Tyler C. Shimko

2015-2020 Genetics Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Tyler Shimko"
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Shimko TC, Fordyce PM, Orenstein Y. (2020) DeCoDe: degenerate codon design for complete protein-coding DNA libraries. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Shimko TC, Fordyce PM. (2019) Deep Learning Models Explore the Structural Effects of Transcription Factor-DNA Complexes on Binding Specificity Biophysical Journal. 116: 503a
Aditham AK, Shimko TC, Fordyce PM. (2018) BET-seq: Binding energy topographies revealed by microfluidics and high-throughput sequencing. Methods in Cell Biology. 148: 229-250
Greenside P, Shimko T, Fordyce P, et al. (2018) Discovering epistatic feature interactions from neural network models of regulatory DNA sequences. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 34: i629-i637
Brower K, Puccinelli R, Markin CJ, et al. (2018) An Open-Source, Programmable Pneumatic Setup for Operation and Automated Control of Single- and Multi-Layer Microfluidic Devices. Hardwarex. 3: 117-134
Le DD, Shimko TC, Aditham AK, et al. (2018) Comprehensive, high-resolution binding energy landscapes reveal context dependencies of transcription factor binding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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