Elina Thomas, Ph.D.

2021- Psychiatry University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States 
Infant neurodevelopment, Neuroimaging, Infancy and early childhood mental health
"Elina Thomas"
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Damien A. Fair grad student 2016-2021 OHSU
Alice Graham grad student 2016-2021 OHSU
Hugh Garavan post-doc 2021- University of Vermont
Alexandra Potter post-doc 2021- University of Vermont
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Marr MC, Graham AM, Feczko E, et al. (2023) Maternal Perinatal Stress Trajectories and Negative Affect and Amygdala Development in Offspring. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp21111176
Cioffredi LA, Kohlasch KL, Thomas E, et al. (2022) Persistently low readiness to vaccinate young children against COVID among vaccine adherent mothers in Vermont, USA. Preventive Medicine Reports. 28: 101841
Ramirez JSB, Graham AM, Thompson JR, et al. (2019) Maternal Interleukin-6 Is Associated With Macaque Offspring Amygdala Development and Behavior. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Thomas E, Buss C, Ortega D, et al. (2019) T43. Early Emerging Regulatory Behavior Mediates Association Between Newborn Brain Connectivity and Subsequent Internalizing Symptoms Biological Psychiatry. 85
Thomas E, Buss C, Rasmussen JM, et al. (2018) Newborn amygdala connectivity and early emerging fear. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Marr M, Graham AM, Feczko E, et al. (2018) 3.20 The Trajectory of Maternal Prenatal Stress is Associated With Newborn Amygdala Functional Connectivity and Infant Negative Affect Development Over the First Two Years of Life Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 57: S188
Thomas E, Graham A, Rudolph M, et al. (2017) 243. Implications of Newborn Amygdala Connectivity on Fear Vs. Negative Emotionality Development over the First Year of Life Biological Psychiatry. 81: S100
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