Prashanth Rajarajan

Department of Neuroscience Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States 
"Prashanth Rajarajan"
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Wahl N, Espeso-Gil S, Chietera P, et al. (2024) SATB2 organizes the 3D genome architecture of cognition in cortical neurons. Molecular Cell
Maury EA, Sherman MA, Genovese G, et al. (2023) Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent and disruptions. Cell Genomics. 3: 100356
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Sey NYA, Hu B, Mah W, et al. (2020) A computational tool (H-MAGMA) for improved prediction of brain-disorder risk genes by incorporating brain chromatin interaction profiles. Nature Neuroscience
Espeso-Gil S, Halene T, Bendl J, et al. (2020) A chromosomal connectome for psychiatric and metabolic risk variants in adult dopaminergic neurons. Genome Medicine. 12: 19
Rajarajan P, Akbarian S. (2019) Use of the epigenetic toolbox
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. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 21: 407-416
Rajarajan P, Flaherty E, Akbarian S, et al. (2019) CRISPR-based functional evaluation of schizophrenia risk variants. Schizophrenia Research
Rajarajan P, Borrman T, Liao W, et al. (2019) Spatial genome exploration in the context of cognitive and neurological disease. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 59: 112-119
Rajarajan P, Borrman T, Liao W, et al. (2018) Neuron-specific signatures in the chromosomal connectome associated with schizophrenia risk. Science (New York, N.Y.). 362
Boks MP, Houtepen LC, Xu Z, et al. (2018) Genetic vulnerability to DUSP22 promoter hypermethylation is involved in the relation between in utero famine exposure and schizophrenia. Npj Schizophrenia. 4: 16
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