Nancy A. Dennis, PhD
Affiliations: | Psychology | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
aging, memoryGoogle:
"Nancy Dennis"Mean distance: 15.71 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJames H. Howard, Jr. | grad student | 2004 | Catholic University (PsychTree) | |
(Age deficits in implicit sequence learning with response remapping.) | ||||
Roberto Cabeza | post-doc | Duke | ||
David J. Madden | post-doc | 2006-2007 | Penn State |
Sign in to add traineeDavid A. Hoagey | research assistant | 2009-2011 | Penn State |
Min Sung Seo | research assistant | 2018-2020 | Penn State |
Caitlin R. Bowman | grad student | Penn State | |
John Huhn | grad student | Penn State | |
Avery A. Rizio | grad student | Penn State | |
Christina E. Webb | grad student | Penn State | |
Indira C. Turney | grad student | 2012-2018 | Penn State |
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Fandakova Y, Dennis NA. (2024) Introduction to the special issue: the neuroscience of false memory. Memory (Hove, England). 1-4 |
Dubec L, Gerver CR, Dennis NA, et al. (2024) Enhancing creative divergent thinking in older adults with a semantic retrieval strategy. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 1-10 |
Dennis NA, Carpenter CM, Becker A. (2024) Examining the neural basis of unitization: A review. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience |
Carpenter CM, Dennis NA. (2024) Investigating the neural basis of schematic false memories by examining schematic and lure pattern similarity. Memory (Hove, England). 1-15 |
Carpenter CM, Dennis NA. (2023) Neural similarity of schematic information overrides new information, regardless of target or lure information. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Gerver CR, Griffin JW, Dennis NA, et al. (2023) Memory and creativity: A meta-analytic examination of the relationship between memory systems and creative cognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Carpenter CM, Dennis NA. (2023) Does unitization really function like items? The role of interference on item and associative memory processes. Memory & Cognition |
Chamberlain JD, Bowman CR, Dennis NA. (2022) Age-related differences in encoding-retrieval similarity and their relationship to false memory. Neurobiology of Aging. 113: 15-27 |
Dennis NA, Overman AA, Carpenter CM, et al. (2022) Understanding associative false memories in aging using multivariate analyses. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 1-26 |
Kurkela KA, Carpenter CM, Babu H, et al. (2021) The effect of memory cue duration on performance in the directed forgetting task in healthy aging. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 1-22 |