Timothy L. Hubbard

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, United States 
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"Timothy Hubbard"
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Hubbard TL, Ruppel SE. (2024) Anisotropies related to representational gravity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Merz S, Weiten J, Hubbard TL. (2023) Does a concurrent motor process influence representational momentum? Perception. 52: 726-738
Hubbard TL. (2019) Representational gravity: Empirical findings and theoretical implications. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Hubbard TL. (2019) Momentum-like effects and the dynamics of perception, cognition, and action. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Hubbard TL, Ruppel SE. (2018) Does Allocation of Attention Influence Relative Velocity and Strength of Illusory Line Motion? Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 147
Hubbard TL, Ruppel SE. (2018) Changes in colour and location as cues of generative transmission in perception of causality Visual Cognition. 26: 268-284
Hubbard TL, Ruppel SE. (2017) Representational momentum and anisotropies in nearby visual space. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Hutchison JL, Hubbard TL, Hubbard NA, et al. (2017) Ear Advantage for Musical Location and Relative Pitch: Effects of Musical Training and Attention. Perception. 46: 745-762
Hubbard TL. (2017) Toward a General Theory of Momentum-Like Effects. Behavioural Processes
Hubbard TL. (2017) Momentum in music: Musical succession as physical motion. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain. 27: 14-30
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