Ida Wessing, PhD

Clinic for child psychiatry University of Muenster, Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
affective neuroscience, disorders
"Ida Wessing"
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Roesmann K, Toelle J, Leehr EJ, et al. (2022) Neural correlates of fear conditioning are associated with treatment-outcomes to behavioral exposure in spider phobia - Evidence from magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage. Clinical. 35: 103046
Roesmann K, Wiens N, Winker C, et al. (2019) Fear generalization of implicit conditioned facial features - Behavioral and magnetoencephalographic correlates. Neuroimage. 116302
Wessing I, Platzbecker F, Dehghan-Nayyeri M, et al. (2019) Maternal perception of children's fear: A fMRI study in mothers of preschool children. Social Neuroscience. 1-12
Wessing I, Romer G, Junghöfer M. (2016) Hypervigilance-avoidance in children with anxiety disorders: magnetoencephalographic evidence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines
Rehbein MA, Wessing I, Zwitserlood P, et al. (2015) Rapid prefrontal cortex activation towards aversively paired faces and enhanced contingency detection are observed in highly trait-anxious women under challenging conditions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 9: 155
Wessing I, Rehbein MA, Romer G, et al. (2015) Cognitive emotion regulation in children: Reappraisal of emotional faces modulates neural source activity in a frontoparietal network. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 13: 1-10
Rehbein MA, Wessing I, Zwitserlood P, et al. (2015) Rapid prefrontal cortex activation towards aversively paired faces and enhanced contingency detection are observed in highly trait-anxious women under challenging conditions Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 9
Rehbein MA, Steinberg C, Wessing I, et al. (2014) Rapid plasticity in the prefrontal cortex during affective associative learning. Plos One. 9: e110720
Wessing I, Rehbein MA, Postert C, et al. (2013) The neural basis of cognitive change: reappraisal of emotional faces modulates neural source activity in a frontoparietal attention network. Neuroimage. 81: 15-25
Wessing I, Fürniss T, Zwitserlood P, et al. (2011) Early emotion discrimination in 8- to 10-year-old children: magnetoencephalographic correlates. Biological Psychology. 88: 161-9
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