Louis J. DeFelice

Physiology and Biophysics Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
serotonin (5HT), dopamine (DA), and norepinephrine (NE) transporters
"Louis J De Felice"


Mean distance: 14.9 (cluster 6)
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Cyril E. Challice grad student 1967 University of Calgary
 (Structure of the functional atrioventricular node of the rabbit heart)
David R. Firth post-doc McGill (Physics Tree)
A. Bert (Alettus Albertinus) Verveen post-doc Leiden


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David E. Clapham grad student 1979 Emory
I. Scott Ramsey grad student 2001 Vanderbilt
Scott V. Adams grad student 2002 Vanderbilt
Joel W. Schwartz grad student 2000-2004 Vanderbilt
Ernesto Solis, Jr. grad student 2008-2012 Vanderbilt
Aurelio Galli post-doc Vanderbilt
Michele Mazzanti post-doc 1985-1991 Vanderbilt
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Solis E, Suyama JA, Lazenka MF, et al. (2016) Dissociable effects of the prodrug phendimetrazine and its metabolite phenmetrazine at dopamine transporters. Scientific Reports. 6: 31385
Fraser R, Chen Y, Guptaroy B, et al. (2014) An N-terminal threonine mutation produces an efflux-favorable, sodium-primed conformation of the human dopamine transporter. Molecular Pharmacology. 86: 76-85
Henry LK, Iwamoto H, Field JR, et al. (2011) A conserved asparagine residue in transmembrane segment 1 (TM1) of serotonin transporter dictates chloride-coupled neurotransmitter transport. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 30823-36
Carvelli L, Blakely RD, DeFelice LJ. (2008) Dopamine transporter/syntaxin 1A interactions regulate transporter channel activity and dopaminergic synaptic transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 14192-7
Blakely RD, DeFelice LJ. (2007) All aglow about presynaptic receptor regulation of neurotransmitter transporters. Molecular Pharmacology. 71: 1206-8
DeFelice LJ, Goswami T. (2007) Transporters as channels. Annual Review of Physiology. 69: 87-112
Schwartz JW, Piston D, DeFelice LJ. (2006) Molecular microfluorometry: converting arbitrary fluorescence units into absolute molecular concentrations to study binding kinetics and stoichiometry in transporters. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. 23-57
Henry LK, Defelice LJ, Blakely RD. (2006) Getting the message across: a recent transporter structure shows the way. Neuron. 49: 791-6
Blakely RD, Defelice LJ, Galli A. (2005) Biogenic amine neurotransmitter transporters: just when you thought you knew them. Physiology (Bethesda, Md.). 20: 225-31
Mason JN, Farmer H, Tomlinson ID, et al. (2005) Novel fluorescence-based approaches for the study of biogenic amine transporter localization, activity, and regulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 143: 3-25
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