Benjamin Read Stephens, B.S., Ph.D.

Psychology Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States 
Vision, human factors, education
"Benjamin Stephens"
Mean distance: 15.57 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Sewall AA, Borzendowski SA, Tyrrell RA, et al. (2016) Observers' Judgments of the Effects of Glare on Their Visual Acuity for High and Low Contrast Stimuli. Perception
Stephens BR, Rivchun AP, Klein ND. (2011) Structural measures of intern eportfolios in a NSF-funded REU summer program in applied psychology Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 1533-1537
Ward AW, Stephens BR, Dannemiller JL. (2003) Adult perception of schematic faces that infants prefer Journal of Vision. 3: 833a
Stephens BR, Dannemiller JL, Diebel J. (2003) Contrast decruitment is reduced in matching procedure Journal of Vision. 3: 608a
Stephens BR, Dannemiller JL. (2002) Decruitment effects for magnitude estimates of pattern contrast Journal of Vision. 2: 194a
Dannemiller JL, Stephens BR. (2001) Asymmetries in contrast polarity processing in young human infants. Journal of Vision. 1: 112-25
Dannemiller JL, Stephens BR. (2000) Contrast discrimination under temporally varying contrast conditions. Perception & Psychophysics. 62: 1039-50
Mondloch CJ, Lewis TL, Budreau DR, et al. (1999) Face perception during early infancy Psychological Science. 10: 419-422
Dannemiller JL, Stephens BR. (1998) Contrast gain control in psychophysical contrast discrimination. Perception & Psychophysics. 60: 1153-63
Lewis T, Mondloch C, Budreau D, et al. (1998) Face perception in young infants Infant Behavior and Development. 21: 535
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