Samuel Lepkovsky

1928-1967 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Nutrition, neurophysiology, biochemistry, neuroanatomy,
"Samuel Lepkovsky"


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Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree - Physiology Academic Tree


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Edwin B. Hart grad student 1924 UW Madison (Chemistry Tree)
Harry Steenbock grad student 1924 UW Madison (Chemistry Tree)
 (Ph.D: 'A Study of the Distribution and Properties of the Antiscorbutic Vitamin')


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Richard Lee Lyman grad student 1957 UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree)
Thomas H. Jukes post-doc 1933-1934 UC Berkeley (Cell Biology Tree)
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Evans HM, Lepkovsky S. (2010) SPARING ACTION OF FAT ON THE ANTINEURITIC VITAMIN. Science (New York, N.Y.). 68: 298
Lepkovsky S. (2009) Early Experiences with Pyridoxine—a Retrospect Nutrition Reviews. 12: 257-260
Lepkovsky S. (2009) The Isolation of Factor one in Crystalline form Nutrition Reviews. 39: 19-20
Lepkovsky S, Nielsen E. (2009) A Green Pigment-Producing Compound in Urine of Pyridoxine-Deficient Rats Nutrition Reviews. 32: 337-337
Lepkovsky S, Dimick MK, Furuta F, et al. (1975) Stomach and upper intestine of the rat in the regulation of food intake Journal of Nutrition. 105: 1491-1499
Lepkovsky S. (1975) Regulation of Food Intake Advances in Food Research. 21: 1-69
Snapir N, Sharon IM, Furuta F, et al. (1974) An x-ray atlas of the sagittal plane of the chicken diencephalon and its use in the precise localization of brain sites. Physiology & Behavior. 12: 419-24
Snapir N, Lepkovsky S, Ravona H, et al. (1974) Plasma testosterone in functionally castrated cockerels with hypothalamic lesions. British Poultry Science. 15: 441-448
Snapir N, Nir I, Furuta F, et al. (1974) Effects of functional and surgical castration of white leghorn cockerels, and replacement therapy, on food intake, obesity, reproductive traits, and certain components of blood, liver, muscle, and bone. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 24: 53-64
Lepkovsky S. (1973) Control Machinery in the Regulation of Food Intake and Body Weight Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 6: 149-152
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