Jean-Michel Hoc

CNRS, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Jean-Michel Hoc"
Mean distance: 22.91 (cluster 34)
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Mars F, Deroo M, Hoc JM. (2014) Analysis of human-machine cooperation when driving with different degrees of haptic shared control. Ieee Transactions On Haptics. 7: 324-33
Deroo M, Hoc JM, Mars F. (2013) Effect of strength and direction of haptic cueing on steering control during near lane departure Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 16: 92-103
Deroo M, Hoc JM, Mars F. (2012) Influence of risk expectation on haptically cued corrective manoeuvres during near lane departure. Ergonomics. 55: 465-75
Guerin C, Hoc JM, Mebarki N. (2012) The nature of expertise in industrial scheduling: Strategic and tactical processes, constraint and object management International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 42: 457-468
Charron C, Hoc JM, Milleville-Pennel I. (2010) Cognitive control by brain-injured car drivers: an exploratory study. Ergonomics. 53: 1434-45
Navarro J, Mars F, Forzy JF, et al. (2010) Objective and subjective evaluation of motor priming and warning systems applied to lateral control assistance. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 42: 904-12
Milleville-Pennel I, Pothier J, Hoc JM, et al. (2010) Consequences of cognitive impairments following traumatic brain injury: Pilot study on visual exploration while driving. Brain Injury. 24: 678-91
Hoc J, Young MS, Blosseville J. (2009) Cooperation between drivers and automation: implications for safety Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 10: 135-160
Navarro J, Mars F, Hoc JM. (2007) Lateral control assistance for car drivers: a comparison of motor priming and warning systems. Human Factors. 49: 950-60
Hoc J, Amalberti R. (2007) Cognitive Control Dynamics for Reaching a Satisficing Performance in Complex Dynamic Situations Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. 1: 22-55
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