Nikos Gekas

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
Computational Neuroscience
"Nikos Gekas"
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Meso AI, Gekas N, Mamassian P, et al. (2022) Speed estimation for visual tracking emerges dynamically from nonlinear frequency interactions. Eneuro
Gekas N, Mamassian P. (2021) Adaptation to one perceived motion direction can generate multiple velocity aftereffects. Journal of Vision. 21: 17
Gekas N, McDermott KC, Mamassian P. (2019) Disambiguating serial effects of multiple timescales. Journal of Vision. 19: 24
Masson GS, Gekas N, Meso AI, et al. (2019) Dynamic non-linear interactions serving speed estimation inferred from channel interactions during ocular following Journal of Vision. 19: 167b
Gekas N, Mamassian P. (2018) Mapping the effects of stimulus history on perception Journal of Vision. 18: 8
mansour pour k, Gekas N, Perrinet L, et al. (2018) Speed uncertainty and motion perception with naturalistic random textures Journal of Vision. 18: 345
Gekas N, Meso AI, Masson GS, et al. (2017) A Normalization Mechanism for Estimating Visual Motion across Speeds and Scales. Current Biology : Cb
Gekas N, McDermott K, Mamassian P. (2017) Perceptual effects of adaptation over multiple timescales Journal of Vision. 17: 489
Gekas N, Meso A, Masson G, et al. (2016) Speed channel interactions in naturalistic motion stimuli Journal of Vision. 16: 1131
Gekas N, Seitz AR, Seriès P. (2015) Expectations developed over multiple timescales facilitate visual search performance. Journal of Vision. 15: 10
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