University of Vermont

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Thomas AchenbachPsychopathology, empirically-based behavioral assessment
Robert R. AlthoffDevelopmental psychopathology
Craig Applegate1985 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Jeremy Arenos
Amanda Liman Arnold20212023 Mark T. Nelson (research assistant)
David H. BarlowAnxiety disorders, sexual dysfunction Harold Leitenberg (grad student)
Jeremy Michael BarryEpilepsy, cognition and development
Lynne A. Bond
Josh Bongardrobotics
Melissa N. Boucher Psychological Science20182023 Sayamwong "Jom" Hammack (grad student)
Mark E. Boutonconditioning theory
David J. Buccilearning, memory, acetylcholine, attention
Susan Buckingham Felix Eckenstein (grad student)
Mary E. Cainenvironmental enrichment, amygdala, novelty19962002 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Janine Cerutti Keith B. Burt (grad student)
Suraj Cherian20072014 Rona Delay (grad student)
Kutibh Chihabi Neuroscience20122017 John T. Green (grad student)
Jaeda Coutinho-BuddDevelopmental Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Glial Biology
matthew cusickImmunology Rona Delay (grad student)
Rona Delayolfaction, pheromone, taste transduction
John C. DeWittNeuro development
Megan A. DocziVoltage-gated potassium channels
Amber Doiron
R.M. Peardon Donaghy
Peardon Donaghy
Felix EckensteinFGF's, Nerve Regeneration, Neurodegeneration Rae Nishi (collaborator)
Carolyn Grace EvemyTobacco regulatory science, addiction, experimental psychology, smoking cessation, clinical trials, contingency management, financial incentives, behavioral economics
Rex Forehanddevelopmental psychopathology
Robert Frysinger1985 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Michela GallagherLearning and memory, neurobiology of aging Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Ana García-Gutiérrez Mark E. Bouton (post-doc)
Michael J. Georgehistory of psychology
Hélène Girouard Pharmacology20062008 Mark T. Nelson (post-doc)
Jack A. GrebbSchizophrenia, substance abuse and signal transduction
John T. GreenPsychology
Cordell Gross
Fay Allison GuarraciMotivation, Sexual Behavior, drugs of Abuse, aging Psychologiy Bruce S. Kapp (grad student), Mark E. Bouton (grad student), Gary M. Mawe (post-doc)
Murali Guthikondi
Sayamwong "Jom" HammackEmotion
Rachael M. Hannahneurovascular coupling
Jean C. Hardwickneuronal regulation of cardiac function19831988 Edith D. Hendley (grad student)
Michael P. HartNeurodegeneration20072008 Felix Eckenstein (research assistant), Rae Nishi (research assistant)
Matthew J. Hartsockcircadian rhythms, conditioned fear extinction Psychology20102011 Sayamwong "Jom" Hammack (research assistant)
Jean Held
Edith D. Hendley
Gregg R. HenriquesSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology Harold Leitenberg (grad student)
Sharon M. HenryNeural Control of Posture and Musculoskeletal Injury
Stephen T. Higgins
Jill HoffmanGI Pharmacology
Gregory L. Holmesepilepsy, pediatrics
Martin Hruskasynaptogenesis, development Rae Nishi (grad student), Matthew Dalva (post-doc)
John R. Hughes
Jesse V. JacobsNeural control of posture wuth neurological disease or musculoskeletal injury20062008 Sharon M. Henry (post-doc)
Bruce S. Kapp
Pannu Khin Keith B. Burt (grad student)
S. Bradley KingStress, Endocrinology, Neural Plasticity, Hormones, Anxiety, Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide Psychological Science Psychological Science2016 Sayamwong "Jom" Hammack (grad student), Donna J. Toufexis (collaborator)
Michelle Kloc Neuroscience20102014 Arianna Maffei (grad student)
Charlotte O. LaddPsychiatry
Brigitte Lavoieenteric nervous system, smooth muscle, gallbladder, serotonin
Sydney Leichliter Keith B. Burt (grad student)
Harold LeitenbergBehavior therapy, anxiety disorders, human sexuality
Kimberly R. Lezak Psychological Science20142015 Sayamwong "Jom" Hammack (post-doc)
Gregory LiebermanCognition, Neuroplasticity Psychology Psychology20072010 Mark E. Bouton (grad student), Sayamwong "Jom" Hammack (grad student)
Patrick M. LongDevelopmental Neuroscience
Gary M. Mawe
Noelle L Michaud2018 Mark E. Bouton (grad student)
Noelle L Michaud Experimental Psychology2018 Mark E. Bouton (grad student)
James Byron NelsonAnimal Learning19912007 Mark E. Bouton (grad student)
Mark T. Nelson
Rae Nishidevelopment
Alison Oliveto John R. Hughes (post-doc), Stephen T. Higgins (post-doc)
Justin Parent20092017 Rex Forehand (grad student)
Jeffrey Pascoe1987 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Amy Paysnick Keith B. Burt (grad student)
Virginia Peisch Keith B. Burt (grad student)
William W. Pendelbury
Vicky PharesClinical Psychology, Mental Health19851990 Thomas Achenbach (grad student), Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Alexandra Potter
Wayne E. PrattNeurobiology of reward, behavioral pharmacology, nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area19921994 Bruce S. Kapp (research assistant)
Maija Reblin
Milad RoohiInfrastructure Resilience, Structural Health Monitoring, Earthquake Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering20152019 David V. Rosowsky (grad student), Eric M. Hernandez (grad student)
Juan M. RosasAnimal conditioning, human learning, context-switch effects19941996 Mark E. Bouton (post-doc)
Elyse Rosenberg Keith B. Burt (grad student)
Scott T. Schepers
Christopher Shields
Amy J. Silvestrisleep, learning19911997 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Julie Simpson Rae Nishi (grad student)
Ric G. SteeleClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Dentistry Clinical Psychology1998 Rex Forehand (grad student)
Holly StradeckiNeuroendocrinology
Jennifer A. StraubDevelopmental Neuroscience20042008 Rae Nishi (post-doc)
Kanayo Tatsumi
Carol Taylor-BurdsGnRH neurons20052010 Rona Delay (grad student)
Douglas M. TetiDevelopmental Psychology Lynne A. Bond (grad student)
Alexandra Thanellou"neurobiology of learning and memory", eyeblink conditioning John T. Green (grad student)
Elina ThomasInfant neurodevelopment, Neuroimaging, Infancy and early childhood mental health Psychiatry Psychiatry2021 Hugh Garavan (post-doc), Alexandra Potter (post-doc)
Eric A ThrailkillLearning
Jennifer W. Tideyaddiction, behavioral pharmacology, psychopharmacology, behavior19961999 Stephen T. Higgins (post-doc)
Sydney TraskLearning Theory, Behavioral Neuroscience Department of Psychological Science The Department of Psychological Science20122018 Mark E. Bouton (grad student), John T. Green (collaborator)
Martha E. WadsworthClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology19952001 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Paul J. WhalenAffective & Cognitive Neuroscience19871993 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
Frank Henry WillardHearing Research19771981 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
Amy Wilson1990 Bruce S. Kapp (grad student)
chun yangsleep20062010 Rona Delay (grad student)
Andrew Yartz
M. Gazi Yasargil
Geneva C. Yawger Psychological Science2015 Elizabeth C. Pinel (grad student)
Wenling zhangolfactory bulb20012004 Rona Delay (grad student)
Peng Zhang20032006 Rona Delay (grad student)