Stephen Ungvary

2013-2018 Psychology The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
"Stephen Ungvary"
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Ungvary S, McDonald KL, Gibson CE, et al. (2018) Victimized by Peers and Aggressive: The Moderating Role of Physiological Arousal and Reactivity Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 64: 70-100
Ungvary S, McDonald KL, Benish-Weisman M. (2017) Identifying and Distinguishing Value Profiles in American and Israeli Adolescents. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
McDonald KL, Benish-Weisman M, O'Brien CT, et al. (2015) The Social Values of Aggressive-Prosocial Youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
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