Cunguo Wang
Affiliations: | Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO |
"Cunguo Wang"Mean distance: 14.56 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorFuchuan Sun | grad student | 2000-2006 | Shanghai Inistitute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Science |
Lawrence H. Snyder | post-doc | 2006- | Washington University |
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Mooshagian E, Wang C, Holmes CD, et al. (2017) Single Units in the Posterior Parietal Cortex Encode Patterns of Bimanual Coordination. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 1-19 |
Mooshagian E, Wang C, Ferdoash A, et al. (2014) Movement order and saccade direction affect a common measure of eye-hand coordination in bimanual reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112: 730-9 |
Yttri EA, Wang C, Liu Y, et al. (2014) The parietal reach region is limb specific and not involved in eye-hand coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111: 520-32 |
Kubanek J, Wang C, Snyder LH. (2013) Neuronal responses to target onset in oculomotor and somatomotor parietal circuits differ markedly in a choice task. Journal of Neurophysiology. 110: 2247-56 |
Wang C, Tian J, Liang P, et al. (2005) Diazepam-induced changes of optokinetic nystagmus fast phase. Experimental Brain Research. 167: 446-50 |
Wang C, Tong J, Sun F. (2005) Effects of diazepam on the latency of saccades for luminance and binocular disparity defined stimuli. Experimental Brain Research. 163: 246-51 |
Tian J, Wang C, Sun F. (2003) Interocular motion combination for dichoptic moving stimuli. Spatial Vision. 16: 407-18 |