University of Geneva

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Pablo Achardcomputational neuroscience19982003 Maria-Novella Kienzle Focacci (grad student)
Edith K. Ackermann
Luc Arnal Anne-Lise Giraud (grad student)
Irene Balboni Narly A. Golestani (grad student)
Bénédicte Balland
Marc BallivetVisual system, Acetylcholine receptor, retina Harvey Eisen (grad student)
Fabiano Baronicognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience Department of Basic Neurosciences2016 Anne-Lise Giraud (research scientist)
Natalia BaumannNeurogenesis, Brain Development, Cortical Progenitors
Daphne BavelierPlasticity, humans
Tanika Kaur BawaFundamental neuroscience Neurosciences Fondamentales2016 Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
Frédérique Berton Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Theodorus Bezatheology15531559 John Calvin (grad student)
Christophe BlanchetSynaptic transmission Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Christina BocklischNeocortex, synaptic plasticity20082012 Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Claudia BonardiSystems neuroscience Department of fundamental neuroscience2012 Daniel Huber (grad student)
Valentina Borghesanilanguage, semantics, neuropsychology, fMRI, MEG
Marion Bouffier Psychology2022 Valentina Borghesani (post-doc)
Daniel Bovet1929 Émile Charles Louis Guyénot (grad student)
Claire Braboszczmeditation, hypnosis, subjectivity20132015 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
juliane britzerps
Matthew T C Browndopamine system, working memory20092012 Christian Lüscher (post-doc)
Nicolas BurraSocial Cognition
Michele Cane Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
Alan Carleton"olfaction, gustation, neurogenesis"
Isaac Casaubon Greek16791681 Francis Portus (grad student)
Santiago Herce Castanon Christopher Summerfield (grad student)
Zile ChenAffective and Cognitive Neuroscience20242024 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (grad student), Yujia Peng (research assistant), Long Li (research assistant)
Bradley Childs20172018 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (post-doc)
Vaibhav Vinod ChippalkattiSensory Perception, S1 Fundamental Neurosciences20212027 Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
Adrien Chopinvisual system, stereopsis
Édouard Claparède Théodore Flournoy (grad student)
Ruben Coen-Cagliprimary visual cortex, bayesian models, image statistics, image synthesis2012 Alexandre Pouget (post-doc)
Yann Cojanhypnosis, meditation, pain, fMRI, EEG, MEG20072012 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
Mireille Conrad20162020 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (grad student)
Corrado Corradi-Dell'Acqua Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
Meaghan C. CreedPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Jared Croese2018 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (grad student)
Hans Cruz2001 Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Josue Luiz Dalboni da Rocha Narly A. Golestani (post-doc)
Lionel S. DahanLTP, memory, alzheimer, dopamine20052007 Christian Lüscher (post-doc)
James E. DahlbergsnRNA, mRNA splicing Richard H. Epstein (post-doc)
Alexandre G. Dayerneurogenesis, development, psychiatric disorders
Giulio Degano2021 Narly A. Golestani (post-doc)
Maire Pierre Deiberneuroimaging, event-related potentials
Lara Detoledo Psychology20202021 Daniel Scott Schechter (grad student)
Yacila I. Deza-Araujo
Keith B. DoellingSpeech Perception, Sensorimotor Interactions, Neural Oscillations Luc Arnal (post-doc)
Jean-Jacques DreifussNeurophysiology,Neuroendocrinology
Jean-Jacques DreifussNeurophysiology,Neuroendocrinology
Jan DrugowitschStatistical computations and neuronal mechanisms underlying complex decisions and behavior under uncertainty20132016 Alexandre Pouget (research scientist)
Yves Dunant
Céline D. Dürst
Sami El-BoustaniNeurobiology of Cognition
Richard H. Epsteinbacterial genetics
Hamdi EryilmazNeuroimaging, resting state, emotions
Pedro EspinosaSynaptic Physiology
Pierre J. FabreGenetics, Chromatin, Axon guidance, Visual system, Retina, Shh, Hox, Development Genetic Medicine and Development2019 Guillaume Andrey (collaborator)
Mohsen Falahi20152020 Kerstin Preuschoff (grad student)
Lorenzo FontolanComputational Neuroscience, Auditory Cortex, ANN20112015 Anne-Lise Giraud (grad student)
Laura Frangeul20092015 Denis Jabaudon (grad student)
Ulrich Frauenfelder
Sascha Frühholz
Fabrice GabarrotSocial Psychology2009 Juan Manuel Falomir-Pichastor (grad student), Gabriel Mugny (grad student)
