Daniel J.G. Pearce

2018-2028 Theoretical Physics University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland 
Physics of Life, Active Matter, Soft Condensed Matter
"Daniel J G Pearce"
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Matthew S. Turner grad student 2010-2015 University of Warwick (UK) (Physics Tree)
Luca Giomi post-doc 2015-2018 Leiden (Chemistry Tree)
Karsten Kruse post-doc 2018-2023 University of Geneva
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Pearce DJ, Giomi L. (2016) Linear response to leadership, effective temperature, and decision making in flocks. Physical Review. E. 94: 022612
Pearce DJ, Miller AM, Rowlands G, et al. (2014) Role of projection in the control of bird flocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 10422-6
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