et al. (2024) Preschool emergent literacy skills as predictors of reading and spelling in Grade 2 and the role of migration background in Germany. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 244: 105927
Niklas F, Birtwistle E, Wirth A, et al. (2022) App-based learning for kindergarten children at home (Learning4Kids): Study protocol for cohort 2 and the school assessments. Bmc Pediatrics. 22: 705
Mues A, Wirth A, Birtwistle E, et al. (2022) Associations Between Children's Numeracy Competencies, Mothers' and Fathers' Mathematical Beliefs, and Numeracy Activities at Home. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 835433
Niklas F, Cohrssen C, Lehrl S, et al. (2021) Editorial: Children's Competencies Development in the Home Learning Environment. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 706360
Lehrl S, Linberg A, Niklas F, et al. (2021) The Home Learning Environment in the Digital Age-Associations Between Self-Reported "Analog" and "Digital" Home Learning Environment and Children's Socio-Emotional and Academic Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 592513
Niklas F, Wirth A, Guffler S, et al. (2020) The Home Literacy Environment as a Mediator Between Parental Attitudes Toward Shared Reading and Children's Linguistic Competencies. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 1628
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