Brigitte Galliot
Frédéric Gambino Anthony Holtmaat (post-doc)
Anne-Claude Gavin19871992 Sabine Schorderet-Slatkine (grad student)
Christina Georgiou Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
Paolo Ghisletta
Anne-Lise GiraudAuditory System, Cochlear Implants
Narly A. Golestani
Martijn GoudbeekPsycholinguistics, Speech Perception, Emotion, Communication, Language producition
subashika govindancerebellum, thalamus, developmental neuroscience Basic Neurosciences Denis Jabaudon (grad student)
Didier Maurice Grandjeanemotion
Daniel GranjaCognitive and affective neuroscience Psychology Neuroscience Neuroscience20232023 Nicolas Burra (grad student), Ulrike Rimmele (grad student), Monika Riegel (grad student)
Frédéric GrouillerNeuroimaging
Dmytro Grytskyy20172019 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (post-doc)
Olivier Gschwend20082012 Alan Carleton (grad student)
Markus Gschwind neurology Neurosciences Neurosciences20132016 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc), Christoph Martin Michel (post-doc), Sascha Frühholz (collaborator)
Carole GuedjAttention processes
Adrian G. GuggisbergNeuroimaging, Neurorehabilitation Armin Schnider (research scientist)
Joe Hedgpeth Marc Ballivet (grad student)
Siegfried Hekimi1988 Michael O'Shea (grad student)
Julio HernandezBiochemistry, vision, transcription Marc Ballivet (grad student)
Alexis G. Hervais-AdelmanCognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading2009 Narly A. Golestani (post-doc)
Anthony HoltmaatCortical Plasticity
Han Houdecision-making, reinforcement learning, large-scale ephys20172018 Alexandre Pouget (research scientist)
David R.C. Housebarrel cortex Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Sevada Hovsepyan20182019 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (grad student)
Daniel Huber
Bärbel Inhelder Jean Piaget (grad student)
Tatjana Ivanova
Denis Jabaudondevelopmental neurobiology Theodor Landis (collaborator)
Awais Javed2021 Denis Jabaudon (post-doc)
Dimokratis KaramanlisComputational neuroscience, sensory encoding, social decision-making2023 Sami El-Boustani (post-doc)
Annette Karmiloff-Smithdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience Jean Piaget (grad student), Bärbel Inhelder (grad student)
Natalia Kartushina Department of Psychology Narly A. Golestani (grad student), Charles B. Chang (grad student)
Vassilis Kehayas Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
Dirk Kerzel
Maria-Novella Kienzle FocacciParticle Physics
Andreas Kleinschmidt Department of Neurology Rüdiger J. Seitz (research assistant)
Esther Klingler Department of Basic Neurosciences2015 Denis Jabaudon (post-doc)
Leonie KobanSocial and Affective Neuroscience, Emotion, Pain Patrik O. Vuilleumier (grad student)
Clio Korn Neuroscience20102011 Christian Lüscher (research assistant)
Karsten Kruse
Karolina Kulesz2018 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (grad student)
Gwen Labouèbe Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Daniel Lebrecht Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
Abigail Licata Psychology2022 Valentina Borghesani (grad student)
Yu Liu2021 Christian Lüscher (post-doc)
Quentin Lo Giudice Basic Neurosciences2017 Pierre J. Fabre (grad student)
Marta Lomazzi
Cesare T. Lombroso Physiology Arturo Bonsignore (post-doc)
Karl O. LovbladMagnetic resonance Imaging Gottfried Schlaug (collaborator)
Christian Lüscher
Manuel Mameli2006 Christian Lüscher (grad student), C Fernando Valenzuela (research assistant)
Damien Marie Narly A. Golestani (post-doc)
Foivos Markopoulos Anthony Holtmaat (post-doc), Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Irène Léopoldoff MartinSoviet psychology Lev Semionovitch Vygotsky (grad student)
Camille Martinez Psychology20202021 Daniel Scott Schechter (grad student)
Jean-Marc Matterretina, transcription Marc Ballivet (research scientist)
Giulio MatteucciVision, Perception, Decision-making, Neurophysiology, Rodent Behavior, Neural Networks
Julien MayorExperimental psychology, language acquisition, word learning, computational modeling Ulrich Frauenfelder (research scientist)
Jacques Mehler19661966 Jean Piaget (post-doc)
André G. MendonçaPerceptual Decision-making, Reinforcement Learning, Modelling20092015 Alexandre Pouget (grad student)
Marcel Meyer Andrew D Lawrence (grad student)
Christoph Martin Michel
Michael Arthur MoncrieffTerrorism, Radicalization, Coalitional psychology, Group psychology, Morality, Cooperation, Signaling theory
