James A. Ainge
Affiliations: | School of Psychology | University of St Andrews, Saint Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom |
spatial cognition, entorhinal cortex, hippocampusGoogle:
"James Ainge"Mean distance: 13.65 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorPhilip Winn | grad student | 1998-2002 | University of St Andrews |
Paul Dudchenko | post-doc | University of Stirling | |
Emma Wood | post-doc | Edinburgh | |
Edvard I. Moser | post-doc | 2007- | NTNU |
Sign in to add traineeNadine K Gut | grad student | ||
Magali Helen Pitt | grad student | University of St Andrews | |
Margarida J Trigo | post-doc | 2023- | University of St Andrews |
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Easton A, Horner AJ, James SJ, et al. (2024) Context in memory is reconstructed not encoded. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 105934 |
Ventura S, Duncan S, Ainge JA. (2024) Increased flexibility of CA3 memory representations following environmental enrichment. Current Biology : Cb |
Persson BM, Ambrozova V, Duncan S, et al. (2022) Lateral entorhinal cortex lesions impair odor-context associative memory in male rats. Journal of Neuroscience Research |
Vandrey B, Duncan S, Ainge JA. (2021) Object and object-memory representations across the proximodistal axis of CA1. Hippocampus |
Ameen-Ali KE, Sivakumaran MH, Eacott MJ, et al. (2021) Perirhinal cortex and the recognition of relative familiarity. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107439 |
Kuruvilla MV, Wilson DIG, Ainge JA. (2020) Lateral entorhinal cortex lesions impair both egocentric and allocentric object-place associations. Brain and Neuroscience Advances. 4: 2398212820939463 |
Kuruvilla MV, O'Connor AR, Ainge JA. (2020) Distance- rather than location-based temporal judgments are more accurate during episodic recall in a real-world task. Memory (Hove, England). 1-12 |
Ainge JA, Igarashi K. (2020) Decision letter: Persistent firing in LEC III neurons is differentially modulated by learning and aging Elife |
Vandrey B, Garden DLF, Ambrozova V, et al. (2019) Fan Cells in Layer 2 of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Are Critical for Episodic-like Memory. Current Biology : Cb |
Sivakumaran MH, Mackenzie AK, Callan IR, et al. (2018) The Discrimination Ratio derived from Novel Object Recognition tasks as a Measure of Recognition Memory Sensitivity, not Bias. Scientific Reports. 8: 11579 |