Davor Solter
Affiliations: | Genetics | The Wistar Institute, USA |
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Sign in to add traineeJames Alexander Thomson | grad student | The Wistar Institute | |
Takashi Hiiragi | post-doc | (DevTree) |
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Messerschmidt D, de Vries WN, Lorthongpanich C, et al. (2016) β-catenin-mediated adhesion is required for successful preimplantation mouse embryo development. Development (Cambridge, England). 143: 1993-9 |
Basilicata MF, Frank M, Solter D, et al. (2016) Inappropriate cadherin switching in the mouse epiblast compromises proper signaling between the epiblast and the extraembryonic ectoderm during gastrulation. Scientific Reports. 6: 26562 |
Solter D. (2016) Preformation Versus Epigenesis in Early Mammalian Development. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 117: 377-91 |
Messerschmidt DM, Knowles BB, Solter D. (2014) DNA methylation dynamics during epigenetic reprogramming in the germline and preimplantation embryos. Genes & Development. 28: 812-28 |
Lorthongpanich C, Cheow LF, Balu S, et al. (2013) Single-cell DNA-methylation analysis reveals epigenetic chimerism in preimplantation embryos. Science (New York, N.Y.). 341: 1110-2 |
Lorthongpanich C, Messerschmidt DM, Chan SW, et al. (2013) Temporal reduction of LATS kinases in the early preimplantation embryo prevents ICM lineage differentiation. Genes & Development. 27: 1441-6 |
Do DV, Ueda J, Messerschmidt DM, et al. (2013) A genetic and developmental pathway from STAT3 to the OCT4-NANOG circuit is essential for maintenance of ICM lineages in vivo. Genes & Development. 27: 1378-90 |
Lorthongpanich C, Doris TP, Limviphuvadh V, et al. (2012) Developmental fate and lineage commitment of singled mouse blastomeres. Development (Cambridge, England). 139: 3722-31 |
Lorthongpanich C, Solter D, Lim CY. (2010) Nuclear reprogramming in zygotes. The International Journal of Developmental Biology. 54: 1631-40 |
Solter D. (2010) Viable rat-mouse chimeras: where do we go from here? Cell. 142: 676-8 |