Jorrit Steven Montijnvisual neuroscience, population coding, calcium imaging, mouse, stimulus detection Department of Basic Neurosciences2016 Alexandre Pouget (post-doc)
Dominique Muller Fundamental Neurosciences Yves Dunant (grad student)
Michael O'Shea
Eoin C. OConnorpsychology, glutamate, addiction, learning, memory, appetitive 2011 Christian Lüscher (post-doc)
Itsaso Olasagasti
Ming Thong Ong2000 Marc Ballivet (grad student)
Vincent OssipowMolecular biology, NECL, neuroscience Marc Ballivet (research scientist)
Stéphane Pagès Anthony Holtmaat (post-doc)
Camille Palombo Psychology20202021 Daniel Scott Schechter (grad student)
Vincent Pascoli Basic Neurosciences2009 Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Nisheet Patelneuroscience, reinforcement learning, decision-making, memory Fundamental Neuroscience Fundamental Neuroscience2018 Alexandre Pouget (grad student), Luigi Acerbi (collaborator)
Michael A PattersonSynaptic Plasticity, Receptor Trafficking, olfaction20112013 Alan Carleton (grad student)
Daniel J.G. PearcePhysics of Life, Active Matter, Soft Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics and Biochemistry20182023 Karsten Kruse (post-doc)
Marius V. PeelenPerception, Attention, Vision, Emotion, fMRI, Social Neuroscience20062007 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
François PellissierNeuroscience, Biochemistry Marc Ballivet (grad student)
Kang Pengauditory neuroscience,Anesthesia20202023 Tifei Yuan (post-doc)
Matthew G. PerichMotor Learning, Reaching, Motor Cortex
Jean PiagetChild development
Swann PichonCognition, affective neuroscience, fMRI2009 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc), Daphne Bavelier (post-doc), David Sander (post-doc)
Francis Portus
Gabrielle PouchelonGABAergic interneuron development, cortical circuits Neurobiology20092014 Denis Jabaudon (grad student)
Alexandre Pouget
Kerstin PreuschoffDecision Neuroscience, Neuroeconomics, Neurofinance
Noeline Wilhelmina PrinsBrain Machine Interfaces, Deep Brain Stimulation Faculty of Medicine20152016 Christoph Martin Michel (post-doc)
Ioanna Prionisti20172019 Renaud Blaise Jolivet (research assistant)
Mario Prsa2013 Daniel Huber (post-doc)
Jerome Randall Anthony Holtmaat (grad student)
André Rey
Monika Riegel Neuroscience Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
Ivan Rodriguezneurogenetics, chemoperception, olfaction Pierre Vassalli (grad student)
Irene Rotondi James Douglas Saddy (grad student)
Maria Rubega Neurosciences Markus Gschwind (grad student)
Ariel Ruiz i Altaba"sonic hedgehog, cancer, stem cells" Alan Carleton (collaborator)
Sanne RuttenCognitive Neuroscience2013 Narly A. Golestani (grad student)
Sarah Saneeineurolinguistics, computational linguistics, psycholinguistics FPSE2023 Valentina Borghesani (grad student)
Roberta Santoro Narly A. Golestani (post-doc)
Frank Scharnowski Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
Moritz Schiff
Sabine Schorderet-Slatkine
Vanessa Schubert Anthony Holtmaat (post-doc)
Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk DbHLH, transcription, cell identity, retina19982004 Marc Ballivet (grad student)
Clément SoliéDopamine Department of Basic Neuroscience20152020 Camilla Bellone (grad student)
Monica Sollini
David SoutoVisual perception, attention, eye movements20052009 Dirk Kerzel (grad student)
Holger F. SperdinEEG, Neuroscience, ASD, Perception, Multisensory integration, Autism20112014 Theodor Landis (post-doc), Christoph Martin Michel (post-doc)
Yaqing Suneuroscience for auditory and speech perception
Kelly Tan2014 Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Basile TarchiniDevelopmental biology, cell biology, hearing research, neuroscience Denis Duboule (grad student)
Ludovic TelleyMolecular mechanisms of cerebellar development Basic Neurosciences20132017 Denis Jabaudon (post-doc)
Nora Turomanmultisensory processing, selective attention, working memory, cognitive development Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences2020 Evie Vergauwe (post-doc)
Evelina Tutucciyeast genetics, biophysics, Gene expression Cell biology20082014 Francoise Stutz (grad student)
Jos van Berkum Ulrich Frauenfelder (grad student)
Evie Vergauwe
Patrik O. VuilleumierVision, Emotion, Attention
Jovi CY Wong Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Sophie Wood Psychology20202021 Daniel Scott Schechter (grad student)
Tifei YuanNMDAR20102013 Christian Lüscher (grad student), Camilla Bellone (grad student)
Cédric Yvon
Cédric Yvon
Marzia Del Zotto Alice Mado Proverbio (grad student)