Thérèse Bouffard

Department of Psychology Universite du Quebec a Montreal (Canada) 
"Thérèse Bouffard"
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Doucet M, Bouffard T, Vezeau C. (2020) The role of concern for error in the relationship between implicit intelligence theory and the perceived competency Journal of Interpersonal Relations, Intergroup Relations and Identity. 13
Grenon É, Bouffard T, Vezeau C. (2019) Familial and personal characteristics profiles predict bias in academic competence and impostorism self-evaluations Self and Identity. 1-20
Bonneville-Roussy A, Bouffard T, Palikara O, et al. (2019) The role of cultural values in teacher and student self-efficacy: Evidence from 16 nations Contemporary Educational Psychology. 59: 101798
Grégoire S, Lachance L, Bouffard T, et al. (2018) The Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Mental Health and School Engagement in University Students: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy. 49: 360-372
Hascoët M, Pansu P, Bouffard T, et al. (2018) The harmful aspect of teacher conditional support on students’ self-perception of school competence European Journal of Psychology of Education. 33: 615-628
Bonneville-Roussy A, Bouffard T, Vezeau C. (2017) Trajectories of self-evaluation bias in primary and secondary school: Parental antecedents and academic consequences. Journal of School Psychology. 63: 1-12
Leduc C, Bouffard T. (2017) The impact of biased self-evaluations of school and social competence on academic and social functioning Learning and Individual Differences. 55: 193-201
Grégoire S, Lachance L, Bouffard T, et al. (2016) L’efficacité de l’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement en regard de la santé psychologique et de l’engagement scolaire des étudiants universitaires. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 48: 222-231
Bédard K, Bouffard T, Pansu P. (2014) The risks for adolescents of negatively biased self-evaluations of social competence: the mediating role of social support. Journal of Adolescence. 37: 787-98
Vaillancourt M, Bouffard T, Langlois-Mayer M. (2014) Trajectoires jointes des biais d’évaluation de compétence scolaire et des erreurs cognitives et leurs liens avec l’estime de soi et l’anxiété des jeunes. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 46: 514-524
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